The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 480: Mrs. Chill and Stubborn Bull’s Spirit of Pursuit

"The almighty master of the last days is raising buns in the interstellar ()"

Really can't fake what I said, everyone gave me face, couldn't help saying two words in emotion: "Thank you everyone!"

The attitude of the audience in the live broadcast room is the same:

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and talk about your guess."

"If you don't talk about business, I will kill you with a knife."

"Who wants you to talk so much nonsense, talk about business."


Seeing such a big reaction caused by his random words, I really couldn't pretend to wipe off the cold sweat secretly.

He hurriedly begged for mercy: "Okay, okay, everyone, don't be angry, little brother just say what you say, just say what you say."

Following his words, the black screen live broadcast room became quiet again.

I can't tell if it's true or not, and I don't dare to delay any longer, so I quickly stated my guesses one by one:

"First of all, I think that the reason why the food made by the anchor mother can have such powerful effects is because she is the inventor of these food."

"Only the inventor can have whatever effect he wants in his food. What do you think?"

When the question came out, no one paid any attention to him, and they all thought in their hearts how high this possibility was.

Seeing that everyone didn't respond, I couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

Then a new barrage was issued: "In addition, why do today's noodles make people who taste them have different feelings?"

"I think it's also related to the host's mother."

"Because of those two people, we know that one of them is the former landlord of the anchor's mother, and also a victim of the last trap incident."

"After being rescued by the anchor's mother, I have been living in the anchor's mother's house, and even brought a pair of grandchildren to live in it. How lucky is this!"

"So Mrs. Cheer eats delicious food that we can't grab at the host's mother's house every day, is she always grateful in her heart?"

"I'm glad she rented her house to the anchor's mother, and even more fortunate that she didn't make it difficult for the anchor's mother when she was in trouble."

"I'm also glad that she didn't say anything about the anchor mother when she was arrested by those people, so I'm glad to hear the noodles. I think Mrs. Cheer did it."

As soon as these words came out, there was finally a barrage on the screen echoing:

"This analysis is so reasonable, I actually believed it."

"What the hell, it really can't be fake, it's really a trick, this analysis is really clear and logical."

"Based on this analysis, it makes sense that the delicacy made by the Stubborn Niu gives people a sense of awe."

"Yes, I heard Mrs. Cheer and the host's mother call him a stubborn bull."

"And Jian Niu's acquaintances outside also said that this guy shows off to them from time to time, and he is a follower of the anchor's mother, which is a great luck."

"As a follower, the awe of the host's mother is incorporated into the food. Obviously this is the truest portrayal of his heart, right?"

Seeing that everyone said everything they hadn't finished, I couldn't help feeling: "You are so smart, you will rush to answer before I finish."

The live broadcast room was harmonious and harmonious, very lively.

G569 is also warm and beautiful here.

"That's right, the noodles of the two of you are ready."

After Si Lingling tasted the noodles made by Mrs. Cheer and Jianniu respectively, she nodded in satisfaction, "In this way, I can stay away from the kitchen in the future."

"Thank you master (Si Ling)!"

Stubborn Bull and Mrs. Chill thanked her in unison after listening to her praise.

Stubborn Niu was even more excited and said: "It's all master, you taught me well, my cooking skills are far behind yours."

"The little one can't taste the miraculous effect of the active gene from here, so I ask the master to help me out."

Mrs. Chill: "Yes, the noodles I made don't have the miraculous effect of Si Ling. I don't know why?"

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