The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 743: Bai Mo Shen Xiang, carrying Fox Mountain on his back (end of the play)


The cold wind blows and the sea of ​​clouds rolls!

The hundreds of miles of clouds have been dyed blood red!

On the floating island, the two princes who were passing through the formation collapsed to the ground, vomiting yellow-green bile from their mouths. Their faces were pale and their bodies were cold. It turned out that they had been scared to death!

The two princes of the divination path were sitting there, their eyes had exploded and turned into blurred blood holes. The blood was flowing down their cheeks, but they were completely unaware that they had been frightened to death!

Divine Lord Agu was sitting on a chair without even raising his buttocks. At this time, he was holding a handkerchief in his left hand and gently wiping his right hand.

"Ten thousand years have passed, tomorrow night, and there has been no progress at all."

He looked at the diffuse sea of ​​bloody clouds... The blood rolling in the sea of ​​clouds was Ming Ye who was shattered by his palm!

Behind him, a rugged and thin tiger emerged. Through the fur, you can even see the shoulder blades and ribs, but the tiger's face is hairless, and its eyebrows look like that of an old woman!

It is one of the twelve divine aspects that he has practiced for hundreds of thousands of years, tiger!

Then I saw the thin tiger aunt, showing a scary smile, walked close to the corpses of several princes, climbed down, sucked out the remaining souls with her mouth, and sucked it into her stomach.

Blah blah blah blah...

The war in the world continues, and the heavy rain does not stop!

Xizhou, Tianyu Building, rooftop.

Several guardians of the Heavenly Palace and the Holy Land were drenched in scarlet rain.

Their robes and hair were soaked by the rain and stuck to their scalps and bodies.

The rain flowed down their faces and mixed with their tears.

In the sound of the heavy rain, their voices were sighing and weeping.

"Emperor Mingye, after all, lost..."

"It's a pity that we can't get the Bell Spirit Beast."

"After so many years of planning, it finally came to nothing!"

"Who can be counted as the boss of Xizhou?"

"Without him, the human world would not be able to survive today."

"But if he is willing to hand over the Bell Spirit Beast, we might be able to win..."


In the sky, a figure flew by, with a crooked and chaotic trajectory, and soon disappeared into the depths of the rain curtain.

It was clearly a prince with a divination path. He had just looked at the twelve gods of the king for half a look, and fell into boundless fear. Three souls and seven souls were shattered. One soul and two souls were shattered. At this time, he was stupidly running for his life.


Another figure landed on the rooftop.

The green robe he wore was also soaked by the rain.

It is Qingyue Junhou!

At this time, she lowered her eyebrows, her face was pale, her shoulders were shaking, and she still had lingering fear in her heart.

Fortunately, she was smart and ran fast. She ran away immediately before the Lord God took action!

Otherwise, if it is affected by the twelve divine aspects, I am afraid it will be cold by now!

Blah blah blah...

The heavy rain washed over her face, unable to wash away her frown.

She was in a strange mood!

I originally wanted to use my shabby Qingyue Dan Palace to waste ten minutes of Shenjun and buy ten minutes for the boss of Xizhou...

But Shenjun never fell for it!

But Shenjun really didn’t find the correct answer!

"Boss of Xizhou, although I didn't help you, I did try my best. I hope you can win..."

The immortals from the Holy Land next to them suddenly made a sound.

"In the sky, another emperor's robe has begun to gather."

"Who wants to become emperor?"

"Who is under the Lord God?"

"Could it be the boss of Xizhou?"

"Even if he becomes emperor, will it be useful?"

Qingyue raised her head and saw pieces of green runes floating in the sky in the vast rain curtain. They began to gather and stick together, and began to turn into huge clothes, spreading to the horizon and covering the world!

“Based on the statistics, destiny is indeed on our side.

"Or rather, on the Xizhou boss's side!"

Go to Beijing, in the combat command center.

Hua Yuyue watched the computer screen and saw the data sent from all over Jiuzhou!

[According to comprehensive statistics, 94% of the people in Kyushu have woken up from their dreams]

[Eighty percent of them choose to give up the evil god]

[Seventy percent of them choose to believe in Xizhou Boss]

On the computer screen, there are several snapshots of web pages.

【Don’t be afraid, brothers】

[This incident is no different from the previous ones. They are all big noises, but the Xizhou boss can handle them]

【Image] [image】

[This is the Earth Temple in our community. The tentacles are fighting in the sky. Unfortunately, I blurred the picture]

[The movement of this thing is too loud and the speed is too fast, any device will blur the picture]

[I wiped it, the sonic boom shattered the glass in my house, can the fairy committee pay compensation? 】

[Damn, my house was completely destroyed. Did I say anything? 】

[I hope Xizhou boss can win]


In the vast sea of ​​dark clouds, the floating island is making a clicking sound, and cracks appear one after another!

The god on the island, Agu, had already stood up and began to move his shoulders and waist.

"I have lived for 170,000 years.

"In these 170,000 years, I have always been safe and secure, and I have never taken risks.

“If I do anything, I would rather not do it than make a mistake.

"Unless I am absolutely sure.

"Including today, changing the world is no exception.

"I have lived for 170,000 years, studied 170,000 years of immortality, and polished 170,000 years of immortality.

“Since I dare to stand up and change the world, I have absolute confidence.

"So, what are you trying to struggle for?"



The floating island was torn into pieces, and then exploded, turning into fragments all over the sky, splashing into the sea of ​​dark clouds!

And in the smoke and dust...

The top of the head of the God Lord Agu has begun to grow horns like mushrooms after rain, and sheep horns, one after another!

The dense horns grow from the forehead to the top of the head, and from the top of the head to the back of the head!

The third eye has opened between the eyebrows of the God Lord Agu, which is a cow's eye, and the fourth eye has opened, which is a sheep's eye. The fifth eye has opened, which is a pig's eye!

Dozens more have opened, densely packed, all of them are small mouse eyes, and dozens more have opened, densely packed, all of them are chicken eyes!

The nose of the God Lord Agu has been getting bigger and bulging, turning into a cow's nose!

The skin of the God Lord Agu has grown pieces of fine snake scales, and black and yellow tiger hair has grown in the gaps between the scales!

Lord God Agu never takes risks, he only seeks stability!

Since he is changing the world today, he must have an absolutely terrifying magic!

"Perhaps, I can't get a complete world.

"But... I can kill all those who oppose me!

"It's not a bad idea to get a broken world!"

His lips thickened, his mouth became bigger, his upper lip became two petals, and his teeth bared out!

His whole body swelled in the wind!

Gradually it became as big as a carriage, as big as a mountain, and gradually covered the sky!

He leaned down and threw his body into the sea of ​​dark clouds!

His body slowly sank, and he was about to explore from this sea of ​​dark clouds and overlook the world!


Hua La La La La...

It was raining heavily outside the window!

Hua Yuyue glanced out of the corner of his eye and suddenly realized that something was wrong!

He turned his head and saw that the light outside the window had turned into a pale green!

And in his heart, countless fears and hidden worries were all drawn out by this pale green!

He was terrified!

He twisted!

He cried!

He felt sick!

His eyes were wet with tears!

His mouth was fishy and bitter!

He leaned on the table, forced his sight away from the window, and immediately gave an order!

"Notify everyone, close the window! Do not look out the window, do not look at the sky!

"The great terror is coming!"


In the dormitory of the pharmaceutical factory.

Fang Xiaoyu huddled under the dark bed, holding a box of instant biscuits and a box of mineral water, staring at the screen of her mobile phone, letting the light of the screen illuminate her pale face.

On her mobile phone, the screen flashed red again, and a prompt popped up again!

[Please stay indoors]

[Please hide under the bed, in the closet, in the toilet without windows, etc. in an absolutely dark area]

[Please keep your phone charged and pay attention to receiving notifications at any time]

Under the bed?

Then she didn't have to move!

She breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's going on again?

"How far has the war developed?"

She opened the software of the Immortal Committee, went to the big group, and saw someone sent a message.

[According to statistics, the number of broken dreams has reached 9999]

[Ten thousand immortal dreams, only the last one is not broken]

[It should be the boss of Xizhou]

[Is he still holding back his ultimate move? ]

Fang Xiaoyu didn't understand the immortal arts war, so she instinctively chose to trust.

"He should be holding back his ultimate move, right?"


Hua La La La...

Between heaven and earth, heavy rain poured down!

And the rain curtain had been reflected in a miserable green!

In the sky, a huge, ugly, deformed face peeked down from the sea of ​​dark clouds, shattered the sea of ​​clouds, stirred up a strong wind, and covered the entire sky!

In the sky of the city, in the rain curtain, in the strong wind, there were figures of immortals floating one after another.

Either their bones were broken or their internal organs were smashed.

At this time, they all closed their eyes and laughed wildly with their faces up!

They all surrendered to the God!

The numbers on their foreheads either turned into twenty or thirty!



"Who of you can beat the God?"

"What's the point of struggling for so long?"


In the corners of the city, under the eaves, on the balconies, there are curled up figures of immortals one after another.

Either their spines are broken, or their skin and flesh are corroded.

At this time, they all drooped their eyebrows and sobbed and shed tears!

They all want to resist the God!

"Can't win after all?"

"Is this the immortal art of the God?"

"Is this the ghost in history?"

No matter they are sequence three or sequence two, just seeing the pale green light reflected between the sky and the earth, their hearts are shaken, their livers and gallbladders are broken, they spit out bitter blood, and their bodies tremble!


On the balcony of the community, Qingyue Junhou curled up his body, spit out a mouthful of bitter blood, and shrank his body into a corner.

"The Twelve Gods, is this the thing?"

"This... How do we fight this..."

Deep in her heart, more and more fears were emerging!

She was afraid that her apprentice would be killed!

She was afraid that she would be caught!

She was afraid that the world would be shattered from now on!

She was afraid that the human world would fall into darkness and blood from now on!

She cried as she thought about it.

She couldn't help but look up and saw that even in the pale green sky, the imperial robe woven with endless runes was becoming denser and denser, and the hem of the robe still extended to infinity and the horizon.

Can the imperial robe that covers the human world block the Twelve Gods?

At this moment, the fear in her heart became stronger and heavier.

Hoarse questions even sounded in her ears, with a hint of joking and cruelty.

"Qingyue Junhou, you are obviously loyal and sincere, but why do you want to run?"

"You know where the boss of Xizhou is, why don't you insist?"

"Don't you want your points?"

"Who are you?"

Qingyue curled up and collapsed in the corner, her shoulders trembling, and more and more tears flowed.

She was already shaking her head slowly.

She was already imagining what would happen if she was caught by the Divine Lord.

"Are you a gambler who wants to cheat your points?"

"You want to waste ten minutes of my time with your rubbish Qingyue Dan Palace?"

"Or do you know that the boss of Xizhou is really in the Qingyue Dan Palace?"

"You succeeded. You delayed his time."

Qingyue wiped away her tears and nose, and shrank her body into a corner. Her face was pale, and her heart was filled with fear, but a hint of confusion emerged.

What does 神君 mean?

She raised her head and saw another spiritual energy fluctuation in the sky! There are endless blue light runes spurting out!

The green light of the runes reflected the dream that was about to collapse, and the final scene was like a reflection of a mirage!

In that dream, there were continuous medicinal fields that stretched to the horizon, and all kinds of fairy grass were planted!

There are pipelines, valves, computing centers, and sensors in the pharmaceutical fields!

There are foxes in the medicine field, fiery red figures, jumping happily, raising their front paws, and cheering!



The green light of the runes reflects the continuous workshops!

Along the smooth expressway, there are neat warehouses, neat foundry workshops, large trees with plant machines, and the Danpi R\u0026D center is built next to it!

There are foxes, fiery red figures, either stepping on the roof or stepping on the expressway, jumping happily, raising their front paws, and cheering!



The green light of the runes reflects another towering mountain!

There is a bronze hall on the mountain, a canteen with a huge chimney, a dormitory patched with vines, and a huge hot spring swimming pool that is still spewing white steam!

There were foxes, fiery red figures, dancing in circles at the door, or sticking their heads out of the windows, jumping happily, raising their front paws, and cheering!



Qingyue Junhou rubbed his eyes and frowned.

This medicine field, this warehouse, this research and development center...she has never heard of it, and has never seen it before.

But that bronze hall looked strangely familiar to her!

Deep in the clouds, the bodies of the twelve gods gradually emerged!

There is a huge tiger head on the chest, and there is a mountain of eye droppings in the corners of the eyes!

The left arm is made of countless venomous snakes, and the venomous snakes are vying to spit out letters!

The right arm is a huge bone with rotten flesh growing on it. Countless red-eyed mice and bald rabbits are burrowing in and out of the rotten flesh!

Countless ghosts gathered together, forming a sea of ​​gray clouds, as if covering his huge body with gauze!

Old sick chickens were flying around his neck, as if they were tied with necklaces for him!







The deep laughter, with its trilling sound, was like thunder, resounding throughout the heaven and earth, and throughout the world!

In the city below, Lord Qingyue was curled up on the balcony, covering his ears.

And hot blood flowed out from between the fingers!

This laughter is so terrifying!

She ruptured her eardrum on her own initiative, not wanting to hear it, in order to protect herself!

And she raised her head and saw the dream of Xizhou boss projected in the sky like a mirage!

I saw a red star rising in the bronze hall, beating, rising in the wind, gradually getting bigger, and gradually covering the sky!

Astonishingly, it is a [Red Wishing Heart]!

Five colors of fire erupted from the surface of this heart!

The five-color elixir fire was burning blazingly, building a chest for this heart, growing arms and neck for this heart, and condensing into a huge expressionless face with white ink!

Astonishingly, it is the Spirit of Fire!

In other words, divine appearance!

Just on the surface of this expression, one after another plum blossom-shaped fox paw prints lit up!

So...the huge Fox Mountain, from the bronze hall to the dormitory canteen, from the casting workshop to the elixir workshop, from the R\u0026D base to the medicinal field fertilizer area, from the super immortal grass to the ten thousand acres of medicinal fields... what is printed on the ground, One after another, the fox's plum blossom paw prints all light up, echoing the god who covers the sky!

Every paw print is made quickly!

Every paw print is written in a hurry!

Every paw print is connected and becomes silk, thread, chain, and net!

The god who covered the sky stretched out his hand and grabbed the chain network woven by the paw prints. From the Fox Mountain, which was about to collapse, he pulled up thousands of acres of medicinal fields. He put these lush green medicinal fields on his shoulders and wore them on his shoulders. On your body!

In the medicine field, fiery red figures jumped up and started cheering!



...The medicinal fields in Fox Mountain can already bring out dreams!

The god who covered the sky stretched out his hand and grabbed the chain network woven by the paw prints. He pulled up the warehouse and workshop from the Fox Mountain that was about to collapse, and draped this regular and continuous building on his left arm to make it. Arm armor!

In the workshop, fiery red figures poked their heads out of the windows and raised their fox paws!



...The workshops and warehouses in Fox Mountain were also successfully taken out!

The god who covered the sky stretched out his hand, grabbed the chain network woven by the paw prints, lifted up the bronze hall from the Fox Mountain that was about to collapse, and lifted the hall above his head, like a crown!

In the main hall, Little Big Eyes and Bow Knot immediately raised their fox paws, wagging their tails, jumping around and cheering!



...It seems that Master believes that this hall is still very important!

The god who covered the sky stretched out his hand, pulled the chain net woven by the claw marks, picked up the pollution countermeasures department and the ghost eye machine room, and placed them on his left shoulder!

In the computer room, brown sugar buns and braised pork buns were jumping up and down, raising their front paws, cheering, and shuttled among the ghost brains!



...The most professional and advanced Ghost Eye Computer Room will also be taken out of Fox Mountain by Master!

The expression that covered the sky stretched out his hand, and then pulled the chain network woven by the paw prints, pulled up the Danpi Laboratory, Danpi Production Center, Dan Weapon Laboratory, and Dan Meat Laboratory, and put them on his right shoulder. !

And in each laboratory, foxes and fiery red figures poked their heads out of the windows, stretched out their fox paws, and started cheering and swaying!



...Sure enough, scientific research is the most important thing in Fox Mountain!

The god who covered the sky stretched out his hand, pulled the chain net woven by the claw marks, pulled up the canteen of Fox Mountain, and put it on his right chest to make a breastplate!

In the cafeteria, three foxes with black noses, black eye circles and black tails, wearing tall chef hats, were shaking their heads, wagging their tails, raising their front paws, and dancing in circles!



...Sure enough, the canteen may not be the most important department in Fox Mountain, but it must be the most popular department in Fox Mountain, and it will definitely not be left behind!

The god who covered the sky finally stretched out his hand. There was no longer a chain net, and the paw prints of the fox apprentices had been used up.

And he used his huge hands to reach towards Fox Mountain and the dormitory patched with vines!

That was the place where he first rested in peace with his disciples in Fox Mountain.


He thrust his hand into the mountain peak, causing the earth and rocks to break apart and the ground to shake!

And the dormitory hall was dug out by him, held up, and placed on his left chest to make it into the final breastplate!

Then, the dreamland where Qingyue Dan Palace was located collapsed from the sky to the earth, from the mountains to the plains, and collapsed into countless blue runes!

Bai Mo's appearance, carrying the entire Fox Mountain on his back, also came to the real world from the dream, with his back to the world and facing the sky, with a pair of eyes on his cold poker face, looking directly at the god Agu in the sky, the twelve divine appearances!

Blah blah blah blah...

The heavy rain in the sky is still there, but the sound of rain seems to have become quieter.

The strong wind in the sky is still there, and the huge emperor's robe is draped over Bai Mo's appearance, with the hem swaying in the wind, covering the human world!

The five-color firelight of the divine form is bright and gorgeous, dreamy and magnificent, shining through the rain curtain and the human world!

In the city, immortals one after another stuck their heads out from balconies or windows and looked at the sky.

"The boss of Xizhou has become the emperor?"

"Bai Mo?"

"Is it really him?"

"Can this be won?"

The guardians of the Heavenly Palace and the Holy Land were hiding on the top floor of the Tianyu Building.

Just as he was looking at the sky, a figure suddenly flew in from outside!

The man who landed on the ground had a short figure, a big face, and a long robe. He was apparently sent to raise the Bell Spirit Beast, the Bell Spirit Immortal!

The other immortals frowned and looked at him.

"You...what's wrong with you?"

"Lost control of the dream?"

"Does the Bell Spirit Beast not belong to you anymore?"

Immortal Zhong Ling smiled bitterly.

“You will know after you try it.

“There really are monsters in this world.

“My fucking Sequence 3 head can’t beat a mortal!

"And he has been... for the past four years..."

Immortal Zhong Ling turned pale, took a deep breath, and recalled the scenes he had seen in Fox Mountain in the past four years!

"Stop chatting and look outside first!"

They looked out the window and saw the twelve divine appearances of the Divine Lord Agu in the sky. Pairs of large and small eyes were all staring at Bai Mo's appearance!

Stretching out his left hand, endless poisonous snakes flew down like a rainstorm! Every poisonous snake is in mid-air, leaving behind twisted traces of broken space!

Stretching out his right hand, rabbits and mice burrowed into the rotten flesh of his arm, and then emerged from Bai Mo's divine arm and the endless five-color elixir fire! They are eating the elixir fire and sipping the elixir fire!

The demons, like a sea of ​​clouds, have already flown towards the head of Bai Mo Shenxiang!

Dogs barking, cows braying, sheep braying... mixed sound waves, mixed with curses, blasted towards Bai Mo's appearance!

"Ah ha ha ha ha... In the past 170,000 years, I have hunted princes and emperors without a single defeat..."

With the expression of Bai Mo, he stretched out his left hand, and in the palm of his hand, fish-legs, purple earth dragons, sword-casting fairy roots, and yellow plums grew crazily!

He stretched out his right hand again, and one elixir after another flew up from his palm, circling and dancing, as bright as a shooting star and as dense as a galaxy!

"I have been practicing for four years, and my opponents are all old, weak, sick and disabled, but I have never been defeated."

He opened his mouth and spit out steam of medicine!

In the ten thousand feet of medicinal gas, Danhuo, Xiancao, Xiandan... flew out together, met the poisonous snake of the God, drowned the poisonous snake of the God, and bombarded the divine appearance of the God!


Xizhou University.

In the male dormitory, Wanbocheng, Yangzhan and others huddled under the bed, dumbfounded.

Because the bottom of the bed was illuminated by the red glow!

Not long after, the glow turned into emerald green, shining through the sheets, illuminating the bottom of the bed, and even illuminating the dust under the bed!


Xizhou, residential building, balcony.

The left arm of the ancient black sparrow fairy was broken, and the right arm pinched his broken hand and looked up at the sky.

But the whole sky has turned into a gorgeous five colors!

One after another, the strange fairy beasts tore through the space, gathered fairy energy, and suddenly fell!

One after another, the dazzling fairy pills flew and circled, like meteors, blooming with brilliance!

The strange fairy sound and the black oil pouring down the sky revealed infinite horror!

The rolling medicinal gas, the fairy grass covering the sky, breeds infinite vitality!

And the two gods are fighting in the sky!

One is twisted and evil, rotten and smelly, with horns on its head and eyes on its face!

A poker face, full of vitality, full of buildings and plants!


A palm hits and tears the atmosphere apart!

The black oil gas reveals the meaning of pollution!

The emerald green medicinal gas reveals the bright morning light!


The two palms hit each other, the twelve gods were lifted up to the sky, and the white ink god was pressed to the world!

Behind the twelve gods, there are ghosts like smoke and sea, crying in pain, providing him with infinite computing power!

Behind the head of the white ink god, there are groups of kite brains, flashing biological electric light, providing him with endless computing power!


North Suburb Base.

In the small conference room.

A group of game developers, holding their mobile phones, watching the live broadcast.

The picture was full of colorful glare, and it looked blurry and nothing could be seen clearly.

But this did not prevent them from being shocked!

"So, our boss Bai Mo is actually the boss of Xizhou?

"Is he the savior?"

"The game we developed helped him get the destiny?"

"Wow, then are we rich?"

"It should be rich... As long as the boss can win! ”

Hua La La La La…

The heavy rain in the world never stops!

The dark clouds in the sky have turned into rolling colorful clouds!

On one side of the colorful sky…

The twelve gods are facing each other, with huge mouths like basins, and countless poisonous snakes, rabbits, mice, skinny tigers, and sick chickens are biting each other's throats and releasing smelly black blood!

And the black blood level in this huge mouth is rising "gurgling gurgling"!

On the other side of the colorful sky…

The white ink god has a Yin grass furnace in his left hand, and the flames of the medicinal soup in the furnace are burning, and the color is changing rapidly!

In his right hand, there is a wooden stick, with purple earth dragon as the foundation, fish leg grass as the muscles, and timid chrysanthemum as the foundation. Add color and wrap the cane head with sky-covering leaves!

At this time, he used the wooden cane to probe into the Yin grass furnace, dipped it in the medicinal soup, and burst out the infinite knowledge green light on the cane head to control the pollution!

Then the wooden cane was swung out and blasted at the black water spewed by the twelve gods!




Hua La La La...

The five-colored sky was also trembling and surging!

The rain falling from the sky was sometimes red, sometimes green, sometimes fishy, ​​and sometimes medicinal!

At the Shangjing Immortal Committee General Assembly, Hua Yuyue sat in the command room, still frantically dispatching and commanding the full strength of the Immortal Committee to ensure the rescue of casualties in the world!

"The network of Sichun is recovering rapidly!"

"A student dormitory building in Chunshan was hit by black rain and was immediately isolated!"

"Calm down the residents of the Beautiful Garden Community in BH City and guide them into the air-raid shelter immediately! "

At this time, his eyes were blood red and full of bloodshot!

At this time, he was emotional, his voice was getting hoarse, but louder and louder!

He didn't think about losing.

Instead, he was thinking, if the boss of Xizhou won, what direction would the world go?

"Perhaps, it will be magic and technology that jointly promote the development of the world?

"Can you really win?

"You must win! ”


In the turbulent five-colored sky, huge black and yellow tiger claws emerged from the sea of ​​clouds, flanking Bai Mo’s divine appearance on both sides!


The claws clasped together, and the wind and clouds stirred for thousands of miles!

And Bai Mo’s divine appearance, like a mirage, disappeared!

In the starry sky, meteors, “swoosh” and “swoosh”, dragged their flame tails, cut through the sky, and hit the huge tiger claws!

The meteors were, surprisingly, pills!



The red clouds stirred the sky again!

In Xizhou, on the balcony of the community, Qingyue Junhou frowned, still feeling incredible.

“That…that bronze palace, why does it look more and more familiar?

“Could it be that the Xizhou boss’s roots are really in my Qingyue Dan Palace?”

But, does Qingyue Dan Palace really have so many good things?

Why didn’t she know?


At this moment, a bronze mask flew from the sky, flew in front of her, gently rubbed her shoulder, and woke her up.







"Try my wool cloud!"

The white clouds in the sky turned into ten, ten into a hundred, a hundred into a thousand, a thousand into ten thousand, and the ten thousand changed again, filling the sky... And every cloud has something hidden in it. A pair of sinister eyes!

Twelve divine appearances, transformed and shrunk, hidden in one of the clouds, and can appear in any cloud at any time!

Divine Lord Agu was sweating profusely. It had been many, many years since he had used his magic so vigorously!

Bai Mo is indeed a good opponent!

At this time, he squinted his eyes and slowly felt it!

But no matter how much the wool cloud spreads, it seems that he can't find Bai Mo or Bai Mo's appearance.

"what's up?

"Could it be..."

For a moment, fear filled his heart!

He poked his head out of a cloud and looked upward, only to see that the sky was dimming rapidly like a solar eclipse, and there was even a "click-click-click" sound...


The Yincao stove is suspended in the sky, as big as a mountain, with a world inside it, and it has been closed.

Outside the Yincao stove, the five-color glass cloud sea was gradually dispersing with the wind.

Beside the Yincao stove, Bai Mo's expression, carrying a fox mountain, was gently tapping the stove body with his hands.

"God Lord are indeed better than those old, weak, sick, and rotten shrimps."

As soon as he finished speaking, the alchemy furnace ignited a raging five-color elixir fire, and the fire illuminated the world!

The alchemy furnace shook violently, and a wailing sound came from inside!

The alchemy furnace jumped up and down, and black smoke leaked from it!

Bai Mo sneered, unmoved.

It wasn't until an hour and three quarters later that the alchemy furnace was completely silent.

The five-color glazed clouds in the sky have completely dissipated, revealing a blue sky.

And countless people walked out of their homes from the streets and alleys, looked up at the sky, and saw the Yin Cao stove suspended in the sky, and next to the Yin Cao stove, the white ink figure sat cross-legged.

"Is that the boss of Xizhou?"

"White ink expert?"

"So, are we saved?"

"The final battle is over?"

"The wartime situation is over?"

"I saw the notification on my phone and it said so."

In the sky, it started to rain again!

Before people could get scared, Bai Mo's voice sounded in their ears again.

“We won.

“From now on, we will no longer be troubled by darkness and pollution.

"This rainwater is the wine left by an old friend of mine.

"Everyone bring a cup, let the whole world drink together!"

As a result, cheers immediately rang in the streets and alleys, drifting out of the city on the wind!

In a certain community, Qingyue Junhou on the balcony frowned, reached out his hand, took a handful of rainwater, came back and took a lick to taste the taste.

"Well, the light aroma of wine is suitable for all ages.

"It's just... this smell... why does it feel a bit familiar?"


These three words at the end of the play are a bit emotional to type out. .

Well, there will be some extra episodes in the future to fill in some unfilled holes.

However, it is not stable over time.

When I have time tomorrow, I will write my closing remarks.

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