The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 322 The Benefits of Using Robots

"The almighty master of the last days is raising buns in the interstellar ()"

Si Lingling didn't go inside, but stopped in front of the big tree.

Raising his hand and pressing on the trunk, the wood-type ability uses the big tree as a medium, and with the help of spiritual power, he planted a strange bud on a dozen people.

They didn't destroy Si Ling's genes back then, so now she will give them back in her own way.

As for the effect, it would definitely not be less painful than what Si Ling suffered in those days.

On the contrary, because of the spiritual power of Si Lingling in her bud, they will suffer pain and torture all the time.

Well, people, just stay here.

She didn't want them to find trouble everywhere after they went out.

Especially the one who sent someone to capture them.

Although Si Lingling didn't want to have much to do with the other party, she would not take the good intentions of others as the capital of her Holy Mother.

After doing this, she strengthened the defense of the tree, lest they recover and work together to break through the defense.

After confirming that there were no omissions, Si Lingling turned and left.


Not far away, she felt eyes watching her from behind, and she suddenly stopped and looked in a certain direction: "Come out."


Just as she finished speaking, a tall and strong figure cautiously moved out from behind the tree, "Little Zhan Jiushi, hello to the master."

Si Lingling: "Why are you here?"

She didn't expect her robot to appear so far away.

Zhan Jiushi respectfully replied: "Returning to the master, the little one has just changed shifts with the new patrol officer Zhan Liushi, and is going to go back to recharge before continuing to work."


Si Lingling raised her eyebrows slightly, "Is your patrol area so wide?"

"Yes Master."

Zhan Jiushi agreed very firmly, "When the energy was recharged last night, the captain of Zhanyi assigned us a patrol mission."

"With the place where the master lives as the core, a radius of five kilometers is the scope of our patrol."

"Each class of three people is responsible for the safety of the three directions."

Si Lingling nodded slightly: "Then let's go back together."

"Yes, Zhan Jiushi obeys the master's orders."

Zhan Jiushi's tone was very respectful, and Hua Luo walked ahead to open the way for her, blocking the hanging branches from time to time, asking Si Lingling to go first.

Seeing this, Si Lingling didn't say anything, and walked home calmly.

I couldn't help feeling in my heart, it's really a good thing to have robot subordinates.

At least Zhan Jiushi in front of him would not curiously ask her why this master appeared here.

Nor will she tell irrelevant people what happened to her just now.


At the same time, Leng Zheng'ao, who was far away on star 88, suddenly woke up from his sleep.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he turned on the light energy lamp in the room, and his long and narrow eyes swiftly scanned the environment in front of him.

Raising his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, he let out a long breath: "Huh—"


The man raised his hand to sweep away the things on the bedside table, and couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "What the hell, it's been so many years, and I still dream of that monster."

He turned around and got off the bed, got up with his slippers on, went to the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of synthetic red wine, and poured himself a half glass.

Putting it on the tip of his nose and smelling it, he frowned frequently, and slightly moved his wrist to shake the glass, making the bright red wine smudge circles of red liquid on the wall of the glass.

Every time he sat up startled in a dying dream, he would use this to relieve the aggrieved and uncomfortable feeling in the dream.

But today, the aggrieved heart in him could not be calmed down no matter what.

Taking a deep breath, he raised his head and took a sip of the synthetic red wine, smacked his lips, and muttered in disgust: "It's still so bad."

Having said that, he still drank the wine in the glass completely without wasting a single drop.

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