In the large conference hall, people whispered to each other from time to time.

Most people looked nervously at the big screen, at the radar chart, at the camera screen, and at the giant bird flying towards the copper tower in the screen!

The conference room was on the seventeenth floor. If it was hit by the giant bird and collapsed, wouldn't they be buried alive?

On the rostrum, Elder Chen Shuhui was very present and confident.

That soul talisman was the trump card he specially prepared for today's press conference. It took three death row prisoners to successfully refine it. It has a shelf life of only two days and is specially designed to restrain giant birds!

Because... that was the smelly blood talisman used exclusively by the Ancient Immortal Dynasty to slaughter extremely large animals!

Bai Mo sat calmly.

"Soul Talisman? Shoot a Soul Talisman with a sniper rifle?

"Will it succeed?"

Vaguely, Bai Mo heard a crisp "bang" sound coming from above his head. The building is so well insulated that the noise is not noticeable.

But I saw the giant bronze bird captured on the big screen. It had just flown over a building, and it immediately became unstable in flight. It shivered, and its shoulders exploded into feathers and blood!

Then he was swaying, a white mist rising around his body that blurred the world and dreams, and he wanted to run away!

Four more red dots appeared on the radar chart. In the camera screen, there are four corresponding missiles, trailing flame tails and emitting white smoke, flying straight towards the giant eagle!

In the venue, the whispers disappeared, and the participants' eyes widened, their expressions unknowingly relaxed and unknowingly excited.

President Chen Shu’s voice sounded.

“This beast should pay for the mistakes he made.

"This is a terminally guided missile. It can't escape or hide!"

Then I saw a missile blasting into the giant eagle, exploding into a large cloud of smoke and fire in the sky!


The surging heat waves even hit the windows of the conference room with a radius of several kilometers, causing the window glass to shake wildly!

But when the dust settled and the remaining smoke cleared, the sky was empty. The target also disappeared from the radar map.

"The giant copper tower bird and the three missiles were brought into the dream together?"

Not only Bai Mo made this judgment, but many immortal arts committee members and expert consultants present also had the same judgment.

On the rostrum, President Chen Shu smiled.

“Only guests with invitations can attend our press conference.

“Uninvited guests without invitations have been turned away.

"Three missiles were taken into the dreamland by it. Give the ancient immortal in the dream a small thermal weapon shock."

Everyone in the venue relaxed and chuckled "Hahaha".

But President Chen Shu signaled Zhang Shan.

"Okay, let's continue with our press conference!"

Zhang Shan continued to talk nonsense, reporters continued to take pictures, and people in the venue quickly resumed their rhythm.

The press conference can go on, and Bai Mo and Peach Blossom Eyes, one person and one fox, are relieved.

At this time, I used my spiritual consciousness to secretly observe the flowers on the roadside, and I saw small side buds sprouting from its stems, as if they were about to grow a leaf!

Peach Blossom Eyes also wanted to know the growth of the flowers on the roadside, but couldn't open them to look. At this moment, she looked up and saw her master nodding gently, indicating that everything was going well, and smiling.

The press conference is still going on, and on the podium, Zhang Shan has finished bragging.

It was Zhang Yuan's turn again, and he began to talk about his experiences during the seven days of life and death, and his beliefs.

"...Actually, I'm not scared at all.

"Although everyone saw in the live broadcast that I was strictly protected, that was just an attitude, a serious attitude..."

It seems that the press conference can last for a long time, and the plant machine can listen to it for a long time.

In the auditorium, Bai Mo saw Wu Qingyun next to her taking out her mobile phone.

Why is she taking out her phone?

Bai Mo subconsciously noticed from the corner of his eye that Wu Qingyun opened the Shexian Forum and started a live broadcast. Shockingly, this is the live broadcast of this press conference!


Bai Mo took out his mobile phone and turned on the live broadcast. However, I saw that this press conference had tens of millions of views, and barrages went by like crazy.

[Hahaha, that’s awesome! 】

[President Chen Shu is so humorous, giving the ancient immortal a little hot weapon shock]

【Hot search reservation! 】

[Let’s just say, evil cannot prevail against good, and darkness cannot defeat light]

【So shocking】

[I am in Xizhou City. The missile exploded in the sky and affected the ground. There was a fire on the ground. Now the fire brigade has gone over to spray water]

[That bullshit dark world, don’t jump to it]

Bai Mo saw a long barrage.

[Zhang Yuan’s seven days to survive, one live broadcast, Wu Qingyun was attacked in the air, two live broadcasts, the giant eagle crashed into the building, three live broadcasts. The dark world keeps picking things up, but it keeps being a clown, hahaha]

Should I say it or not? It makes sense?

In the public opinion war initiated by this dark world, they have failed one after another and have become completely clowns.


Bai Mo frowned, suddenly feeling something was wrong.

Will the people in the Dark World be willing to admit defeat like this?

With the wildness they showed, could they have a back-up plan?

The Giant Bird in the Copper Tower is a bright card. If this card is played, the Immortal Arts Committee will definitely target it. Wouldn't people in the dark world not think of it?

Or is it that the Dark World just wants to let the giant bird come forward to deceive the Fairy Arts Committee into a trump card?

Bai Mo's consciousness silently swept over Wu Qingyun beside him. Sure enough, it was discovered that her body was extremely weak and her fighting ability was at a loss. I just put on a thick layer of makeup to look healthy and look good here.

Looking at President Chen Shu on the rostrum, this little old man is also the same. Refining the soul talisman consumes a lot of energy. At this time, he relies on thick makeup to pretend to be healthy and look good here.

Is there any backup plan for the dark world?

Will you come back to disrupt the press conference?

Will you bother the roadside flowers again?

Bai Mo frowned.

But I saw that the press conference moved to the next stage.

Several immortal arts committee members pushed the cart into the conference room and parked next to the rostrum.

There is a cage on the car, and in the cage is a fat middle-aged man with a haggard and miserable look. He is wearing prison uniform and handcuffed, standing in the cage and bending slightly.

“We captured this person, and Dark World is offline.

“I was originally a meat stall owner in a wet market and a canteen supplier for the association.

"It was also him who cooperated with the Fly Assassin inside and outside to help the Fly Assassin sneak into the committee."

After some introductions, the reporters suddenly became interested! Camera greeting immediately!

Click! Click! Click!

Under the flash, I took a photo of the fat boss.

In the next session, the fat boss spoke. According to the rehearsal, he will tell how he went astray, how he was bewitched by the villains in the dark world, and how he will change his ways...

But he saw him standing in a cage in such a large conference hall, standing in front of countless eyes. He first looked around and muttered.

"Such a big battle?"

Look at the camera next to you again.

"Is there still a live broadcast?"

Then he cleared his throat and began to speak.

"I, Luo Sanlu, am the owner of the honest meat stall in Kaiyuan Vegetable Market in Xizhou City.

“My store mainly sells fresh pork, black pork, and high-quality beef and mutton.

"If customers make reservations, I can also get high-end Wagyu beef, French lamb chops, and Iberian ham, but the prices are very expensive..."

The reporters frowned.

What does this guy say? Shouldn't he be told to change his ways after going astray? Why are you even advertising?

On the rostrum, all the leaders also felt something was wrong.

What's this nonsense about? Why don't you follow the script you prepared in advance? Did he forget the manuscript?

In the audience, the peach blossom eyes looked at the master, the fox eyes were slightly confused... Wagyu, Iberian ham, what are they?

Bai Mo bent down and whispered into Peach Blossom Eyes' ears.

"Foreign products have a mediocre taste, are extremely expensive, are fat and greasy, and are designed to be taken advantage of. When there is an event next time, let's go get some Jinhua ham. That one is delicious."

Taohuayan nodded and remembered the name "Jinhua Ham".

Next to the rostrum, in an iron cage, the fat boss Luo Sanlu continued to speak.

“...To say that these high-end Wagyu beef, French lamb chops, and Iberian ham are so damn expensive, I only try them occasionally.

"If you ask me to eat it every day, if you ask me to eat it as food, then I really can't afford it.

“Sometimes I think, why can’t I afford these things?

"The immortal cultivators in the novel are all fucking emperors. They sit on the heads of mortal royal families and poop. They can eat whatever they want. They can sleep with the princess if they want. Each of them lives more elegantly than the other. Why do you end up here with me? Did you stretch your crotch?"

The atmosphere at the venue became increasingly weird.

Everyone in the field fell silent.

Bai Mo was sitting in the audience, thinking that this fat man only read ancient Internet articles, right?

In the popular online novels nowadays, they are all about people working hard to become immortals. The protagonist slowly grows up by living alone and marrying a wife. Generally, he cannot become the emperor.

But they saw Luo Sanlu standing in the cage, standing in the eyes of everyone, speaking so confidently that his saliva flew everywhere.

“…I feel like this is very wrong!

"How can I, a dignified immortal cultivator, number one among ten thousand people, live in such poverty?

“Later I discovered that any cultivator who wants to be free will not have a good life.

"If you commit the slightest offense, you will be labeled as a wanted criminal! You will be yelled at and beaten by everyone like a fucking mouse.

"Is this reasonable? Is this the treatment a cultivator should have?

“This is so fucking unreasonable!

"Some cultivators have become wanted criminals. They have no place to buy food, no place to buy clothes, no place to sleep, and they live like beggars every day. They can't survive.

"This is not the status that a cultivator should have!"

Everyone in the venue was even more confused.

What on earth do you want to do with such a thing at the press conference?

The tens of millions of netizens who were watching the live broadcast were all blasting the barrage.

【What's going on? 】

[Isn’t this fat man a criminal? How can he still be so confident? 】

[Is he dissatisfied that his sentence is too light and wants to fight for it again? 】

【So crazy. 】

[But why do I feel that what he said makes sense? 】

[Open the door upstairs and check the water meter]

In the venue, Luo Sanlu was spitting, holding his head, and talking more and more energetically.

"Actually, I also understand that snakes follow the snake's path and rats follow the rat's path. Everyone has his own path, his own territory, and his own way of living.

"But many immortal cultivators have no fucking territory and no way to survive. If they want to survive, they can only be arrested and go to prison. That won't work!

“Even if a cultivator commits a crime, he is still a cultivator and must have a place where he can survive.

"What we want to create is such a territory, a space, and a living space!

"Even if a cultivator commits a crime, he can still survive!

“We call it… The Dark World!

"This name was chosen by our big boss. It sounds like a fucking cartoon."

The atmosphere at the venue became increasingly weird.

On the rostrum, President Chen Shu raised his hand several times, wanting to stop the fat man's nonsense. But when I looked at the mobile phone on the table and the tens of millions of people in the live broadcast room, I put my hand down.

Let him tell it, he's just a clown.

Let’s look back at the time he served his sentence and step on a sewing machine, and make another documentary on Tears Behind Bars!

But the fat boss Luo Sanlu was already salivating and started talking about the plan of the dark world.

“Our Dark World has just been organized, and we don’t have many people yet.

"Our plan is simple.

"The first step is to build our reputation and let the world know about our brand."

Having said this, he stood in the cage, handcuffed, and looked at the reporters and photographers next to him.

“You reporters, write your reports well, write your articles well!

"Put what I say in newspapers and on TV, so everyone can read it!"

In the audience, Bai Mo had already recalled who this fat man was.

He was an accomplice of the Fly Assassin, who had previously lost his soul and body to death. The fat man secretly dumped the body and threw the fly assassin's flesh casing into the market trash can. He was caught and taken to the Fairy Arts Committee.

Such a thing, why did he start giving a speech as if he had been injected with chicken blood?

But in the iron cage, the fat boss continued.

“The second step of our plan is to do something big, show our face, and let everyone see our strength.

“Only when you are strong enough can you recruit troops.

“Have you all seen Zhang Bainiao’s giant bird?

"The Poison Master King Crocodile has also joined us.

"There are several more. Even if you don't know them, I won't say more."

While the fat boss was talking, when he talked about Zhang Bainiao, he saw that the reporters and magic committee members next to him all showed narrow smiles. He reacted instantly.

"Zhang Bainiao didn't show his face?

"He lost?"

The fat boss was locked up for a long time and didn't know what was going on outside.

Seeing the reporters smiling more cheerfully and grinning wider, he understood that Zhang Bainiao lost the fight and failed to show his face. Instead, his eyes might show up.

He frowned.

"it's okay no problem.

"I tell you, Zhang Bainiao does not represent the strength of the dark world!

“Although there are few people in our dark world, everyone is an elite.

"And we do things strategically, just like playing chess, taking one step and seeing the next!"

The venue was filled with laughter. I feel that this fat man's program is quite effective.

But I saw the fat boss Luo Sanlu, still talking harshly.

"For example, if I was arrested, do you think I was really arrested?


"I'm here to be an assassin."

The venue burst into laughter.

President Chen Shu on the podium also laughed.

But they saw Luo Sanlu in the iron cage, raising his cuffed hands and trying hard to break free of the cuffs.


The chain was stretched straight and made a sound. But it didn't stop.

With the whole room laughing, the fat boss Luo Sanlu tried again...

In the audience, Bai Mo frowned and saw Luo Sanlu's raised hand, which quickly turned red, red, bright red, blood red... and even really oozed blood, with a layer of blood oozing out, as if he was wearing a bloody glove, and the blood flowed along It flows from the wrist and into the prison uniform.


Immortal Martial Path, Sequence Eight, [Blood Man]?


The chain of the handcuffs was broken, and the fat boss Luo Sanlu casually smashed the lock of the iron cage and walked out.

Look at the auditorium, look at the reporters.

"Fuck, one by one, where is your mother laughing?"

Thanks to book friend Mountain Agricultural Machinery for the tip~

Changed the author's avatar. Do you think he is handsome or not?

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