The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 552: Her Caring Little Padded Jacket

"The almighty master of the last days is raising buns in the interstellar ()"

Seeing this, Si Lingling stretched out her hand to catch the two children, and said softly, "Be good, slow down, and be careful not to fall."

"Hee hee, mother hug."

When Jiujiu fluttered into her mother's arms, her little head was raised, and her little arms were stretched out cutely.

Not to be outdone, Yoyo also stretched out her small arms: "Mom, hug Yoyo (Liuyo)."

"Okay, okay, my mother hugged my Jiujiu, and also hugged me."

Si Lingling held the pair of children in her arms and kissed them, which made the two brothers and sisters giggle.

When Jun Moyao came out, he happened to see this scene...

The eye sockets became moist unconsciously.

The man stood on the spot and secretly adjusted his mood, then lowered his head and hesitated for a moment, and then walked towards them.

After nodding with the others, Jun Moyao focused all his attention on the mother and son.

The tall figure knelt down slowly, with tenderness in his eyes, silently watching the warm interaction between their mother and child.

After the mother and son had been arguing for a while and paused, Jun Moyao said, "Liu Liu, Jiu Jiu, Daddy give me a hug, okay?"

While speaking, he stretched out his hands, looking at the twin babies expectantly.

Listening to his self-proclaim, Si Lingling couldn't help squinting at him.

This guy is too scheming.

Knowing that it would be difficult for her to correct his address in front of the children, that's why she called herself that.

However, he was the father of the children in the first place, and Si Lingling was not prepared to get entangled in this matter at all.

Liuliu and Jiujiu are still young, so they really don't understand what 'daddy' represents.

But seeing this good-looking uncle appear, the siblings couldn't help but want to get closer to him.

Jiujiu was the first to reach out. She always wanted to move towards him when they met before, but was stopped by her grandparents.

Today, the distance between them is so close that the child can touch the big and slender hand as long as he stretches out his hand.

Seeing that small, white and tender hand reaching out, Jun Moyao held his breath, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

The smile on his face was extremely gentle and joyful, and he wished he could take another step forward and directly hug the child and mother together.

Unexpectedly, when he saw that little hand was about to fall into his palm, Jiu Jiu suddenly retracted it.

Looking back at her mother who was hugging her small body, Xiaozui grinned: "Mom?"

"Jiu Jiu, good boy."

Si Lingling lowered her head and kissed the child's soft face, "Mom is here."

To be honest, Si Lingling was a little disappointed when she saw the child stretching out her little hand without hesitation.

She thought that the child she raised with all her heart would be easily snatched away by the man in front of her like this.

That empty feeling, as if she was about to lose the most precious feeling, was something she had never tried before.

But just now, when she saw her daughter stretching out her little hand, she suddenly wanted to stop it decisively.

Fortunately, she still kept in mind to respect the children, even though she felt uncomfortable and suffocated, she tried her best not to stop it.

At this moment, I saw my daughter's little hand retracted and threw herself into his arms again.

Si Lingling actually had a feeling of finding something lost.

She breathed a sigh of relief calmly, and looked at her children with tender eyes: "Mom is here."

When Yoyozhen's mother bowed her head, she stretched out her small arms to hold her face, pursed her mouth and called: "Mom, mua~ hee hee..."


Looking at the well-behaved and sensible children, Si Lingling gently kissed the child's pursed mouth cooperatively.

However, she always remembers that the child is under hygiene protection, and after only touching the child lightly, she takes it back and kisses the child's small face and forehead.

They even rubbed their necks, making the siblings giggle.

Jun Moyao: "..."

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