For a time, the netizens of the Immortal Forum, the members of the Immortal Arts Committee, and the experts all felt much more relaxed.

Bai Mo and Peach Blossom Eyes, sitting on the sofa, also breathed a sigh of relief.

Staring at the phone, he saw the live broadcast and saw the girl pointing her sword at the anchor behind the giant eagle.

"Wu Qingyun looks very powerful, he should be able to win?"

The next moment, the live broadcast screen changed rapidly and became blurry. It seemed that Wu Qingyun came with a sword and chopped off the anchor's mobile phone!

The screen freezes, focusing on the blurry shadow of Wu Qingyun's sword.

Then the screen goes black and displays [The host is offline and is trying to reconnect]

It also displays [The live broadcast is not at home, the following live broadcast is recommended for you...]

"Aren't you going to show me?"

Bai Mo and Tao Huayan looked at each other.

"Can we win the battle?"

Several fighter jets rushed past, piercing the vast night sky, emitting ear-piercing sonic booms, and throwing off Mach rings one by one.

But this speed is still not enough!

The giant copper tower bird in the distance, its wings stirred up strong winds, and the air flow around it surged. It suddenly became smaller and smaller in the pilot's field of vision, became farther and farther in the fighter radar, and disappeared into the horizon.

The bright moon hangs high, spreading its rays of light over the mountains and forests.

Hovering helicopter in mid-air.

Parachutes hang from the trees.

Lying on a stretcher under the tree, Wu Qingyun was pale and bleeding from the corner of her mouth.

More than a dozen people gathered around the stretcher. Among them, Professor Zhang was feeling Wu Qingyun's veins and diagnosing the injury immediately.

Everyone who came to the rescue looked at Wu Qingyun's unconsciousness, the blood stains on the corners of Wu Qingyun's mouth, and the alloy sword that Wu Qingyun was clutching in her hand... it was broken.

They felt inexplicably depressed.

Committee member Wu Qingyun reached that level, but it seemed that he didn't take much advantage from the enemy, and he could only run for his life?

Isn't there only one driver behind the giant bird in Tonglou?

Can a driver have such strong combat effectiveness?

The next moment they saw Wu Qingyun on the stretcher, his chest suddenly heaved and he began to cough, as if he wanted to vomit something.

"Cough cough cough... vomit..."

She was still unconscious, but her head fell back, her mouth opened, and a bloody bud came out of her mouth.

More than a dozen rescue experts stared wide-eyed!

What the hell is this!

Professor Zhang and President Chen Shu had strange expressions and breathed a sigh of relief.

Professor Zhang opened his white coat and saw two bottles in the inner pocket. This is the bottle he always carries with him.

The bottle was slightly larger and worthless. It was the blood-transforming powder he refined himself.

A slightly smaller bottle is very valuable. It is a medicine left by Mr. Mystery specifically to treat various human body vase!

Professor Zhang took out the small bottle and carefully unscrewed the cap, only to find it was a dropper bottle.

He pointed the bottle of Chinese medicine soup at the flower bud in Wu Qingyun's mouth and gently dropped a drop.

The flower buds trembled when exposed to the medicine, and instantly turned into a mouth full of rotten soup, flowing back into Wu Qingyun's mouth.

Professor Zhang knew the way well and held her head and mouth to prevent the mouthful of rotten soup from spilling out.

Seeing Wu Qingyun coughing "cough" and her eyes cracked, Professor Zhang quickly ordered, "Drink it all!"

More than a dozen rescue experts were stunned. What kind of medicine is that? What's the point of drinking rotten soup?

Wu Qingyun was very obedient and drank the rotten soup in small sips. After a while, his face became less pale and he recovered a little.

Lying on the stretcher, she opened her eyes weakly and looked at President Chen Shu and Professor Zhang.

“There is King Crocodile.

“The eagle has an ambush on its back, a driver, and a king crocodile.

“There was a third person, I didn’t see clearly.

"The driver was injured, but not dead."

The group of people fell silent again.

In other words, the fact that Commissioner Wu Qingyun jumped on the back of an eagle did not exceed the enemy's calculations?

Aren’t these people’s hearts too dirty?

In the living room, Bai Mo and Peach Blossom Eyes were leaning on the sofa and looking at the food delivery app.

“I don’t know if this Chaotian hotpot is delicious or not.

"Want to eat Roujiamo?

“Hibiscus cake?

"Baiwei chicken?"

The peach blossom eyes are here, Bai Mo plans to have a late night snack with the master and apprentice, and then go back to Fox Mountain together.

But he saw the fluffy head with peach blossom eyes leaning on the master's shoulder, and the fox eyes were staring at the screen of the mobile phone.

No matter what the master asked, it didn't answer. It's just that there are already crystal clear cracks in the corners of his mouth.

It wants to eat everything the master said!

But I think it would be too expensive to eat it all?

Suddenly, a prompt popped up on the phone. But it was a push from the Shexian Forum app.

Click to enter and you will see a red envelope sticker.

The title is, [Commissioner Wu Qingyun fights against the giant eagle in the sky, seriously injuring the gangsters of the dark world]

The post comes with a big red envelope that everyone can receive to celebrate winning the war.

A flurry of comments flooded the screen.


[Cow, cow]

[I declare that Wu Qingyun will be my idol from today on! 】

[Is the red envelope too small? 】

Bai Mo clicked and received a red envelope, worth 0.02 yuan. I couldn’t help but twitch my’s not enough traffic money!

At this moment, another prompt popped up on the phone.

It turned out that Bai Mo was pulled into a temporary group, which was filled with experts who had just participated in the video conference.

But in the group, I saw Chairman Chen Shu and all the members of Aite.

[Good news, Commissioner Wu Qingyun severely damaged the enemy and successfully parachuted to the ground]

【Thank you everyone today! 】

Then a red envelope was sent.

The group immediately burst into congratulations.

[Commissioner Wu Qingyun is amazing]

[Hahaha, so brave]

[Master Hu Gou has received the red envelope from President Chen Shu]

[The Green Snake has received the red envelope from Chairman Chen Shu]

Bai Mo frowned.

Do you need this red envelope?

He didn't like the committee's behavior just now, but after thinking about it, even if the committee's heart was not clean, the crime was not as bad as money. Their money is still clean!

Decisively get it!


One hundred dollars was credited to the account.

"Such a big red envelope?"

Bai Mo looked at his peach blossom eyes and switched back to the takeout software.

"Order more! Whatever you want!"

Fox Mountain.

The sky is overcast and the fox is busy.

In the ruins and in the big pit, people were swinging shovels around in circles.

The last time I dug up the injustice sword, I broke the shovel. It also found a new shovel from the warehouse, which is much easier to use than the previous one!

When digging again, it paid more attention and less forcefully. I told myself time and time again that I would never let the "broken shovel incident" happen again!

At this moment...


It dug with a shovel, only to see the soil flowing, and red smoke came out from where the shovel dropped!


Huanhuan Hu jumped back a step and looked at his shovel.

But I was relieved when I saw that the shovel head was intact.

It stared at the fox eyes, and then looked at the things it had just dug out. It turned out to be a wisp of blood-red smoke that lingered from the place where the shovel fell. The smoke keeps deforming, sometimes turning into a dying hand, sometimes turning into a crying and distorted face,'s pretty cool!

What is this?

Medicinal materials?

Immortal treasure?

The fox's eyes shone, and he stepped forward cautiously, gently pulling the shovel to remove the soil.

But what was revealed was a large cloud of blood-red smoke, which was condensing but not dissipating, constantly deforming, turning into hands struggling to death, and faces distorted by crying.

Quanquan Hu poked it with a shovel and penetrated the smoke, only to see that the shovel was intact.

Touch it with your paw?

It doesn't dare!

What to do?

When you are in trouble, go to Master!

It immediately dropped the shovel, turned around and jumped out of the pit, rushing all the way to the bronze hall.

Some book friends complained about my update before. . But ours is a two-in-one, 4,000-word chapter. . Let’s unpack the two updates today. . . There is another possibility at night.

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