
Hearing this, Leng Zheng'ao couldn't help laughing, "Sister, what you said is as if other people's attitude towards you can also affect your taste."

"You have eaten so many delicacies at home, but you didn't exhale the difference between me and Stubborn Bull or Mrs. Keel?"

Si Lingling raised her eyebrows and looked at him, "There is a feeling of awe for me in the delicacies they cook."

"If you haven't tasted it, there is a chance for you to try it again."


Leng Zheng'ao was taken aback when he heard that, "I really didn't know the difference before."

"Actually, there are a few dishes, they have already got my essence."

Si Lingling smiled, "It's just that their mentality and mental state are completely different from mine, so the effect is also different."

"Then tonight I'll taste the delicious food made by Stubborn Cow."

Leng Zheng'ao smiled happily, "Sister, I still want to eat Bazhen cakes, you can't keep it secret."

"When have I ever kept secrets from you?"

While the two were talking, the gifts had been distributed.

Si Lingling stopped chatting with Leng Zheng'ao, looked at the expectant eyes of the fans below, and smiled lightly: "Would you like to open it and have a look?"

"is it okay?"

Someone asked expectantly, "I really want to know what kind of surprise the anchor mother gave us."

"Yeah, we'd all like to know."

Si Lingling: "It's nothing, I just made a few pastries with my own hands and distributed them to everyone. I hope you like them."

"I like it, of course I like it."

While the fans were talking, their movements were not slow at all.

They carefully and impatiently unpacked and gently opened the gift box.


Xingyun wasn't Yun Yun burst into tears, "It's so beautiful!"

She stopped what she was doing,

Looking at Si Lingling expectantly: "Mother of the anchor, I am Xingyun, not Yun, and my original name is Qiu Luoyue."

"Hi, nice to meet you."

Si Lingling got off the stage and hugged each other lightly, "Thank you for supporting my mother and son."

"I would like to thank the host's mother for helping my grandpa get rid of the suffering of insomnia."

Qiu Luoyue smiled and said, "Grandpa will also come after waking up this time. Unfortunately, the number of places is limited, so Grandpa didn't come."

Si Lingling said gently: "It is also my honor to help your grandfather."

"I want to take a picture and send it to grandpa, is that okay?"

Qiu Luoyue looked at the petal-like box in front of her, and the neatly arranged pastries inside, "If possible, I would like to take it back for my grandpa to taste."


Si Lingling replied straightforwardly, "This gift is for you, you can make your own decisions, and you don't need to ask for my opinion."

"Anchor mother, you are so kind."

Qiu Luoyue excitedly hugged her again, and then looked curiously at the two babies in her arms.

At this moment, Liuliu and Jiujiu also stared at Wuliuliu's eyes, looking at her curiously.

This elder sister is very good-looking, not much worse than her mother.

It just doesn't have the kind and loving smell that my mother has.

Seeing Qiu Luoyue like this, Si Lingling couldn't help but smiled and turned the child upside down and said, "This is yo, this is chirp."

After finishing the words, he lowered his head and said to the children: "Come on, yo, chirping, call my sister quickly, and say hello to my sister."

"Hi sister."

Listening to their mother's introduction, the two children grinned and greeted obediently, "Hello, sister."

"good good good good."

It was the first time for Qiu Luoyue to meet such a cute and well-behaved child face to face, and she was at a loss for a while, "Hi, you all."

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