The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 500 I'm thinking how to make you have fun

"The almighty master of the last days is raising buns in the interstellar ()"

Facing the 360-degree handsome face on the light screen with no dead ends, Si Lingling's attitude didn't change much.

She asked indifferently: "What's the matter?"

"I know everything about Starnet."

Facing Si Lingling's cold expression, Jun Moyao didn't feel lost at all, and went straight to the point, "Do you need me to help you solve it?"

"Need not."

Si Lingling replied very calmly, "I'm still waiting for this matter to make a lot of money. If you make a move, how can I make tens of billions?"

Jun Mo Yao's lips moved.

I really want to say, if you are short of money, I can give it to you.

However, when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back rationally.

After all, based on his understanding of Si Lingling, if he really said that, I'm afraid this communication will end so simply and angrily.

Instead of saying something to make her unhappy, it's better to follow her wishes and help her achieve her goals.

So after a brief silence, he said calmly, "How can I cooperate with you?"

Si Lingling raised her eyebrows slightly: "...Shouldn't you persuade me not to be fooled by others?"

"With your wisdom, it's hard to be fooled."

Jun Moyao could see that Si Lingling was in a very happy mood at this time, and he seemed to speak more relaxedly.

The corner of his lips raised an awesome smile: "I was just thinking about how to cooperate with you so that you can have more fun."

Si Lingling: "..."

It has to be said that the man in front of him really knows himself very well.

Even though they didn't have much contact with each other, he was able to understand what he wanted and what he was going to do from his own words.

This feeling made her feel a little indescribable.

Taking a deep breath, Si Lingling said indifferently: "Forget it, I don't want to involve you."

"But, I'm already involved."

Jun Moyao could see that her indifference at this moment was not like the calmness when they first met, but she wanted to pretend to be indifferent when she clearly had turmoil in her heart.

Si Lingling raised her eyebrows, with a strong disbelief in her tone: "Has it been involved?"


Jun Mo Yao didn't hide anything, "They sent people to your former school to find your classmates, professors and tutors."

"You stopped someone?"

Si Lingling squinted her eyes, "Or did you stop only part of it?"

"It's not stopped."

Jun Moyao smiled wickedly, "Before they did anything, I sent those people to a secret base to do missions in the name of the ZF."

Si Lingling: " already knew about their plan?"

"I only found out when they planned it yesterday."

Hearing that her tone softened a little, the man was in a very good mood, and his smile became more sinister, "In order to avoid trouble for you, I acted overnight."

"No, as soon as I finished my work, I knew that they were crushing your public opinion on the Star Network."

After a slight silence, Si Lingling asked, "Mr. Zhang was also sent by you to carry out the task?"


Jun Mo Yao smiled, "Knowing that she was kind to you, I took her to a safer place."

"If you want to see her, I can send her there for you."

Si Lingling: "I won't see you for now, we'll talk about it after this matter is over."

"I listen to you."

Jun Moyao smiled all over his face, "Then, Linger, look, how should I cooperate with you this time?"

"Or, I'll go to your place now, we'll meet and talk in detail, what do you think?"

After saying this, the man's seemingly relaxed face revealed a hint of nervousness and anticipation.

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