The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter five hundred and sixty second: The rise of descendants

"The almighty master of the last days is raising buns in the interstellar ()"

"I need to teach you what to call it?"

Lai Xiaoren looked at his younger son angrily, "Of course it should be called Patriarch."

When the old father and son got mad, the rest of the people trembled and didn't dare to speak.

It was Lai Chuanxing who looked at everyone and broke the silence in a low voice: "Grandpa, tell us, what did your grandpa's grandpa say?"

"Yes, yes, Dad, just tell us."

Seeing this, Su Yuzhi also quickly helped to change the subject, "Such delicious food, no one else knows about it except here!"

"That was a long, long time ago."

Facing the curious and expectant eyes of his children and grandchildren, Lai Xiaoren began to tell his family members intermittently while enjoying the legendary food.

"It is said that it was on the ancient ancestral star before we came to Interstellar..."

Following the old man's narration, a harmonious civilization and a prosperous and prosperous age are slowly unfolding in the ears of Lai's family.

I heard that the whole family yearns for worship.

I really wish I was born thousands of years earlier, living in an era when there was no need to worry about food and drink, no oppression and dark matter.

There is a car when you go out, air-conditioning when you get in, and a warm bed when you sleep.

It is unimaginable what kind of day it is to eat, drink, have food, and have pure water.

"...Hey, it's a pity, for some reason, chaos suddenly broke out on the ancestor star..."

Just when the whole family yearned for such a day, Lai Xiaoren changed the subject and said regretfully, "A mysterious virus suddenly appeared in the world..."

The whole family, old and young, stared at the eloquent old man with wide eyes.

They heard that the prosperity and prosperity disappeared in an instant, and human beings lived in an era of collapsed order.

It was really the abyss of hell where not only monsters cannibalize people, but also individuals cannibalize people. The scalps of everyone, big and small, were numb and trembling.

"Fortunately, our ancestors entered a base called Ni Rising."

At this moment, the old man's words changed again, "There are powerful people there who expressly stipulate that women and children should be protected and the elderly should be treated kindly."

"Especially those who are knowledgeable and good-natured, they are the most valued."

"And our ancestors were college students who survived a few schools."

Lai Boen, the ancestor of the Lai family, Su Chengshou, the ancestor of the Su family, and Wang Xianzong, the ancestor of the Wang family.

The three of them met on the way to escape and had similar personalities. Together with many survivors, they fled into the Ni Rising base until they were finally sent out.

Just listen to the old man's words and turn: "Why do you think us people appear in the interstellar, and live such a difficult life with no food, no drink, and no good things to look forward to?"

"Isn't it because there are more and more monsters on the ancestral star, and they are getting stronger and stronger, and they really can't survive."

"In order not to completely destroy the civilization of the ancestral star, the heroes of the Nijue base decisively arranged a few spaceships whose research is not very mature, but barely usable, and took the human seeds selected by the base to escape from the ancestral star."

"And our ancestors are examples of being selected."

"Unfortunately... hey~"

The old man doesn't want to talk about the latter.

After hearing what he said, the Lai family also fell silent.

Even Lai Chuanxing, a young man, didn't know what to say for a moment.

What can I say?

Said that the heroes of the Nisheng base shouldn't send people out?

But they are all to keep everyone alive!

Or is it that his ancestors came out with them, but led them to live like this?

But they can survive till now, even in this interstellar era, is it not because of the hard work of their ancestors?

As their descendants, what qualifications do they have to discuss these?

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