The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 671 In fact, there is nothing to be reluctant to do

Hearing these words, Lan Qing was not only not disappointed, but her eyes became brighter.

She looked at Si Lingling excitedly: "Sister Lingling, mean to take Shengrui Star?"

"Yes, I need a personal assistant by my side, would you like to help me?"

Lan Qing was so excited that she couldn't speak anymore, she nodded vigorously: "Mmm, mmm, mmm."


Si Lingling was amused by her reaction, "Then get up, tidy up, tidy up, let's go."


Only now does Lan Qing realize that she is not at her home right now.

She unconsciously looked at Enneer who was thrown into the corner by Si Lingling.

I don't know what Si Lingling did to Enneer. He is still not awake at the moment, but there is an extremely happy smile on his face.

It was like someone who was immersed in a sweet dream and didn't want to wake up.

However, the white foam spit out from the corner of his mouth showed that he was not dreaming at the moment.

"Don't worry, when he wakes up, he will forget everything about today."

Si Lingling comforted, "Let's go, where do you live, I'll take you back to clean and tidy up."

After all, the girl has experienced a thrilling nightmare, and she really needs to take care of it carefully.

"Thank you Lingling sister!"

Lan Qing nodded repeatedly and told her current new residence location.

At the same time, he speeded up the action of continuing to eat, but put all the food on the table into the storage button with a blushing face: "Sister Lingling, I... I put it away."

"Okay, this is for you, you are free to eat whenever you want."

After a slight pause, she warned again, "But don't store it for too long, otherwise the taste will not be authentic enough."

"Yeah, Qing'er knows."

Lan Qing promised, "I will finish eating it as soon as possible."

Si Lingling didn't say any more,

Before taking her away, he casually disposed of the traces of the two people's existence.

Only then did Lan Qing leave Ennel's residence and leap into the sky.


Lan Qing had never tried the experience of flying into the sky without wearing any combat uniform.

Suddenly being taken up into the sky by Si Lingling, she was so frightened that she let out a soft breath.

But then she found that with the two of them running at such a high speed, there was no feeling of being hit by the strong wind around them.

In this way, the girl's tense mood instantly relaxed, and she looked down at Baiyun City below.

In the bright lights, she couldn't feel the slightest warmth.

Some are endless fatigue and indifference to the city.

Even if there is still a father working in this city, Lan Qing doesn't think there is anything to miss.


As soon as Si Lingling appeared in the sky with Lan Qing, Zhan Yi greeted her, "Are you alright?"

"What can I do?"

Hearing Zhan Yi's human concern, Si Lingling couldn't help but smiled and said, "I'll take her to clean up, you guys come here."


Zhan Yi fully agreed, but couldn't help asking, "Master Liu and Miss Jiujiu..."

"We'll talk about it after Lan Qing packs up."

Si Lingling could get the point of what it didn't finish.

After the words fell, he took Lan Qing and went directly to the location she provided.

When passing the private hospital, Lan Qing's lips visibly moved, and Si Lingling slowed down slightly: "What? Is there anything in this place that you can't bear to part with?"

Lan Qing hesitated for a while, and finally shook her head: "Forget it, there is nothing to be reluctant about."

The humanoid wheelchair sent by her mother was just her last thought for herself.

Now, she, a girl who has really walked through the gate of hell, has really let go of everything in the past.

She wants to follow Sister Lingling and start a new life.

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