The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 537: Dragon Roaring to the Heavens - Long Lingyun

"The almighty master of the last days is raising buns in the interstellar ()"

Si Lingling sent a text message to Jun Moyao, and turned to greet the children: "Come on, babies, it's time for class again."


"Hey, don't the anchor mother's paintings sell?"

"Yeah, I really want it. I feel that as long as I hang it in the bedroom, my spirit will gradually become stronger."

"Upstairs, what do you know?"

Long Xiao Zhuxing, who hadn't erupted for a long time, suddenly jumped out, "The anchor's mother's painting can not only strengthen your spirit, but also repair your broken genes."

"More soothing to the damage caused by mental over-fatigue."

"Ah? Is it so powerful?"

"@龙晓zhuxing, how do you know?"

Long Xiao Zhuxing: "I'm just a poor creature whose genes have collapsed to the point of becoming a beast, but because I saw the anchor's mother's painting earlier, I suddenly became sober."

"Ah! It's about to turn into a beast, isn't it already so serious that it's almost irreparable."

"Yeah, that's the case with my neighbors. A few days ago, they completely lost their human consciousness and were sent to the Beastization Center..."

The latter was not sent out, but the audience in the live broadcast room understood what this person was trying to express.

Looking at the barrage sent by this person, he was in one of the huge cages in a beastization center on Star 9.

There was a deep sadness in the eyes of a huge and ferocious giant beast.

At this moment,? Staring at the light screen outside the cage, his eyes became clear for a short time.

Seeing this, the nurse who took care of him was so excited that tears flowed out.

?, it was the audience whose ID was Long Xiao Zhutian and whose real name was Long Lingyun.

Withdrew from the interstellar battlefield due to serious injuries and returned home to recuperate.

I originally thought that as long as I cultivated properly, I would be able to return to the battlefield quickly.

Unexpectedly, there was an accident on the way, and the injury not only did not get better, but became more serious.

At this moment? His mental state is becoming more and more chaotic, and his body's genes have collapsed to the final stage.

?It is very clear that if I cannot get the help of the twin mother this time, I will never recover.

When it reappears, it is likely to become a material in the laboratory of a scientific research institution, or it may become a part of a weapon of someone else.

In short, this is the final result of the interstellar beast-like people due to genetic collapse.

But I'm not yet 150 years old, I haven't lived enough, I really don't want to just leave this world.

Especially when I saw the paintings drawn by the twin mothers have such an effect on me, I really wanted to fly out of the cage immediately, rush to her, and beg for a painting.

No matter how much you pay, you are willing.

It's a pity that after seeing the barrage of everyone asking to buy paintings, the anchor only showed his face and disappeared without saying anything.


Shengruixing, a secret laboratory.

The man who was upgrading Xiaoxing suddenly felt a slight vibration from the communicator.

He glanced casually and prepared to continue working.

But the next moment he paused, immediately put down the equipment in his hand, and opened the message from Special Concern.

The message was simple: "Make time to get it yourself."

But Jun Moyao couldn't help laughing, and murmured in a low voice: "As expected of my Linger, I still miss Yao."

While speaking, the man quickly replied: "Okay, wait a moment."

Xiao Xing: "Master, since the mistress and little master appeared, your smiles have become more and more frequent."

"Shut up, you don't understand anything."

Although Jun Moyao disliked Xiao Xing, the smile on his lips did not diminish at all, "Come, come, I will set up the last program for you."

"Master, why don't you go see the mistress first."

Xiaoxing always has a sense of crisis that he will be covered by something more powerful, and he really doesn't want to be upgraded.

It can be delayed for a while.

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