Based on his understanding of Mingzhu Academy, Mo Li, an S-level ice-type awakener, must have been given a lot of benefits during the recruitment process.

It is impossible that he was given only the ice explosion spell, and he must have been given other spells. As for the spell level, Gu Yuan guessed that it was probably starting from the Xuan level.

After all, he had seen Mingzhu Academy's wealth several times.

For Mingzhu Academy, as long as the problem can be solved with money, it is not a problem.

So Mo Li must have hidden some other cards that he didn't use, and those hidden means must be very powerful.

I hope that when the time comes, Mo Li can open his eyes.

Mo Li felt the gaze behind him, trembled unnaturally, and came to a big tree with lush greenery.

The dense branches like parasols and leaves brought Mo Li a large piece of shade for him to rest.

His eyes slowly closed, and the eyes fell into darkness, silently feeling the condition of his body.

The energy vortex has faded a lot, and the source energy has been lost by nearly 70%. If you want to recover to the best condition before the afternoon competition, you must use the source energy crystal.

The source energy between heaven and earth can also be absorbed, but the amount that can be absorbed is not enough for Mo Li at present.

He can only recover to about 70% of his strength at most.


"It would be great if the school could reimburse the source energy crystals consumed after the battle." Mo Li sighed and stared at other classes in the distance.

He raised his palm slightly, and was about to take out the source energy crystal from it to practice.

Suddenly, a white figure broke into his eyes. She stood on the ring with a heroic look, holding a sword in her hand, and stood on both sides of the ring with her opponent.

This is Bai Jiu. Mo Li is a student in Class 3, and she is a student in Class 5. There is only Class 4 between them, and the distance is particularly close.

"I have nothing to do, so let's watch Bai Jiu's fight."

Mo Li put his hands behind his head, leaned against the thick tree trunk behind him, and watched Bai Jiu's next fight with interest.

At this moment, Bai Jiu tapped the ground with his toes, and his speed was terrifying. In an instant, he approached the opponent in front of him.

Ding Ding Ding!

The long sword slashed out quickly, and the dense sword light like a net kept hitting the opponent's long sword, making bursts of crisp iron-making sounds.

Bai Jiu kept exerting force with both hands, and the force of the chopping became heavier and heavier, and the opponent was beaten back step by step.

Finding a gap in the opponent, Bai Jiu turned her body and kicked the opponent's abdomen fiercely, flying several meters away.


The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground sounded, and seeing that the opponent was still trying to get up, Bai Jiu suddenly exerted force with her right hand, and the flames instantly gathered in her hand.

Then the flame climbed up the long sword and merged with the blade. The red flame swayed on the sword, and an extremely intense burning sensation was transmitted.

Bai Jiu clenched the sword and slashed it diagonally. The crescent-shaped flame sword energy cut through the air, making bursts of explosions and flying towards the opponent not far away.

"Fuck, teacher, I give up, save me quickly."

Seeing the sword energy in front of him that was as high as himself, the man shouted loudly, his eyes tightly closed, not daring to look at what was happening in front of him.


Thick smoke spread from the explosion, covering half of the ring.

Everyone was startled by this blow, looking at the white figure on the stage with fear, not daring to look directly into the other's eyes.

Is this still a girl?

In just a few seconds, the strength shown by Bai Jiu is much stronger than most boys.

The opponent's ghost-like speed alone makes most men sigh.

Some boys who were interested in Bai Jiu felt their hearts were broken when they saw her win so easily. They felt indescribable pain.

They were not depressed by Bai Jiu's quick victory.

The real reason was that the other party was too strong, so strong that they didn't even dare to like her.

Adolescent boys always feel that they should protect girls, but if the two are reversed, and girls are stronger than boys, then many boys will have a strong sense of inferiority.

It is precisely because of this inferiority that they dare not like each other again.

But there are a small number of exceptions. They think that if they can be bad, why should they work hard, and think that as long as they find a strong girlfriend, the road ahead will become smooth and wide.

Life will also become very bright and full of hope.

[ps: The author is this kind of person, why should they work hard if they can be bad! ! ! ]

Feeling the eyes of the people around him sometimes falling on him and sometimes shifting away, Bai Jiu frowned slightly and felt a little unhappy.

When the smoke and dust cleared, a huge ice shield stood in the center of the arena, protectingThe student who had fainted in the back was already scared.

"Bai Jiusheng from the first-year fire class five."

Hearing this, Bai Jiu walked towards her class teacher and made her request.

"Teacher Zhou Bai, can I apply for a ten-minute halftime break? I've played so many games, my body is really too tired, and my energy is almost exhausted."

Bai Jiu was selected to compete with other classes at the beginning of the game. As a result, she swept all the people in the first-year ice class five on the opposite side with her own strength.

At the moment, the people who fought against her were all her classmates, but they were beaten by Bai Jiu.

She wanted to take this opportunity to rest for ten minutes to recover some physical strength and energy, and then go on stage to quickly deal with the remaining few people.

In this way, she would have enough time to rest, and by the way, she could also go to see how Mo Li was playing and whether she needed to help him.

"Well, go ahead. If ten minutes is not enough, tell me, I will delay it to thirty minutes for you." Bai Jiu's team leader agreed without thinking.

He looked at Bai Jiu lovingly, just like a father looking at his daughter.

He and the team leader of the first-year ice class five had some "grudges", and in this game, Bai Jiu beat the entire opposing class alone, which really made him proud.

Seeing the other party's angry face like pig liver, he wanted to laugh especially, and there was an indescribable sense of joy and satisfaction in his heart.

This feeling is much stronger than the happiness when the salary is paid.

When the team leader of the first-year ice class five heard the conversation between the two, his face suddenly turned black. Did these two people treat him as a decoration?

But it is also reasonable to rest. He can't object, and can only watch Bai Jiu gradually leave.

Then he turned his head and looked at the students in his class, and said angrily: "If you don't want today's shame to happen again in the future, you must practice hard after you go back. Do you understand?"


All the ice-type students lowered their heads and responded in a low and powerful voice.

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