The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 360 Please, give me a chance

"The almighty master of the last days is raising buns in the interstellar ()"

Si Lingling withdrew her gaze, turned around and continued walking.

Jun Mo Yao didn't know what she was thinking.

But seeing that she didn't speak any more, he thought she had approved his request.

So he quickly chased after her and asked, "Then, Si Ling, look at me... can I..."


Si Lingling didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and interrupted him unceremoniously.

Although she is no longer interested in bullying him, it doesn't mean she will trust him not to hurt her child.

Even those two children are his flesh and blood.

As the man said earlier.

There is no emotion between interstellar creatures.

Even between parents and children, emotions are very weak.

She will not put them in any danger without ensuring that the two children can protect themselves.

Jun Moyao didn't expect her to refuse so simply.

Chasing her embarrassingly, he asked, "How can I see the two children?"

Si Lingling: "When they grow up to be able to easily distinguish right from wrong."

"Then, am I missing all of their growth?"

Listening to Si Lingling's answer, Jun Moyao was unwilling to fight for some benefits for himself.

At least let him appear in front of the children from time to time, so that they are familiar with himself.

In the future, when the children grow up and can tell right from wrong, tell them that their father is him.

But what if, when the children were growing up, I never participated in it.

In the future, even if the children know about the existence of his father, it may be too late.

Si Lingling: "You have been missing from their lives for a long time, so why not miss another ten years?"

Hearing these words, Jun Moyao felt as if a lump of space fiber (a kind of cotton-like thing) was blocked in his heart, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

He knew that it was his biggest mistake that he was not by his mother and child when they were most vulnerable and helpless.

But that's not because he doesn't know yet.

If he had known that she could conceive a child at once, even if he was an enemy of the whole world, he would appear in front of her in time.

Unfortunately, there is no 'if' at any time.

The man took a deep breath and chased after him persistently: "Si Ling, I just look at them and don't approach or touch the children, is that okay?"

He took two quick steps to stand in front of her, and looked at her seriously: "For the sake of a young man who is a new father and can't express his inner feelings."

"Give it a chance."

At the end of Jun Moyao's speech, he bowed at 90 degrees to Si Lingling, "Please, let me see the two children."

Facing such a man, Si Lingling was a little upset.

Originally, if the other party was strong and domineering, she could definitely beat him out directly.

Don't be afraid of him even if you get hurt.

But he was like this, put on the softest posture, and said the most pious request, which made her a little embarrassed.

After all, in her creed of life, there is no such thing as 'if people don't offend me, I will still deceive others'.

Jun Moyao didn't hear Si Lingling's response, and didn't see her leave just then, so he had some confidence in his heart.

When speaking, the tone was more sincere: "Please, give me a chance, I promise, I will not do anything to hurt you and the two children."

If so.

Wasn't it easier to directly control her when she received her parents and brothers?

Since it was not considered to be done then, it is even less likely now.

He believed that Si Ling could figure this out and give him a chance to see the child.

The two stood facing each other in the courtyard, one with a straight waist, and the other bent at ninety degrees to beg sincerely.

This scene was clearly seen by the three members of the Si family on the second floor.

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