[Fuck... Mr. Lu is going to bleed? I'm afraid this meal will cost tens of thousands of dollars, right? 】

[Most of the roads have driven Ferraris, what is a meal for tens of thousands of yuan! 】

[Is this about to change careers to do food and broadcasting? 】

[This Qiao Biluo looks more and more wrong... I seem to have seen her when I was soaking my feet somewhere? 】

[Upstairs, where is the morality? Where is the bottom line? Where is the price? Where is the contact information? 】


Ding Qiaoer on the opposite side saw Lu Ze's tone.

Also surprised for a moment.

Is it...

Did you look away?

Is this a big fish?

"Sir, are you sure you order all of these?"

The waiter took a look at Lu Ze.

There are no two steel pegs on my body these days.

He saw a lot of people who came in to eat Bawang's meal.

The refined and youthful temperament of Lu Ze.

Although it doesn't look like someone who wants to eat the king's meal.

But to be cautious, he still opened his mouth.

"All in all."

"You need to settle the bill in advance here."

"The total is 53,800. May I ask you to pay by card or online?"


Lu Ze threw the bill directly in front of Ding Qiaoer.

"Come on, settle the bill."

"What's the meaning?"

Ding Qiao'er was stunned.

"You want me to pay?"

"You ordered all these?"

"As soon as we met, you ordered nearly 10,000 yuan for my buddy."

"If I guessed correctly, you have already contacted your best friend in advance."

"Wait 20 minutes, half of the meal is eaten."

"You take a phone call from your best friend and run away."

"This order... I'm afraid my buddy will have to buy it alone?"

Lu Ze shrugged.

"What did you say!"

Suddenly pierced by Lu Ze.

Under the panic, Ding Qiaoer looked a little annoyed.

"It was your brother who licked me every morning and night on VX, and I came out to eat this meal!"

"Is that so?"

Lu Ze raised his eyebrows, "Turn on your phone and post the chat history."

This statement came out.

Ding Qiaoer was stunned on the spot.

She is not Qiao Biluo at all!

But Lu Ze seems to have seen through this!

Even Song Youjiang himself didn't see it.

How did he know?

[Fuck...isn't this woman Qiao Biluo? 】

【what's the situation? Didn't I Ze say that his brother's online date was Qiao Biluo? 】

[I have long said that this woman looks like a wine holder, what is life experience? 】

[The elder brother next to him is really miserable. At first glance, he is a kind person who is honest and honest. How can he provoke such a superb person? 】


"I... my phone is out of battery."

Ding Qiaoer put the mobile phone on the table directly into her bag.

Even if Lu Ze knew something.

But Song Youjiang next door doesn't know!

As long as you don't admit it...

The other party can't always steal his mobile phone, right?

[Perhaps Yue Lao drops the line, and love is managed by the God of Wealth...]

Ding Qiaoer's bag.

A loud, loud cell phone ringing suddenly rang.

Ding Qiaoer petrified on the spot.

The whole place was silent.

Only the ringtone of the incoming call kept ringing.

【A good phone is out of battery! 】

[Good guy...isn't it embarrassing? 】

[Slap in the face, sometimes it is so simple and straightforward. 】

[The God of Wealth is the real old man of the moon! 】

[Just ask if you are embarrassed, embarrassed or not? 】

[If I were the bartender, I would be so embarrassed that I could dig out a three-story villa with my toes! 】

[Is it reasonable that a cell phone without battery can also ring the phone? 】

[VX pays 200 yuan, I can choose to lose my memory, I didn't hear it! 】



Ding Qiaoer wanted to explain.

But can't think of any wording at all.

"Don't bother."

"You're not Qiao Biluo at all!"

Lu Ze has sharp eyes.

"Qiao Biluo's collarbone has no tattoos!"

As soon as these words came out, there was another small climax in the live broadcast room.

[The road is really too thin! He didn't say I didn't find it! 】

[I've been watching to see if she has 36D, and I didn't notice this one at all...]

[I've been stuck at level 8 at Qiao Biluo's, but I didn't realize this! 】


Hearing this, Ding Qiaoer's face was startled.

Came here before dinner today.

She just took a private job.

So dress a little cooler.

The neckline is relatively low, revealing the tattoo on the collarbone.

But it was such an inadvertently exposed flaw.

Was discovered by this man in front of him?

She subconsciously covered her collarbone with her collar.

But it was too late.

Song Youjiang, who was beside him, finally understood everything.

"You...not Qiao Biluo?"

"Then why did you come to eat instead of her?"

Song Youjiang was trembling with anger.

I just want to find a good object.

Don't let your parents always think about your marriage.

Why one and two...

Are you deceiving yourself?

Just because you are honest?

An honest person digging up her family's ancestral grave?

"Since everything has been said..."

"Then there's nothing to hide."

After being completely dismantled.

On the contrary, Ding Qiaoer seemed to be a lot calmer.

She took a lady's cigarette out of her bag and lit it.

"I'm in my early thirties this year."

"I've seen more men than you've read."

"You look like you're in your twenties."

"I haven't been beaten in society very much, and I haven't experienced much beatings in the world."

"Then I will teach you this lesson today."

"Sister is not afraid to tell you."

Ding Qiaoer slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Today's order, you must buy it."

"I want a refund!"

Song Youjiang hurriedly spoke to the waiter beside him.

"It's not long since the order was ordered."

"Besides, she's still a food supporter!"

"We can't pay this money!"

"Sir, I'm very sorry, our kitchen has already started to prepare dishes."

"Our restaurant does not have the rule of unconditional withdrawal."

The waiter on the side responded.

Song Youjiang still wanted to speak.

Lu Ze interrupted him directly.

"Call your manager here!"

Call the manager over?

That's fine.

Ding Qiaoer's face became more and more proud.

Now that you know I'm a drink holder...

What do you think the manager will do?


Myself and the manager of this restaurant...

The relationship is quite deep!

The security guards and thugs specially recruited by this restaurant...

Will definitely let you obediently pay!

[Fuck, is this bitch pretending to be a social person? 】

[Just now, you just pretended to be a little girl, so why don't you just stop acting? 】

[I said at the beginning that she looks a little old! as predicted! 】

[Last time, even though Deng Pingping was old, she still looked a bit like a little girl when she dressed up. This one looks like a half-aunt! 】

【Is this ready to be hard? 】

[I Ze is an elegant boy... You must not do it, he will kill you! 】


After a moment.

The hotel manager walked over with two tall security guards.

Ding Qiaoer immediately gave him a wink.

The hotel manager instantly understood.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Sir, we have already understood your situation."

"The order you placed just now is already being made by the back chef."

"And the wine you want, we have already opened it and are helping you sober up."

"The order has been placed, and the money cannot be refunded."

"come here."

Lu Ze hooked his finger at the hotel manager.

"There is good news for you."

The hotel manager leaned over to Lu Ze.

Only then did Lu Ze speak slowly.

"have you seen……"

"Is it Hulunbuir Prairie?"


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