The Ancients World

Chapter 242 - The City Of James I

[I want to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and the other is a new story with a basketball system. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is /easyread. Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.]

I wake up as the heat rises in the tent. I sit up with beads of sweat running down my chest and back—Sally groans in protest at the movement. I look down as we are both naked, and Sally's clothes are in random places inside the tent. There are a certain odor thanks to neither of us having a shower or bath recently. I crawl out of the tent, still naked, and look at the river we set up right next to. The water is probably very cold, but it won't affect me due to my stats. I slowly walk into the calm flow and go up to my neck.

I stretch out my limbs as I feel the sweat leave my body from the hot morning. I look towards the sun, and it's beating down on everything with its sunshine. I take a breath and dive into the water. I move through the water with agility. I can hold my breath for an extremely long time due to my high stats. I look around while under the clear water and see fish and other aquatic life. I decide to resurface, and I slowly breach the water. Letting the breath out and running my fingers through my dark hair, so they don't hang in my eyes.

I look towards the bank and see Sally still hasn't gotten up yet. I make my way out of the water, and I sit my nude body on a warm boulder heated by the sun—a natural way to dry off. I close my eyes and tilt my body towards the sun. Only a couple of minutes pass until I hear movement coming out of the tent. I turn my head and open my eyes and see Sally exit the tent with only her panties on. She is covering her breasts with both her hands. "Someone's finally up. How did you sleep?" She smiles as she walks over to join me.

I equip my underwear and leather pants as she approaches since I'm dry now. "I'm sore." I don't know if I should be proud of myself or worried that I hurt her. "Don't worry. You didn't hurt me. It's just when you are the size you are. It'd hurt the next day if we were rough." I nod my head and feel bad. I shouldn't have been so rough with her, and now she is the one hurting because of it. She finally makes it over and sits on my lap. "I take it you dived into the river for a bit?" I nod my head, and she hums to herself. I watch her stand up and slide her underwear off.

Showing me everything, she tosses me her underwear. "Hand on to those for me." I watch her walk into the river and begin doing what I did. I look at the underwear and can't help but have a rise in temperature—even more than when I watched her take them off. I don't know why. It's the first time I've ever held a girl's panties before. Ones that I know have been used recently. I put it out of my mind and hang onto them as she continues to swim and clean herself. She dives into the water and rises a few seconds later. Her long golden hair clinging to her body.

She runs her fingers through her hair and fixes it. She slowly walks out of the river, and I see the water drip off her nude form. Her nipples are pointy, and she sees me staring. "Sorry!" I quickly apologize. However, a devious grin spreads across her face. She slowly makes her approach. Once in front of me, she runs her fingernails along my scalp. She moves even closer and sits on my lap, completely water and naked. I don't mind either. The sun will take care of the wetness. On the other hand, the nudeness doesn't seem like it'll have a simple solution like that.

She has both her hands on the back of my head, and she is staring into my eyes. "You don't have to be sorry for looking at me. I like it when you do... You're the only one that is allowed to seem like this." She presses her perky breasts against my chest, and I feel her nipples press into my skin. "Besides, these are the few times I don't see the always calm and serious you... The shy you is something that I love to see when I get a chance." Her deep blue-green eyes stare into my hazel ones. She slowly leans her face into mine. However, she takes her underwear out of my hand.

She stands up and looks at me with a grin. That's the first time she has teased me in such away. "That's for making me this sore." I suppose I deserve that. I sigh and stand up. We walk back to the tent, and I help Sally get her clothes out of the tent. While she puts them on, I take the tent down and store everything in my inventory. It's time we got a move on. Once Sally is fully dressed, she looks at me and nods her head. I toggle my massive golden wings on, and I kneel so she can climb on. Once secured, I blast off the ground and continue heading towards the Barony of James.

As Cera and Sally still have half a day left of travel until they reach The City of James. The sister of Cera is already there and is waking up herself. The City of James is just starting to wake up themselves and make their ways to work. There are player-owned and ran shops opening up. They range from food to clothes, as well as weapon and armor shops. Many players have settled into their new lives. Some taking active roles in the military to gain strength from the rewards. Others have taken on the modest life of being a producer.

I stretch my limbs out as I sit up in the comfortable bed. Emerald meows in frustration as I begin to wake her. I stand up from the bed and head towards the bathroom. I have a room with a private bathroom, which I think is splendid. I undress, and I turn the magical tub on. It quickly fills with water that is good and hot. I dip my toe in, and it's the perfect amount of hot. I step inside and sink my dirty body in. It's been weeks since the last time I took a bath. The magically enchanted water and tub will ensure I get cleaned up and stay clean for the next few days.

The pattering of little paws can be heard, and I look towards the door to see Emerald poke her head through the door. The white tiger cub could use a good cleaning too. I wave for her to come over, and she does. I pick her up as she stands by the tub, and I bring her in. She protests greatly at first but gives in as the magical water cleans her and makes her relax. "Not so bad now, is it..." She lets a mew out in response. I chuckle to myself as I close my eyes and scratch her head. As much as I want to stay in the bath for the whole day. I have things to do.

I spend around 30 minutes in the bath. Emerald got out around 15 minutes ago. I sigh to myself, knowing that it's time to get out. I stand up from the tub, and I head to the front of it to drain it. I grab a towel from the towel rack as I exit the bathroom. I head towards the bed as I wrap myself with the warm towel. I sit down and plop my back onto the bed. "The first thing I should do is ask the right people for information. The best people to ask are the elderly. They've been around the longest..." I learned that from Cera. He taught me a lot on the trip back to the continent.

As my thoughts drift to my little brother, I can't help the empty feeling in my heart. It's been so long since I've seen him, and it's been so long since I've seen any of my family. Cera holds a special place in my heart, always has. "I miss you, little bro..." Hopefully, one day soon, I'll be able to see him again. Emerald jumps up on the bed and lays down next to my head. She is releasing deep purrs. "You'd love Cera... I wouldn't have met you if it weren't for him..." If he didn't send me to get the legendary class, I wouldn't have come across Emerald. no sense in waiting any longer. I finish drying off and equip my gear.

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