The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 79: It won’t be complicated if you follow Master’s arrangements (two in one, please read it!

In a dimly lit room.

The guide was in uniform, lying on the leather bed, motionless, like a dull puppet.

Amidst the "sizzling" sound of the motor, the leather bed was sent into the horizontal cylindrical structure and into the hole in the middle of the structure.

It was a dark, dark hole with no light inside.

When a person is sent in while lying on a leather bed, he is completely submerged in darkness.

Bai Mo didn't know when he had already run to the window and outside the curtains. He was bathing in the sunshine outside the window. He only exposed his eyes through the gap in the curtains and looked at the machine.

But I saw that the horizontal cylindrical structure began to rotate slowly amidst the "sizzling" sound of the motor, starting the detection.

After a while, the rotation stopped, the detection was completed, and the leather bed and the person lying on it were sent out amidst the "sizzling" sound of the motor.

Bai Mo quietly walked out from behind the curtain.

Look at the guide lying on the leather bed.

He saw... saw that the uniform was slightly wrinkled at the dantian area of ​​the conductor's lower abdomen, and the down on the uniform was being suppressed and was slowly recovering. The wrinkles and overwhelming fluff of the uniform formed the shape of a handprint. It was as if someone... or not someone, had just stretched out his hand inside the testing instrument and gently pressed on the guide's Dantian. Judging from the shape of the handprint, it appears to be a skinny hand with slender fingers.

There are also slight wrinkles left on the skin between the brows of the guide. The traces are fading quickly... those are the traces of fingerprints. It was as if a finger had just reached out from inside the instrument and touched the guide's brow. Judging from the characteristics of the fingerprint, it is a healthy finger with clear fingerprints, good elasticity, good toughness, and smooth blood. It is a finger that has no temperature and is cold.

Bai Mo looked at the instrument again, looking at the dark hollow of the horizontal cylindrical structure.

That medicinal soup, what exactly is it?

What was in the medicinal soup?

What is so strange about this instrument?

Could it be that there is an ancient immortal hidden in the instrument?

An ancient immortal who escaped from the dream?

Bai Mo doesn't know and has no way to find out for the time being.

Calmly, he began to restore the department.

The guide only felt dazed for a moment before he saw that the white ink expert had finished the test and sat up from the leather bed.

What just happened? Seems a bit fragmented?

His brain, affected by the drug, subconsciously ignored the abnormality and began to make up his own mind. According to the most reasonable logic, his mind made up what had just happened and the scene just now. The brain-filling white-ink expert, like other experts, lies on the leather bed, enters the instrument, undergoes testing, and comes out of the instrument again. This is easy to figure out, after all, every expert is tested in the same scenario.

In the testing department, Professor Zhang, President Chen Shu, and Wu Qingyun also recovered from the paused state.

They vaguely felt something was wrong.

Why are the chewing muscles on both sides of my mouth sore?

Why do my eyelids hurt and my eyes feel dry?

Why does it seem like my mind is broken?

But their brains are also affected by drugs and subconsciously ignore these. According to the most common sense, either make up some things in your head, or ignore some things.

They saw outside that the white ink expert had stood up and walked towards the door, preparing to leave.

See the test report on the computer screen.

"Expert Bai Mo's consciousness sea and qi sea are still dead. There is no sign of opening up.

"The danger period is far away."

"But the strength of his path depends more on the immortal beasts, right?"

"It makes sense."

The door of the department opened, Bai Mo walked out, and the next expert to be examined walked in.

The guides, Professor Zhang, Chairman Chen Shu, and Wu Qingyun, began to test the next expert again. They did not realize that their time had just been suspended, and they did not realize that a period of time had been stolen from them.

They started talking and laughing again, staring at the computer relaxedly, staring at the test results one after another.

He secretly went out through the back door, had lunch and came back secretly through the back door.

While talking and laughing, I spent an afternoon testing.

He secretly went out through the back door, had dinner and came back secretly through the back door.

Talking and laughing, testing all night long.


After the testing department sent away the last expert to be tested, the lights were turned on.

The room that had been dark all day finally saw the light.

The guide from the outside came to the inside to say hello and then left for get off work.

Professor Zhang sat in his chair and stretched.

"...Ah, before I knew it, it was ten o'clock."

President Chen Shu yawned.

"Most of the experts have tested it, and the remaining few will be tested together with the committee members."

Wu Qingyun is still full of energy.

It was already midnight, and the Fairy Arts Committee building was much quieter.

The sun has set for a long time, and there is no more sunlight between heaven and earth.

What they didn't know was that inside the instrument outside, the liquid chamber containing the medicinal soup was changing.

In the medicinal soup, a pill the size of the belly of a thumb was soaked. It was hemispherical, with deep twisted ravines on its surface, like a walnut kernel or a brain kernel. It had been soaked in this medicinal soup for a long time. At this time, it seemed that it could no longer hold up. It began to collapse, melt, and disintegrate. The bright red blood actually fainted and turned into light yellow fluff, floating in the air. The layers of grease made the medicinal soup in the liquid chamber look like a toilet where a drunken person had vomited, dirty and disgusting.

When the pill collapsed, a white mist blurred the dream and the real world and escaped from it! The white mist slipped out of the cracks in the machine silently, sticking to the floor and heading into the testing department.

"Are you cold?"

Professor Zhang suddenly hugged his shoulders and shuddered.

He suddenly felt very cold.

And very sleepy.

At this time, he was yawning and squinting his eyes. His vision was completely blurred by tears and he couldn't see anything clearly.

Not only him, President Chen Shu also felt suddenly cold and cold. He hugged his shoulders, shivered, squinted his eyes, and yawned. My vision was completely blurred by tears and I couldn't see anything clearly.

Even Wu Qingyun yawned uncontrollably, her vision blurred with tears.

They are all out of sight.

Naturally, no one noticed that behind Professor Zhang stood a tall and thin ancient immortal with a young and fair face, wearing a weird and huge hat! It is Professor Zhang’s ancient immortal master, the Qinglu Ancient Immortal!

In this present world, he is like the shadow of a reed reflected on the water in a strong wind, floating, vague, and shaky.

His eyes looked at the chair under Professor Zhang and this weird-looking ergonomic chair.

Look at the table next to you, look at this solid wood table with smooth edges.

Look at the computer on the table, see the glowing LCD screen, the software interface on the screen, and the simple hieroglyphs.

Look at the night outside the window, look at the tall buildings, far and near, look at the neon signs everywhere, large and small, colorful.

He burst into tears.

"This world..."

Just as the strong wind gets stronger, the reeds bend, the water ripples, and the shadows of the reeds reflected on the water become blurry and messy... The figure of the ancient immortal in this world also begins to become blurry, twisted and messy.

He could not stay in this world much longer.

A large amount of white mist rose under the feet of his apprentice Professor Zhang. He stepped into it and went to the dreamland.

"Ah...I'm so sleepy, sleepy and cold.

"Is the air conditioner temperature too low?"

Professor Zhang came to his senses in a daze, rubbed the corners of his eyes and wiped away tears.

Chairman Chen Shu came to his senses in a daze during the ceremony.

"It's getting late, we're off work."

The sky over Fox Mountain was still overcast.

In the bronze hall, Bai Mo was sitting behind the table, thinking about the strange machine of the committee.

After thinking about it over and over again, I still feel something is wrong.

"Has that thing been tampered with by the ancient immortal?

"Gu Xian...what exactly do you want to do?"

These weird ancient immortals do things so crazy that people can't see their true intentions.

A dozen fox apprentices were not so worried. They were opening the small bronze medicine box and looking at it with their furry heads.



But in the medicine box, among the plant machines, the roadside flower already had five leaves, and at the top of the stem, there were even tiny buds!


Several fox apprentices were very excited and carried the bronze medicine box to the master and showed it to him.

Bai Mo looked at the small white flower buds and smiled.

Ancient Immortal or whatever, let him be for now, just stay at a distance.

“The roadside flowers already have buds, and in two days they will bloom and be used as medicine.

"Let's start now, prepare the medicinal materials and prepare for refining the medicine!"

A howling wind blew in the gloomy sky.

In the dilapidated ruins, a bonfire crackled.

Beside the bonfire, the Ancient Green Furnace Immortal was sitting cross-legged, stretching out his slender hands and spreading his slender fingers to warm himself up. It seems to be very cold.

Next to him, his apprentice Professor Zhang was also sitting cross-legged, looking at a stone slab in a daze.

I was really dizzy, so I looked up at the Ancient Immortal Qinglu again.

"Master, this prescription... I don't seem to understand."

The Ancient Qinglu Immortal continued to warm the fire with his hands.

"Stop looking, it's over."

Professor Zhang frowned.

"What...what's over?"

The Ancient Immortal Qingluo was warming himself by the fire, looking at his fingers and sighing.

"Your journey to immortality has come to an end.

“People’s qualifications and talents are different.

“On the path of cultivating immortality, everyone has his or her own end of the road.

“Some people are destined not to be promoted to Sequence Nine in their lifetime.

“The ceiling of some people’s qualifications is at sequence eight.

"Some people work hard and grit their teeth and fight for their lives. They may be able to touch the threshold of Sequence Seven, but they will never be able to step in."

Professor Zhang lowered his eyebrows and remained silent for a long time.

"Master, what you mean is... I am the kind of person who grits his teeth and works hard, but can only touch the threshold of Sequence Seven, but can never step in?"

Ancient Immortal Qingluo turned his head and looked at Professor Zhang with a strange expression.

"There are two mistakes in what you said.

"First, you didn't grit your teeth and work hard. The person who gritted your teeth and worked hard to help you practice is me.

"Secondly, you can't reach the threshold of Sequence Seven now. If you can step over the threshold of Sequence Eight, it will already cost your master and me half of my life. I have no ability to continue to lift you up."

Professor Zhang’s face was full of embarrassment, neither standing nor sitting.

The ancient immortal Qinglu waved his hand.

"Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault, it's my fault.

"I underestimated you. I underestimated how much of a loser you are.

"I also overestimated myself. I overestimated my teaching level. I even tried to lift you up before. I also overestimated my ability and asked for trouble..."

The ancient immortal Qinglu sighed, feeling sorry for himself.

"Whoever makes me unlucky is that you are the only disciple who came to my dream.

“The quantity is small, but the quality is not good enough.

"In your words, it can only be regarded as a defective product."

Professor Zhang next to him had a slightly red face. But this was not the first time that Master had ridiculed him. He probably also understands... what the master said may be true. So he had no complaints.

He lowered his head and continued to look at the slate and the words on the slate.

But I heard Master suddenly ask.

"Have you found the mysterious genius alchemist from Xizhou City before?"

Professor Zhang raised his head and saw the master warming himself by the fire. His movements were relaxed and his tone was casual, as if he was asking a casual question.

He thought about it and felt that there was nothing to hide.


"That alchemist is too mysterious. He rarely takes action."

The Ancient Immortal Qinglu sighed again.

"It would be great if he could be my apprentice."

Professor Zhang felt vaguely strange... Why are these ancient immortals so obsessed with their apprentices?

He was stunned and looked down at the stone slab again.

After looking at it for a long time, he raised his head and asked again.

"Master, the prescription written on the slate contains more than a hundred medicinal materials and more than five hundred processes. Not to mention that I can't understand it... Even if I can understand it, I am only one person and have two hands. This can really Is it done?”

Qinglu Ancient Immortal explained.

“Prescribing medicine is not something that can be completed by one person.

“The more advanced the prescription, the more teamwork is required.

“For example, the Sequence Nine Fire Moon Soup requires a Sequence Nine medicine man and ten slaves to assist it.

"For example, the Sequence 8 nourishing soup requires one Sequence 8 soup man, ten Sequence 9 medicine men, and a hundred slaves to assist.

"For example, some Sequence 7 medicinal soups require ten Sequence 7 firemen, a hundred Sequence 8 soup men, and a thousand Sequence 9 medicine men to complete."

Professor Zhang frowned.

What kind of data bloat is this?

At the same time, he thought about the mysterious Mr. Xizhou City. If Mr. Mysterious is really Sequence Seven, then according to the Ancient Immortal Qingluo... Mr. Mysterious may not be able to refine the decoction of Sequence Seven.

After all, it is unknown whether there is a second Sequence Seven of all the existing alchemists combined, and they will definitely not be able to make up to ten.

Fox Mountain, in the warehouse.

Bai Mo walked at the front, leading a dense team of fox apprentices.

"Our refining of Huo Nao Decoction this time is relatively complicated. It requires 1,100 kinds of medicines, and each medicine needs to be processed four or five times on average.

"Let's arrange the pre-processing first."

The numbers are scary.

But the fox apprentices are not afraid.

Instead, he looked at Master seriously and waited for Master's arrangements.

But I saw the master entering the warehouse corridor and taking out a dog-headed melon from the cabinet next to it.

"Big Nose, White Toes, Black Star, you three come here.

"The task of you three is to deal with the dog-headed melon.

"First separate the melon rind and melon pulp, mash the melon pulp, filter out the juice, and dry the residue in the shade.

"Put plant ash on the melon rind and dry it in the shade..."

The three fox apprentices opened their eyes wide, raised their ears, and listened carefully.

Although refining the medicine is complicated, it is not complicated when it is distributed to each fox.

They don't need to think too much, they just need to remember Master's arrangements carefully.

There is no way to break out the new book issue, so I can only write four thousand words per day. . Hey everyone, the author is accumulating strength, and it will be released immediately!

I’ve been begging for a follow-up reading these days, and I’m crying, begging for a follow-up reading, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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