The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 540: The wounded who can't wake up

"The almighty master of the last days is raising buns in the interstellar ()"

Therefore, in the live broadcast room, regardless of whether they got it or not, they were frantically swiping gifts.

The hope of grabbing it will continue to be maintained in the future, and the hope of not grabbing it is that the god of happiness will take care of you once.

Si Lingling couldn't see this.

After turning off the live broadcast equipment, she ordered the nanny robot to take out the food.

Outside, Stubborn Bull and Mrs. Chill had already cleaned up the dining table and were quietly waiting for the food to be served.

"Huh? Where's Chuanxing, the little guy?"

Si Lingling washed her hands and came out, and found that except for Si Chaochao, Lai Chuanxing was the only one missing, so she asked casually.

Stubborn Bull said: "Ah Xing said that his family may wake up soon, and we will eat later, please let us eat first, don't worry about him."

Si Lingling nodded: "Okay, you guys eat first, I'll go in and see the situation."

It has been a few days since the Lai family was rescued by him, and it is indeed time to recover from their injuries.

So she wanted to see the current situation of the Lai family.

"Master, the little one will go and see with you."

Seeing this, the Stubborn Bull dared to eat before its master, and quickly followed, "Perhaps there is something that needs the little one's help."

Si Lingling glanced at him, nodded: "Follow."

Turning around, I told my parents: "Mom and Dad, take your children to eat first, and we will come out soon."

The mental power has captured the room where Lai Chuanxing is currently, where his parents and sister live.

It can be seen that these are the most nervous people of the teenager.

When he came to the door, Stubborn Bull stepped forward and knocked on the door: "Ah Xing, the master has come to see you."


Lai Chuanxing's voice came.

The teenager, who was looking forward to seeing the situation of his parents and sister, was startled when he heard the movement suddenly.

He hurried over to open the door, and sure enough, he saw Si Lingling standing at the door.

He called nervously, "Sister."

"Well, I heard that your parents are about to wake up, I'll come and have a look."

Si Lingling raised her hand to rub the boy's drooping head, and walked past him sideways.

In the room, there was a faint smell of blood and a faint smell of rancidity.

She sniffled quietly, and found that it was just the normal smell emitted by the injured during the recovery process, and she secretly admired it.

It turned out that this young man cared very much for his family.

At least he didn't let the smell intensify, obviously trying to find a way to clear it every day.

"elder sister."

Lai Chuanxing grabbed her sleeve, and called her to stop uneasily, "There is a strange smell in the"

"It's okay, when they fully recover, they will disappear."

Si Lingling understood what he was worried about, and gently comforted him, "There are impurities in the human body, especially in the wounded, there are more impurities."

"Only when these impurities are completely eliminated, the body will become healthier."

She patted the boy's hand comfortingly, then turned and came to the bedside.

He watched a pair of men and women who were somewhat similar to Lai Chuanxing lying there quietly and peacefully.

Beside the couple, a thin little girl cuddled obediently, with a slight pained expression on her little face.

At this moment, the eyelashes of the three of them were trembling slightly, obviously they were waking up.

It's just that for some unknown reason, the couple and the little girl have worked hard for a long time, but the eyes have never really opened.

Si Lingling looked back at Lai Chuanxing: "How long have your parents and sister been in this state?"

"My sister finished her second class in the afternoon, and when I came back, I saw that it was like this."

Lai Chuanxing answered very firmly. Obviously, the young man took care of the patients very hard. "My grandfather and uncles and aunts are also like this."

"Well, don't worry, I'll take a look."

Si Lingling soothed softly, and three thin emerald green branches spread out soundlessly, reaching towards the wrists of the three people respectively.

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