In the green belt, only small holes can be seen.

The hole inside is as deep as a well!

This is an unprofessional earthen well. The walls of the well are made of loose soil, which sometimes collapses and clods of soil fall to the bottom of the well.

Fortunately, a human skin talisman was affixed every few meters to prevent it from completely collapsing.

At the bottom of the well, the light was dim and the air was humid. Several skinny young men were holding shovels and shoveling the soil quickly.

Their bodies reeked of sweat and blood, which made the three foxes next to them very depressed. They hide in their invisibility cloaks, frowning, and covering their noses with their front paws.

These free coolies are so tasty that it’s hard for a fox to eat them!

Are these all fishy people?

It's summer now, but Fox Mountain is still cloudy as always, and the howling wind is dry and cold.

Bai Mo was sitting behind the desk, wearing a red jacket, studying the prescription he had just copied from the slate.

Suddenly I heard footsteps, but it was a few fox apprentices running over carrying a bundle of golden wheat ears.



Bai Mo stopped what he was doing and stepped forward.

"Well, are our golden ears of wheat ripe?"

Pinch a wheat kernel and observe it to confirm that there are no problems with the medicinal properties and ripeness.

“Take it to the square and crush the ears of wheat, let the wind blow away the bran, and then gather the grains.

"Straw is the most precious. Break it off and send it to the warehouse. Make sure the straw is intact and don't flatten it."

As the master spoke, several apprentices nodded, memorizing all the key points, rubbing their heads against the master, then picked up the ears of wheat and ran out of the hall.

Bai Mo sat back at the bronze table and looked at the white mist on his left that blurred dreams and reality.

His sight was through the white mist, and he saw the real world. From the medicine bottle around Black Ear's neck, the invisibility cloak was revealed, and he looked outside.

But I saw those unjust coolies still digging shovels of soil, and they had already dug the pit very, very deep.

Bai Mo twitched his lips, not knowing how to evaluate this kind of free coolie.

Let this white mist sit on the table so you can take a look at it at any time.

Then he went on to see his new prescription.

deep hole.

The light is dim and the air is humid.

Three Huanquan Hu squatted side by side, looking at the seven or eight coolies wielding shovels.

They exchanged secret glances.

I always feel like...these coolies seem to be slowing down?

Except for Huang Mao who took the lead, the others' movements became sluggish and they were unable to dig in the soil.

Have they run out of energy?

According to this efficiency, how long does it take to dig out the alchemy furnace?

Next to them, the real boss of these coolies, Huang Mao, was also aware of this problem.

He stopped the shovel in his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Everyone is wilted?

“Can’t do any more work?

“Hold on a little longer!

“If you get the fairy weapon, you can redeem it for points.

“If you get points, you can go to the club in the dark world to have fun!

"After doing this, I will be able to enjoy myself for several years!

"You can't become a street rat, but you can become a club model. Do you understand?"

As soon as the chicken soup was poured down, the boys nodded, but when they swung the shovel, they still moved very slowly, couldn't lift their hands, and couldn't shovel the soil.

The three foxes frowned.

Huang Mao also frowned.

"Let's do this, brothers, I'll give you a buff.

"Let's be honest, this buff... will reduce your lifespan a little, maybe five or ten years. But it will make you stronger.

"If you want it, just take off your shirt and expose your back."

Seven or eight brothers, looking at each other... five or ten years of life, in exchange for a buff that enhances physical strength?

They are wanted criminals who lick blood from their swords. It doesn't matter whether they can keep their bodies intact. Who cares about their longevity?

"Boss, come on."

"I also want."

"Come all."

One by one, they all took off their shirts, exposed their arms, and turned their backs to Huang Mao.

Seeing that Huang Mao was not nagging, he took out a syringe and a scalpel from his pocket.

Then he walked behind each brother and injected a little bit of anesthetic with a syringe under the skin. Then use the scalpel pen to draw dragons and snakes, and draw talismans on the backs of the brothers.


The scalpel cuts through the skin and makes a weird sound.

Under the flow of blood, the bright red talisman was completed in one stroke!

In this way, he drew one after another, and drew talismans on the back of each brother.

After finishing the painting, he picked up the syringe and scalpel, wiped the sweat from his forehead, hunched his shoulders, and bent his back. His whole body seemed to have been squeezed dry, and he no longer had the energy he had just before. The voice became weak.

"Brothers, I can't do it anymore, I'm going to rest nearby.

"You dig first!"

The seven or eight younger brothers looked at Huang Mao like this and didn't say much. Then he picked up the shovel and started digging again.

Once excavated, I immediately felt that my physical strength was restored! Inexplicably, I don't feel tired.

"It really works, hahaha."

"Brothers, dig in quickly!"

They looked at Huang Mao and said, "The boss is awesome!"

The three foxes squatted side by side and looked at Huang Mao with their eyes wide open. Huang Mao was indeed very professional!

At the park construction site, a huge pit dozens of meters deep has been dug, with hills piled up beside the pit.

Dozens of immortal arts committee members were pulling out the newly dug soil and sorting out the copper plates and stone slabs with characters on them. Although most of them have been cracked and shredded by excavators, they are more or less still usable.

What no one noticed was that a gray mouse was also burrowing in the newly dug soil.

When it came across a copper plate with words on it, it opened its mouth and bit it, letting itself enter a half-asleep state. Immediately, a white mist appeared on his body that blurred the world and the dream, swallowing up the copper plate and swallowing it into the dream.

Night in Fox Mountain has arrived.

The strong wind blew through the mountains, and the sound of whimpering spread into the dormitory hall.

Bai Mo was sitting on the bed, with a bunch of fox apprentices crowded next to him, forming a pile of fluffy hills. He was looking at a large cloud of white mist floating in the air!

This is the white mist that blurs the real world and the dream. At this time, through the white mist, you can see the scenes in the real world. You can see the picture from Black Ear's perspective.

Each fox was holding iced grape tea, drinking it while concentrating on the scene in mid-air. It's like watching a movie.

Although the picture is boring, all you can see is a few coolies digging with shovels in the dark hole. But they still watched it with gusto.

Bai Mo looked at the apprentices next to him, frowned, and considered whether he should buy a projector and bring it to Fox Mountain to enrich their spare time life.

Suddenly, someone spoke on the screen.

But it was a few coolies at the bottom of the pit, waving shovels and chattering.

“I always feel a little fussy, like someone is watching me.

“Has your spiritual sense been triggered?

"We won't find anything dirty, right?"

Huang Mao, who was squatting next to him and resting, frowned and stopped.

"Stop talking such nonsense and get to work quickly."

A few coolies pouted.

"It's just very scary."

"I seem to feel it too."

"It seems like something really dirty is watching us."

In the pit, there were three people with a circle beard, a white ear, and a black ear. They were holding back their voices and had a wicked smile on their fox faces.

In the Fox Mountain dormitory, more foxes made evil laughing sounds.

Suddenly, they saw that the picture was moving!

It turned out that Black Ear sneaked up behind Huang Mao and peeked at Huang Mao playing with his mobile phone.

Huang Mao's cell phone appeared on the big screen in Fox Mountain Dormitory.

A group of fox apprentices all opened their eyes wide, their eyes shining with excitement! They didn't even bother to drink grape ice tea and stared hard at the new picture.

It was a chat interface that even the foxes couldn't understand. Because...foxes can't even read.



A group of foxes looked at Master and asked Master to explain to them.

Bai Mo took a look at the chat interface.

"It's... the manager of the Dark World, giving Huang Mao a message, telling Huang Mao that the committee has dug up a large number of bronze fragments, which may be close to the treasure. How is the progress of Huang Mao?"


A group of foxes, you look at me, I look at you.

Is anyone close to the treasure?

Not far from the Alchemy Furnace in Fox Mountain?

How can that work?

A pair of reddish-brown eyes looked at the master.

But I saw that Bai Mo was not impatient or impatient.

“Don’t be afraid, our relic treasure hunt expert from Fox Mountain, Quanquan Hu, has already seen it.

"They can't dig out treasures there."

In fact, Bai Mo was a little doubtful.

The hole they dug was deep enough, so why did it turn out to be full of soil and stones? Not even a single bronze fragment was seen. Could it be that Hu Zhen, who is being circled around, is looking for something wrong?

He casually touched the head of the fox apprentice next to him and rubbed the apprentice's fat neck. He had already begun to think about how to comfort him if Huanquan Hu really made a mistake, how to make him not be disappointed or give up on himself, what should he do? Keep it confident.

In a deep pit.

Huang Mao looked at the message sent on his phone and frowned.

But he saw another bag of soil dug out of the pit on his side, tied to a talisman by the brothers, and floating towards the entrance of the cave like a hot air balloon.

"Brothers, when we dig here, besides soil, have we ever found anything like bronze?"

As soon as this was said, everyone fell silent.


"I dug and dug, and all I found was nothing but dirt and rocks."

The people with round beards, white ears, and black ears next to them couldn't help but be suspicious.

After digging for so long, there is no trace of shipment.

Could it be that I really made a mistake?

Circle Hu thought back to the details he saw at the construction site last night, and tried to find feelings and intuition again... but found that once he doubted himself, his intuition couldn't catch it, like a flexible fish, trying to slip away from his head.

It raised its paws, covered its furry head, and frowned.

Suddenly, it felt something soft approaching.

It turned out to be black ears and white ears, one on each side, leaning on its shoulders.

At this moment...


The coolies' shovels dug into the soil and made a crisp sound.

The sound of gold and iron resounded throughout the cave!

The yellow eyebrows are smiling!

The fox's eyes widened!

But when I saw Huang Mao's group of people, they immediately took out their mobile phones, turned on the flash lights, and dug up the dirt.

"Look, look what it is."

"I found something good."

With all their hands and feet, everyone dug out a bronze jar from the soil. It was square, with a large opening, and had inscriptions of birds and animals on it.

Circle Hu's eyes instantly narrowed, a flash of confidence flashing through him!

The intuition is back!

It grinned and stretched its neck to look at the bronze jar it had just dug out.

In the Fox Mountain dormitory, Bai Mo smiled.

Huanquan Hu really has two brushes!

The other fox brothers also screamed "Aoao Ao" happily, and even jumped out of bed while holding grape ice tea and danced in circles while shouting "Aoao Ao".

Circle Hu is indeed very powerful, you’ve found the right place!

In the pit, Huang Mao and a group of brothers played with the bronze jar and couldn't put it down.

"It doesn't seem to be a fairy weapon."

"But it is definitely an antique from the Ancient Immortal Dynasty!"

"His grandma's. If it hadn't been sanctioned by that bullshit non-gold system and couldn't be traded and consumed normally... our brothers would have sold this jar as an antique. It would be enough for the rest of our lives."

Huang Mao held the jar with both hands.

"Okay, brothers, keep digging.

"This jar is not a magical artifact and has little value.

"I will give it to Master Guxian as a filial piety to please Guxian."

He narrowed his eyes slightly and fell into a state of half sleep and half awake. The white mist steaming from both hands blurs the boundary between the real world and the dream world, and swallows the jar.

All the younger brothers next to him were very envious, and they also wanted to please the ancient immortal!

There are three Hu circles next to it, and the expression is weird.

If they want to honor the ancient immortal master, they understand this principle... But isn't that jar a chamber pot?

Why would this person give Master Guxian an old night pot that someone else had used?

Looking at Huang Mao in Circle Hu is like looking at a local dog.

But when I saw the chamber pot, I immediately felt that my intuition was back!

It seems that I can guess the more specific location of the alchemy furnace!

Not directly below!

To the east below...?

In the park, the sun shines brightly at noon.

Inside the car formation, the secretary was reporting work to Tie Shiba, but her voice was very low and her tone was weak.

“…The entire ruins are not as big as imagined.

“All the broken walls, all the bronze and stone slabs have been dug out.

"If the excavator continues to dig down, it will only be able to dig out clean soil..."

Tie Shiba was tall and straight, with his hands behind his back, his face getting darker and darker.

“So… where is the immortal weapon?

"What about the magical weapon that emits waves and boils the tap water in several streets?"

The little secretary lowered his head and remained silent.

Tie Shiba frowned.

The nearby water pipes have actually been inspected. But not at all.

At present, it seems that the immortal weapon is somewhere, emitting heat and releasing fluctuations in the distance.

What is known is that the immortal weapon must be underground!

If not in the ruins of this park, then where could it be?

Is it possible that we have to turn Xizhou City upside down to find it? That's unrealistic!

After thinking about it again and again, he took out his cell phone and made a call.

"President, I want to use the criminals who use the divination path."

Wu Jianxian's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Is your job not going well?

"If you want to use that criminal... that's fine.

"But have you thought clearly?

"There is only one criminal in the divination path, and it can only be used once. Are you sure you want to use it?"

Tie Shiba did not hesitate.

"For me, there is nothing more important than the refining furnace."

The entire park construction site was stopped at this time.

Excavators drove out of the huge pit and lined up in a row beside the pit.

Dozens of immortal arts committee members were whispering to each other beside the car formation, talking in low voices.

In the car formation, dozens of Tie Shiba's personal guards had already appeared.

Tie Shiba stood in the middle of the car array and saw a black spot in the sky, getting bigger and bigger... It turned out to be a helicopter, making huge wind noise, landing in the open space next to it.

Thanks for the half-note of floating life and raindrops for the reward~

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