The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 688: The counterattack is about to begin

() This scene is exactly one of the scenes where Si Lingling flickers around in the square.

It happened to be caught by a man of prime age and suspended here.

But Si Lingling herself felt that such a situation should not be too natural.

Because, in the course of the battle, her powerful mental power plus the instinct to fight various monsters for more than 20 years.

Let her learn to use all available things around her, and turn all unfavorable situations into something beneficial to herself.

Even the enemy's attack power may become one of her means of self-protection.

Therefore, all the unbelievable scenes watched by the interstellar people are really commonplace for her.

Not only can she point bullets with her toes, but she can also swing them with her toes, using air resistance to provide force to rebound her body.

Especially, after the fusion of ten series of abilities.

It was the first time she used this ability, and she realized that her combat power was much stronger than the previous single-line ability of more than 20 stars.

If he had such combat strength when the monsters besieged the base back then, I'm afraid that he and the supernatural beings who stayed behind at the base could completely win the battle.

Even though many companions might be sacrificed, she believed that if she had such combat power at that time, she could really keep that base.

Of course, now is not the time to ponder these questions.

What she has to do is to get acquainted with the brand new power in battle.

So as to achieve the greatest record with the least consumption.

It is even more necessary to use this opportunity to find the real enemy commander, so as to seize the opponent and give those forces enough shock.

All this, although it is written slowly, the battle process seems to have gone through a long time.

In fact, it happened just a minute or so after she asked out of the Starry Sky Station.

Si Lingling slowly took control of the rhythm and gradually adapted to the intensity and density of the enemy's firepower.

Only then did I take the time to send Jun Moyao a message: "How long will it take you to pick up my brother and the others?"

Jun Moyao received this message as soon as he entered the starry sky station through the time-space gate.

He raised his eyes and looked at the woman who was still dancing in the dense attack on the square.

Reply immediately: "We have entered the interior of the star station, and we will find Yueyue them as soon as possible and pick them up."


Si Lingling mentally read this message, and breathed a long sigh of relief, "After picking up the person, follow the route I gave you, and surround them for me."

At the same time as the reply, the super-strong mental power also conveyed the observed enemy's defense map.

She didn't want anyone trying to capture her, or even nearly kill her, to escape.

Jun Moyao looked at the precise enemy defense map on the light screen, his eyelids twitched wildly.

He instinctively wanted to ask: How did you know the enemy's defense map so clearly?

However, after taking a deep breath, he broke the thought and replied with one word: "Okay."

After receiving this reply, Si Lingling was relieved.

Then he issued an order to Leng Zheng'ao, attached a defense map as usual, and arranged the siege route, attack time, etc. for them.

Leng Zhengao was not as surprised as Jun Moyao when he saw the clear defense map.

After all, such things often come across when they are looking for supplies in the last days.

As long as Sister Lingling's powerful mental power is released, everything within the range of her mental power will not escape her observation.

The young man received the message and immediately replied: "Got it."

After making these arrangements, Si Lingling put away the communicator and at the same time conveyed her thoughts to Zhan Yi: "Fully cooperate with Jun Moyao and the others to surround the enemy."

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