The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 699: Brother Patriarch’s Kindness Expressed to Brother 17

Doomsday Almighty Boss Raises Steamed Buns in Interstellar

Moreover, most of the time, he focused on the two children in Si Lingling's arms.

Although there is a problem with the shooting angle, it is impossible to see the real appearance of the child at all.

But Jun Mingli still watched very carefully

Whenever he saw a woman's natural movement of protecting the child with her hands, a trace of inexplicable tenderness would flash in the man's eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, Jun Mingli couldn't help murmuring: "Seventeenth brother really had good fortune in the universe..."

"He was able to meet such an excellent woman and give birth to such a cute and cute baby for him."

"Father, what did you say?"

The girl next to him seemed to vaguely hear the man's murmur, and turned her head to look over again.

"It's none of your business. Father is working."

For some reason, after seeing the twin mother's attitude towards the child, his attitude towards his own daughter has softened a lot unconsciously.

Of course, he couldn't feel this slight change at all.

However, the children who received these were keenly aware of this slight change.

The girl blinked her eyes, and her face blushed inexplicably.

It's not because of shyness, but an inexplicable new feeling that makes the girl feel happy from the bottom of her heart.

She likes her father at this time, and she prefers to hear him talk to herself like this.

Compared with the coldness in the past, the father who talked to her like this really made people want to get closer.

However, when the girl found that her father was concentrating on work again, she did not dare to make a mistake after all.

Jun Mingli withdrew his gaze and continued to watch Si Lingling's fighting rhythm.

With a hundred times the deceleration, she could barely see her movements clearly.

Taking a deep breath, the man opened the address book, looked at the address number marked as 'Seventeenth Brother', hesitated for a while, but quickly typed in a few words and sent it out.

Jun Moyao led his men, entering the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Suddenly Xiaoxing sent a message through a special frequency: "Your family elder brother sent you a text message, do you want to read it?"

"What content?"

Jun Moyao didn't know why Jun Mingli sent him a text message, nor did he know what his purpose was.

But no matter what the purpose is, just look at it.

While talking with Xiao Xing, his movements didn't stop at all.

"Ah? Who are you?"

A fierce voice came from the front of the team, "You guys are so bold, how dare you do something here!"

"Hmph! You guys are the ones who act recklessly."

Jun Yuanwen, the head of the safety management department of Shengrui Star, responded in a bad tone, "Do you know what kind of place this is, how dare you use highly lethal weapons here."

"Your behavior, to put it simply, is to gather crowds to make trouble; if it is serious, you want to rebel. It is an evil deed that the Interstellar Federation ZF will never tolerate."

Jun Moyao listened to Jun Yuanwen's counterattack, and the corners of his lips twitched into a slight smile.

Not bad, what Linger told me is to act on the highest point of morality and law, this is the most enjoyable.

While thinking about it, Xiaoxing has already forwarded the news that Jun Mingli sent to the double to him.

After a closer look, he couldn't help laughing.

What are you worrying about, Daojun Ming?

"Brother Seventeen, if you are willing to hand over a pair of children to Brother Wei to raise them, Brother Wei will guarantee the absolute safety of your woman."

Seeing the content sent by the other party, Jun Moyao really wanted to use Si Lingling's words to retaliate to him: "Why is your face so big?"

However, after thinking about it, he, the elder brother of the patriarch, might not be able to understand such a profound sentence.

Don't waste such an interesting stalk.

So he said to Xiao Xing: "Say back to him: 'Where it's cool, stay here.'"

It doesn't matter, if you can understand Jun Moyao, you don't want to change it, this sentence is the most appropriate.

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