The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 673: Ah Wang in front of the tutor's door

After a year and a half, when she returned to the city where she had studied, Si Lingling couldn't help feeling mixed feelings.

Seeing all kinds of hovering vehicles passing by below, personal mechas speeding past, etc., a feeling of being in another world flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, in Zhan Yi's cabin, Si Chaoyue, Qiang Niu and Lan Qing got to know each other very quickly after spending more than twenty minutes together.

Looking at the bustling and bustling city below through the hanging window of the VIP cabin, Si Chaoyue shouted excitedly, "Wow, is this Qingfeng City?"

"It's so prosperous and lively."

Stubborn Niu smiled and said, "Yes, this is our star city on star 68 after all, so it's normal for it to be lively."

Lan Qing nodded and said: "Yes, this is not the most lively."

"When you get to Shengrui Star, you will know what the real excitement is."

Jian Niu and Si Chaoyue turned to look at her, and asked in unison: "Have you been to Shengrui Star?"

Lan Qing didn't hide anything: "Yes, I went to school there before returning to work in Baiyun."

"Wow~ Sister Qing, you are amazing."

When Si Chaoyue heard this, his eyes couldn't help showing admiration, "You seem to be better than my sister."


Stubborn Bull was instantly unhappy when he heard such words, "In Stubborn Bull's heart, the master is always the most powerful."

Lan Qing also said seriously: "Jiangniu is right, I can't compare to Miss Lingling."

"If sister Lingling and I have the same starting point, I'm afraid I might not even be able to pass the entrance examination to Xingmin University in Qingfeng City."

Si Chao waved his hand: "Oh, don't pay attention to these details."

"I also know that my sister is very powerful, otherwise, how could she make so many delicacies for us to eat?"

"How can you give birth to such excellent babies as Liuliu and Jiujiu?"

Lan Qing: "..."

Stubborn Bull: "..."


You actually want to dig a hole for us, right?

Anyway, you can say that your sister is not good enough, but we outsiders can't say that.

As long as it's the other way around and praises your sister, everyone can ignore these details.

Si Lingling ignored the conversations of several people in the cabin, but relied on her memory, and first searched for Zhang Xinghui at Xingmin University.

Sure enough, Zhang Xinghui didn't go home after get off work, but was in her staff apartment.

After finding someone, Si Lingling told Zhan Yi: "You guys wait here, I'll be back soon."

After saying that, he landed outside Zhang Xinghui's apartment with the two children.

Taking a deep breath to relieve the excitement in his heart, he raised his hand and gently rang the doorbell.

Following the sharp and piercing ringing of the bell, a line of sight at the door glanced at Si Lingling: "Well, come here, it's Miss Si Ling, one of the master's former students."

"Hello, Wang."

Listening to the familiar identification voice, Si Lingling raised her head, waved to the ion sight above, and said hello, "Long time no see."

"Well, it's really been a long time."

Ah Wang nodded approvingly, "To be precise, I haven't seen you for one hundred and seventy-seven days a year."

"Awang is really amazing, he can calculate the exact time in an instant."

Si Lingling praised her, and then changed the subject, "So, is Teacher Zhang Xinghui here? I have a question and I want to ask my teacher for advice."

Ah Wang replied: "The master is here, that is, you seem to be a little young student, you only come to ask a question once after seeing it."

After the words fell, it denied it again: "No, no, according to the normal situation, shouldn't you graduate?"

"Yes, I have already graduated."

Si Lingling said in a relaxed tone, "But who stipulated that graduated students can't come back to ask questions from their former tutors?"

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