The Apocalyptic Boss Raises Buns In the Interstellar

Chapter 727 Best not to send paintings

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Si Lingling was embarrassed, and she was not ashamed to entangle this issue with him.

Leng Zheng'ao heard that her tone was not kind, and he didn't dare to talk nonsense: "I'm asking you, do you want to meet those fans?"

"You said 'true can't be fake' and 'the nebula is not a cloud'?"

Seeing Leng Zheng'ao, Si Lingling nodded to show that she was right.

"Then see you."

She replied, "After all, these are the people who have supported me the most in the past six months."

"Then where did you meet them?"

Leng Zheng'ao asked again, "Is it here or is it in another place?"

"Let's find a suitable place to meet outside."

Si Lingling said, "This place is a residential area after all, so it's not good to disturb others."

"Okay, I'll arrange it now."

Leng Zheng'ao got the accurate information, immediately answered, turned on the communicator and was ready to arrange a meeting.

Si Lingling asked again: "By the way, do you know how many people they came this time?"

"Since meeting them, it's better to prepare some greetings."

Leng Zheng'ao: "Sister, what gift are you going to give them?"

"Let me think about it."

Si Lingling really didn't think about this question seriously, "What do you think, a stick figure for each person?"

"Sister, don't..."

Hearing that she wanted to give others paintings, Leng Zheng'ao immediately objected, "If you give that kind of thing, it would be better to make some pastries and give them to them."


Although she didn't ask these three words out of her mouth, the look in her eyes couldn't be more obvious.

"It seems that sister really doesn't know how powerful your paintings are!"

Leng Zheng'ao said with emotion, "Giving such a precious thing to them,

It's easy to kill people. "

Si Lingling: "...Is that an exaggeration?"

"It's such an exaggeration."

Leng Zhengao nodded vigorously and said, "You should have seen that big man named Ayun under Jun Moyao, right?"

"Just outside the starry sky station today, the one who is going to recognize you as his mother."

Si Lingling raised her eyebrows: "Huh? What does he have to do with this matter?"

"It's a big deal."

Leng Zheng'ao said softly, "While you were cooking, I heard from the conversation between them that Ah Yun was originally a guy whose genes collapsed to the point of becoming a beast."

"Because of getting help with your painting through Jun Moyao's hand, it took less than three days for my consciousness to return to what it is today."

Si Lingling: "..." She really didn't expect such a thing to happen.

After carefully searching the memory of the original body, no information related to animalization was found.

"Ayun is actually a loyal audience in your live broadcast room."

Si Chaoyue suddenly said a message, "It's a pity that when he saw your live broadcast, he was struggling on the edge of human consciousness and animalization."

"So I heard from A Jian and the others that before today, he was staying in a pet shelter."

"So, I don't suggest that you send them paintings."

Leng Zheng'ao said softly, "After all, if such precious things really flow to the outside world, I don't know how big a storm will be caused."


Si Lingling nodded and stood up: "Then you ask them how many people come to me, I have to prepare gifts."

Leng Zheng'ao: "Yes, there are a total of 123 people."


At the same time, in the old house of the Jun family, the owner's study.

Jun Mingli stood at the door, took a deep breath, and slowly raised his hand to knock on the door: "Patriarch, Ah Li is back to report."

Jun Yezhao's majestic voice came from the study: "Ah Li is back? Come in."

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