The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 474: Shen Minjiao and her foster mother

"The almighty master of the last days is raising buns in the interstellar ()"

Shen Minjiao walked towards the step-mother's room while thinking in the dark: "I hope this time the step-mother can get better."

These days, although she also earns some Star Coins by doing temporary work at outside points, it is still far from the high drug costs of her step-mother.

In the future, if he wants to make life better for his stepmother and himself, he will have to find a way.

"However, regardless of so much, when the stepmother recovers, there will always be a way."

"I hope that the stepmother who almost died once recovers and won't have to do such a thing again."

"That's really trying to make money, it's not worth it."

While inhaling the smell of delicious food, Shen Minjiao quickly walked to the nursing cabin of her adoptive mother.

Carefully put the food aside, gently opened the recuperation cabin door, looking at the woman lying quietly inside, the girl's eyes were slightly red.

After hesitating for a moment, he smashed up the food on the plate, then squeezed open the mother's mouth with one hand, and fed her with a spoon with the other.

In order to prevent her adoptive mother from choking on the food, the girl carefully fed her while checking her mouth.

After confirming that the food had completely entered the esophagus, she took another bite.

Fortunately, although data food is also chewy, as long as it is in the mouth without chewing for more than three seconds, the food will be swallowed automatically.

About the seventh mouthful, the woman who had closed her eyes to rest in the recuperation cabin suddenly opened them.

Seeing that the adopted daughter was feeding herself, two tears flowed out of the corners of the woman's eyes unconsciously: "You silly child."

"Mother-in-law, you finally woke up again."

Seeing the woman woke up, Shen Minjiao put down the spoon excitedly, let go of her hand that was pinching her cheek, and rushed towards her, "Mother-in-law, you are finally awake."

"Good boy."

The woman gently raised her arm, and patted the girl's thin back comfortingly, "It's been hard for you these days."

"Not bitter."

Shen Minjiao sucked her nose and shook her head vigorously, "As long as I can see you getting better, Jiaojiao won't feel bitter at all."

"You silly boy, if you eat such a good thing, you might awaken your genes."

The woman looked at her reproachfully, "But look at you now, not only have you put yourself in such a mess, but your face is also full of exhaustion."

"I'm doing fine."

Shen Minjiao smiled foolishly, "Mother-in-law, let's stop talking, I'll help you up, and you eat the rest."

"It's not easy to get these things, is it?"

The woman looked at the girl in front of her dotingly, "The greatest luck in my mother's life is to accept you as a child."

"Hee hee, Jiaojiao's greatest luck is to become your child."

Shen Minjiao listened to what her stepmother said, and said with a smile, "Stop talking, stepmother, please taste it yourself, this delicacy is really delicious."

As he said that, he helped her up, and tweeted: "Mother, you don't even know how many people grab the food made by the host's mother."

"It's also our mother and daughter who are lucky."

Shen Minjiao spoke excitedly, expressing all her inner thoughts, "After more than two months, the mother of the anchor resumed the broadcast on the first day, and we grabbed a share."

"I saw that many people in the live broadcast room posted barrages saying that this delicacy called braised pork is really soft, soft and sweet, and it tastes great."

Hearing the girl's chirping voice, the woman's lips curled into a smile.

But there was a sparkle in the corner of his eyes: "You are really... how can I ask my mother?"

"Mother-in-law, don't say anything."

Shen Minjiao giggled and said, "Are you eating by yourself, or let Jiaojiao feed you? Come on, open your mouth wide, ah~"

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