A strong wind blew through the square at Fox Hill.

Bai Mo sat on the fishing deck chair next to the alchemy furnace, letting the strong wind ruffle his clothes.

His elixir fire burned brightly in the hearth, roasting the forked grass dancing in the hearth.

His consciousness was fully immersed in the furnace, observing the flying of every fork of grass in the furnace.

Under the dual effects of spiritual consciousness and alchemy fire, the forked grass continued to shrink, and its stems were burned away, leaving only forked leaves. And these leaves are all stuck together to form a fine weave...

“When it comes to divination and metaphysics, many principles are different after all.

"The reason why bifurcated grass resists divination has nothing to do with its medicinal properties. It has more to do with its shape.

"The key point of refining is also the shape, not the medicinal properties."

Bai Mo muttered, reflecting on what he had learned today, and felt that he had gained something.

The white-faced boy next to him squatted quietly, wagging his tail, giving his master an admiring look, leaning his head and rubbing his shoulder... He didn't understand what the master was saying. But Master is the most powerful, and what Master says is always right!


There was a crisp sound, and the lid of the alchemy furnace popped open, spitting out billowing hot air and jumping tongues of fire.

Under the steam of fire and heat, a square piece of black paper fluttered out, then rotated with the wind, and fell into Bai Mo's hand.

A bag full of bifurcated grass, weighing hundreds of kilograms, was condensed into this small, thin piece after refining. If you look carefully, you can find tiny bifurcation lines on the surface of this black piece of paper.

"Yes, Not Bad!

"Where to put this?"

Bai Mo thought for a while, then simply took out his phone and stuffed it into the phone protective case. The protective case of his mobile phone is opaque and no one can see it when it is inserted inside.

The mountain wind is howling and the night is dark.

In the main hall of Fox Mountain's dormitory, Bai Mo was sitting on the bed, thinking about what he had learned in the day, and occasionally turning on his tablet to read his notes or add a new note.

Next to it, hundreds of fox apprentices formed a large circle and were holding a competition!


There were hundreds of foxes in a circle, all raising their right paws, and each of them held a bronze sword in their fluffy right paw!


There were hundreds of foxes in a circle, all raising their left paws, each holding a chestnut in their fluffy left paw!


Huanquanhu was the first to jump into the circle and accept the challenge.

This is a kendo ring challenge for the foxes. As long as you have chestnuts in your paws, you can fight on the stage. The winner takes away all the chestnuts, and the loser steps down in despair.

Big Head jumped into the circle second and started fighting with Circle Hu!


Two fox swords clashed.

This caused the onlookers to cheer.




The white claws onlookers looked down at their left paw and the chestnut in the center of the paw. This is a golden chestnut specially cultivated by Master. It has good taste and high nutrition, but the yield is too low. You can only take one pill every three days.

It looked at the bronze sword held in its right paw, then looked back at the stone wall not far away where the master had carved sword skills... It had learned all the sword moves on it!

Look at the battle between the two brothers in the circle, look at their crude sword moves... White Claw is full of confidence, he will definitely win today! You will definitely enjoy it!

When foxes fight with swords, there is no need to fight. A few moves can determine the winner.

In just half an hour, the game was over.

Some foxes were so happy that they jumped around with chestnuts in their hands and showed off everywhere.

Some foxes were dejected, with their heads drooped, holding bronze swords and doubting the fox's life.

White Claw holds a bronze sword in his right paw, but his left claw is empty... Golden Chestnut just lost.

It was lost and wandering, ran to the master's bed, dropped the bronze sword, threw itself into the master's arms, and began to cry "woo woo woo".

Feeling that it was too embarrassing to cry out, she quickly suppressed her voice, arched her head in Master's arms, and sobbed silently.

Bai Mo quickly touched its head and looked around to make sure no other fox apprentices saw it.

He lowered his head and picked up White Claw, put it close to its ear, and lowered his voice so that other disciples would not hear, "Don't cry, don't cry, why are you a little crybaby? I have two chestnuts here, both for you to eat."

Bai Zhaozhao felt two round golden chestnuts stuffed into his paws by his master.

His nose twitched and he couldn't hold back his tears. He stuffed the chestnuts back into his master's pocket with his paws.

It's not sad for the chestnut...that's part of the reason, but it's not all for the chestnut!

It wiped its tears on Master's shoulder and pointed to the stone wall in the distance.


A lot of gestures and gibbering.

It took Bai Mo a long time to understand its meaning. It turned out that it had been practicing against the stone wall for a long time and had learned all Wu Qingyun's sword moves, but it still couldn't compare with other martial arts brothers.

"Ah this..."

In fact, foxes and foxes are also different.

Although every fox is chubby, some are indeed more muscular and powerful.

Some are simply puffy and fat, with very weak muscle talent and weak strength. For example, White Claw, this guy is a bit puffy and fat. It can't beat other brothers, it's normal.

Bai Mo thought about it, organized his words, looked seriously, hugged Bai Claw and whispered to it.

"Don't feel bad.

"Foxes and foxes are also different. You are not born to use a bronze sword.

"But you have your own talent.

"There is no need to use your shortcomings to compare with the strengths of other brothers."

White Claw was stunned, its dark red eyes wandering in the darkness, as if it had some realization... Master said it was not good at bronze swords? So what is it good at?

Just when it was time to go to bed, the apprentices returned to their respective positions and rushed to the master's bed one by one! The fastest one can get into Master's quilt and squeeze next to Master. Those who are slower can only sleep at the foot of the bed, or even further to the side.

Bai Mo simply hugged Bai Zhaozhao and let him lie down next to him.

Just as he was about to pick up a chestnut and secretly feed it to this guy, he suddenly noticed that the big head crowded next to Bai Zhuazhao gave Bai Zhaozhao a chestnut.

"Well, they are still very friendly."

In the evening, a few fire clouds floated in the distance outside the window.

Bai Mo was sitting at the dining table, eating a bowl of wontons.

A video conference is playing on the mobile phone screen next to it.

But he saw that the person presiding over the meeting was President Chen Shu.

Participants in the meeting were mainly expert advisors from the committee.

"...Have you all heard about the recent perverted murder case?

"Today's video conference, let's talk to everyone and introduce the criminal's situation."

But on the main screen of the video conference, a sketch appeared, a sketch that embarrassed the whole audience.

Master Chong sent Bai Mo a private message.

[Did President Chen Shu send the wrong picture? 】

[As for the criminals, why did they send you a picture of a beautiful body? 】

【Hey hey hey】

It turned out that this sketch clearly showed a slim and curvy body.

Bai Mo also felt strange. President Chen Shu really made a mistake?

But I heard Chairman Chen Shu's voice coming from the conference room.

“I got the picture right!

"This is the figure of the enemy that Commissioner Wu Qingyun drew after the battle with the enemy.

"Don't be surprised. She has a strong sense of the human body through her channel. Although the enemy wears loose clothes, she can sense and understand the enemy's figure after a few rounds of fighting."

Lord Chong sent another private message to Bai Mo.

【This is good! 】

[I want to learn this too! 】

Bai Mo twitched the corner of his mouth... This old man is really unserious.

In the conference room, President Chen Shu continued.

"...Based on this figure, we checked the archives and databases and tried to find ways to make some matches.

“Basically, identifying the criminal.

"He is a child from our Xizhou City. He passed out of No. 47 Middle School and studied at Nantian University. He was later wanted for committing a crime. His name is Chen Anjing."

A group of expert consultants were in an uproar.

This criminal... is actually a local talent in Xizhou City?

Master Chong sent another private message.

[Damn, this bastard ran back to Xizhou City to repay his hometown? 】

Unlike the members who were laughing and joking, Chairman Chen Shu's tone was quite serious.

The main screen of the conference room was replaced by a photo of Chen Anjing when he was in college.

"Today I am ventilating everyone, just to let everyone know that this Chen Anjing is extremely dangerous!

“Our expert consultants are all in Sequence Nine.

“And this Chen Anjing, at a young age, is already a sequence eight [Blood Sword].

“If you encounter her or notice any clues, you must not act rashly and tell the committee.

"Commissioner Wu Qingyun on our side, as well as two Sequence 8 officers who came to Beijing for support, are on standby at any time, ready to arrest her and bring her to justice."

Bai Mo was eating small wontons and felt that President Chen Shu's warning was a bit redundant. Each of the expert consultants is more afraid of death. Who would rush to get into trouble with a Sequence Eight? But think about it again, with such a dangerous person appearing in Xizhou City, it is reasonable to give some advice to the expert consultants.

President Chen Shu continued.

"To be honest, the fight with Chen Anjing is no longer something that Sequence Nine can interfere with.

“Even ordinary Sequence Eight can’t interfere.

"She was a true genius, and at a very young age she showed an amazing talent for anatomy.

“When I was taking an anatomy class in college, I was even more amazed by my skills.

"She is naturally suited to the path of Sword Immortal..."

Bai Mo took a sip of wonton soup.

Thinking back to when you were a child, did you ever show any talent related to elixirs? Maybe not.

“...We don’t know when she awakened from the fairy dream and when she started to cultivate immortality.

“But with full calculation, it’s only three years.

“When the vast majority of people cannot be promoted, or are stuck at Sequence Nine, she is already at Sequence Eight.

“Furthermore, according to Commissioner Wu Qingyun’s judgment, she is completing the training content of Sequence Eight at a terrifying speed!

“One of the sword skills of sequence eight, [Beheading], in the ancient immortal dynasty, it usually took an experienced executioner to master it.

"But in her first murder case, she beheaded more than twenty people. When she beheaded the first one, she was just getting started with [Beheading]. After the fifth beheading, her [Beheading] was... perfected."

In front of the mobile phone screen, Bai Mo heard something unusual.

By the time she got to the fifth one, she was already proficient... Why would she still behead the next dozen? Is it addictive? Thinking of her childhood quirks, is it really addictive?

“The second sword skill in Sequence Eight, [Slit Throat], in the ancient immortal dynasty, it usually took an experienced executioner to master it.

"She was in Chunhui Building, and her practice was interrupted by us, so she only had time to cut off one and a half people.

"But...according to Commissioner Wu Qingyun's judgment, she has also mastered [throat cutting].

"In short, this evil and perverted genius is growing at a very fast rate.

"Please inform everyone of the relevant situation."

The underground parking lot is already dimly lit.

The car compartment was even darker.

In the back seat of the car, the mobile phone screen illuminated a cold face, it was Chen Anjing.

She is also participating in a video conference.

The host of the meeting was none other than Medicine Master Wang Crocodile, one of the founders of the Dark World.

"...Very good, the practice of [Throat Cutting] was completed despite being interrupted. It shows that Jing Jing is indeed a genius.

"The practice of [Topping] can start to be arranged.

"Master Turtle, please help Anjing take a look.

“Look for a suitable opportunity, look for a safe time and place.”

Video conferencing interface adjustments.

Chen Jingjing's face was magnified and observed by Master Turtle on the other side of the screen.

In reality, her face is fair and delicate, expressionless.

On the screen, her face had low pixels and was slightly blurry.

But in Master Turtle's eyes, lines of cause and effect stretched out on her face. These causal lines are all causes she has planted. They connect different people and will lead to different results at different times.

The video conference was completely quiet, no one spoke, for fear of affecting Master Turtle.

This divination process was very long, but Chen Jingjing was very patient, holding up his mobile phone and remaining motionless.

She knew that Master Turtle needed to work hard to understand her cause and effect line one by one, and see enough to help her deduce suitable opportunities for practice.

Suddenly, someone was typing in the conference room.

[Isn’t there a serial seven alchemist in Xizhou City? Will his karma be too heavy and put too much burden on Master Turtle? 】

King Crocodile typed a reply.

【No problem. The last time, Master Turtle also divined the cause and effect line of Sequence Seven, but he just had a nosebleed, nothing serious]

In the conference room, someone was typing again.

[Master Wang Crocodile Alchemist, do you remember that there is a herb called fork grass, which can aggravate the causal lines? 】

[If the man from Xizhou City wears the forked grass, will it hurt Master Turtle? 】

But it took King Crocodile a long time before he typed a reply.

[I just went to the door of the divination room and asked Master Turtle’s apprentice. Forked grass does not interfere]

[One or two forked grasses have little impact on the causal line]

[Even if it weighs a pound or two, Master Turtle can still bear it]

In the conference room, someone was typing again.

[What if the guy from Xizhou City wore more than one pound or two pounds? 】

King Crocodile replied quickly, his tone a little irritated.

[Where do so many ifs come from? Do you still expect that person to wear a split straw raincoat? 】

Realizing that his tone was unusual, no one dared to type anymore.

Just like that, the video conference room was quiet and quiet. After a long, long time...

Someone else couldn't help typing.

[This divination has been going on for an hour and there is still no result? 】

[Master Wang Crocodile Alchemy, why don’t you go to the divination room and have a look? 】

Chen Jingjing also felt strange.

Why did this divination take so long?

Suddenly, I heard the angry and anxious voice of Master Wang Crocodile in the video conference room.


"Hurry up and bring me life-threatening medicine. Master Turtle is bleeding from all his orifices. He's going to die soon!"

Well, I owe you an update today. . Make up for it later. .

It's a little stuck, but it's not a big problem.

Mainly, I went on a long trip today. . Too much time wasted. . Say sorry to my book friends

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