The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 476 Don't be dissatisfied

"The almighty master of the last days is raising buns in the interstellar ()"

Especially after taking a sip and drinking the hard-to-swallow nutrient, she wanted to use the gourmet fragrant mouth even more.

Seeing this, the woman couldn't bear to torture the child.

I can't bear to show my filial piety to the child, a woman in her 200s is crying while eating.

It is enough to have one, and it is enough for a filial child to have such a child.

In the future, she will treat the child as her own, and let the child grow up in her love.

Nineteen-year-old children are the best time to learn and grow.

Outsiders have no way of knowing what happened between the mother and daughter of Star No. 3.

During the lunch break, many star citizens who suffered from insomnia once again enjoyed the powerful effect of the lullaby (lullaby).

The live broadcast room was quiet for about five minutes, and finally someone started to post barrage: "Here, come, come, the lullaby of the host's mother is really amazingly powerful."

"Send a picture to everyone first, my wife has suffered from insomnia for many years. Today I finally fell asleep."

This ID sent countless pictures of his wife sleeping.

Then the bullet screen explained: "I told her before that the lullaby sung by the host's mother has a significant effect, and she didn't believe it."

"When she wrote the letter, the anchor mother stopped broadcasting again."

"Today, I saw the anchor mother's rerun, and I pulled her back from work."

"I finally waited until the host's mother put the child to sleep. I left her here to watch the live broadcast, and I avoided it first."

"Not much to say, my wife reminded me before going to bed that as long as she can fall asleep easily, she will give the host mother a Star Wars ship. Let the gift go."

In an instant, the special effect of the gift flashed in the live broadcast room.

Similar bullet chatting, not only this ID is being posted, but also many similar bullet chatting, as well as special effects of gifts.

Si Lingling slept soundly with her child, and didn't pay attention to the barrage and special effects of gifts in the live broadcast room.

After lunch break, Si Lingling began to teach her children to count.

Although the two children are still young, simple counting can still be taught.

On the first day when she was exposed to numbers, Si Lingling didn't teach her much, she only taught the ten numbers from one to ten in different ways.

Whether it is the Yoyo siblings or the Kayla siblings, they all find it very interesting and study very seriously.

Memory is also very strong.

On StarNet, viewers in the live broadcast room saw such an interesting teaching method, and expressed that they really wanted to go back to their childhood and learn from the anchor mother.

Before dinner, Leng Zhengao came back from the heavy snow, patted the snow on his body outside the door, and then stepped into the house.

Seeing that Si Lingling was still broadcasting live, it was difficult for him to get into the camera, so he just stood at the door and smiled at her, then turned his head to look curiously at the Si family who were practicing against each other in the courtyard.

After a little hesitation, he walked over: "Dad, Mom, Zhengao will accompany you to practice, okay?"

"Huh? Oh."

The Si family practiced seriously before, but they really didn't notice that Leng Zheng'ao came back from outside.

Seeing her coming now, saying that she wanted to practice with me and others, the three of them didn't react for a while.

Si Lingling accompanied a few children to play games in the living room, and she handed over dinner to Mrs. Cheer, Jianniu and the nanny robot.

Everyone always agrees on winter nights to eat hot noodle soup.

For this reason, Si Lingling has no objection either.

Moreover, for such a simple food, Si Lingling was not going to do it herself, and left it to Mrs. Cheer and Jianniu.

"The food at night is not made by the host's mother. I wonder how it tastes?"

"Whether it tastes good or not, the hope that it can increase gene activity will not disappear."

"Let's talk about it if you can grab it. Don't be too dissatisfied. The mother of the anchor is not a food anchor. If she can occasionally cook something for everyone, just have fun."

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