The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 683 What exactly gave me the illusion that I can replace it


"No, attack."

At the moment when Si Lingling's figure turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the exit, she was in the observation room at a certain position outside.

Seeing this, the originally calm and calm man immediately issued his own command: "Attack, attack quickly!"

Following his command, countless invisible bullets that were so powerful that they were hard to catch and extremely lethal were like a net that could devour everything.

Attacked from the direction of the exit of the space station.

Si Lingling, who was flashing at high speed, suddenly felt many fatal dangers overwhelming.

While her scalp was numb, her movements became more flexible.

I saw that she seemed to have transformed into a thunder and lightning dragon, often passing through the powerful attacks dangerously and dangerously.

This scene not only made Zhan Yi and the others who followed from afar stay in place.

Even the person giving orders in a certain observation room was so shocked that he didn't know how to react.

The middle-aged man stared at the picture on the big screen in disbelief, his eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

He kept murmuring: "How is it possible? How is it possible? This is absolutely impossible!?"

After a short period of sluggishness, he quickly started to operate on the observation platform.

The scene from his command to the present moment was slowed down countless times, and it was only then that Si Lingling's astonishing movements and keen intuition could be clearly seen.

I saw it on the large observation screen that was countless times slower...

Under the intensive attack, Si Lingling's forward body sometimes turned into a dragon, sometimes like a breeze, sometimes like a dragon, sometimes like a fallen leaf, sometimes...

In short, the movements made by the body, the illusory postures, are not something a normal person can do.

With her astonishing movement power, all their attacks were within a hair's breadth, passing her by.

Under normal circumstances, even if there is no way to directly attack the opponent, they should still be injured by the powerful aftermath of the battle.

However, I don't know how Si Lingling managed to easily pass through such dense attacks without being injured at all.

Meanwhile, another area.

Leng Zheng'ao stood on top of a tall building, holding the Light Eternal Mirror in his hand and observing the exit of the Starry Sky Station.

Suddenly, it was discovered that there was a dense flash of shimmering light in that area.

"Damn it! How dare they do it at the Starry Sky Station."

The young man's face was extremely dark, he gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice, "This is really not taking all the interstellar people seriously."

But he couldn't do anything at the moment, so he could only continue to observe there through the telescope.

The hearts of young people at this moment are extremely complicated...

He hoped that the attack would end quickly, but he didn't want it to stop.

Leng Zheng'ao was afraid that once these attacks stopped, it would mean that the people being attacked had lost the power to resist.

But he didn't stop, and was worried that Si Lingling would not be able to avoid such a dense and powerful attack.

It really made his whole heart hang high, and he didn't know what to do?

"Prisoner, the battle has already begun."

At this moment, a soft voice suddenly sounded beside him, temporarily diverting his attention.

Leng Zheng'ao put down the binoculars, and said in a deep voice with red eyes: "Let everyone be prepared at all times, and attack with all my strength when the deity gives the order."

"If anyone dares to delay at a critical moment, I don't mind sending him on the road first."


Looking at those red eyes, Youqian, who came to report the situation to him, was so frightened that her heart trembled violently.

Hastily agreed, turned and left.

But in his heart he was laughing at himself: "What was it that misled me back then, that I had such a big misunderstanding of Lord Prisoner?"

"I used to think that the Lord of the Abyss Hell could be replaced casually?"

"Simply ignorant and ridiculous!"

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