Bai Jiu laughed so hard that she couldn't stop crying. Her eyes were red and her face was flushed. She looked like a shy girl waiting for someone to pick her up.

"I, I was wrong. Don't, don't do it, don't do it. It's so itchy!"

Hearing Bai Jiu's begging for mercy, Mo Li opened his eyes as if his goal had been achieved and retracted his fingers from the other's waist.

Looking at Bai Jiu's face that was redder than a ripe apple, Mo Li wanted to laugh.


Bai Jiu took several deep breaths and finally suppressed the smile that had not completely dissipated. The redness on her face also faded a lot. She looked at Mo Li with a little resentment in her eyes.

"You big pig-headed bad guy, you can't afford to play with me. You can't beat me and tickle me. Shameless!"

Mo Li was slightly startled. Bai Jiu had used her name before when she scolded him. Now she directly used two derogatory adjectives together to scold herself. It can be seen how unconvinced she was in her heart.

If it were someone else, Mo Li might not bother to do it anymore, but for some reason, looking at Bai Jiu, he always felt that he had unlimited energy and strength.

The idea of ​​teasing the other party not only did not disappear, but intensified, reaching its peak at this moment.

"Scumbag, pighead, big bad guy, I wish you step on banana peels when you go out, stir-fried pork shreds will never have meat, and you will have no children..."

"Mmmm, nimbus, nimbus!"

Bai Jiu was cursing comfortably, but suddenly his voice changed, his eyes were as big as copper bells, filled with surprise.

Mo Li put the thumb and index finger of his left hand next to his face, pressed gently in the middle, and his mouth pouted immediately, just like a swan by the lake, graceful and fun.

"Well, this is really good, and it looks pleasant. Let's do it for a while, Miss Bai Jiu, you don't mind, right?"

"Mmm, fanka, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm!"

Bai Jiu spoke with difficulty, trying to awaken Mo Li's last conscience, but it was useless.

Moreover, she couldn't even use her superpowers. Whenever she was about to use her superpowers to break free, Mo Li would immediately put his left hand back on her waist and give her a set of finger exercises.

Bai Jiu, who was originally ticklish, couldn't stand it at all. She was instantly broken by Mo Li, and the fire element that had gathered for a short time disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"I didn't expect Miss Bai Jiu to be ticklish. It seems that I know a secret that is unknown to others."

Mo Li slightly curled his lips and laughed in front of Bai Jiu without concealment.

"What's wrong with being ticklish? Are you not ticklish?"

Although her little secret was discovered by others, Bai Jiu still spoke stubbornly. All parts of her body were soft, but her mouth was the hardest.

As long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Mo Li thought about the past for a while, and it seemed that he had never been embarrassed by being tickled. Su Qi had tickled him before, but he did not laugh at that time.

He was not even touched at all, and his expression was still as calm as before.

He was not ticklish, this was the conclusion Mo Li came to from his memory.

Looking at Bai Jiu who was still chattering, Mo Li decided not to attack her. If he teased and attacked her again, Bai Jiu might cry.

Why did he become so sentimental? I don't understand, Mo Li thought to himself.

Seeing that Mo Li had not replied to his words for a long time, Bai Jiu guessed that he must have touched the other party's weakness, so he continued to output to this point.

"Hahahaha, Mo Li, you are ticklish too. I guessed it. Wait, I will take revenge when it's over. Otherwise, I will write my name Bai Jiu upside down!"

"It's really bright with a little sunshine."

Mo Li's finger that had been put down rose again and stretched towards a position. The "cruel" punishment was staged again...


At one o'clock in the afternoon, Mo Li had been tossing Bai Jiu for half an hour. Both of them were very tired and didn't want to waste their energy in vain.

At this moment, Bai Jiu collapsed beside Mo Li, staring at the blue sky with lifeless eyes, as if she had lost her soul.

Who can understand what she has experienced during this period of time? First, she was tickled, then her mouth was pinched, and finally the two actions were experienced alternately in a cycle.

No matter how she scolded Mo Li, the other party pretended not to hear it, and smiled and carried out inhumane "torture" on herself.

Life is so tiring, I really want to sleep.

This is a true reflection of Bai Jiu's inner thoughts. She has lost hope for the afternoon competition. Returning to the villa, lying on the bed and wrapping herself up like a dumpling is her only thought at the moment.

Glancing at Bai Jiu, who was desperate for life, Mo Li wondered if he had played too much.

He gently patted the back of Bai Jiu's hand. The moment their hands touched, the other party's body suddenly trembled, and he lifted his buttocks and moved away.

Watery beautiful eyesIt was wet, and she said in a trembling voice: "Don't mess with me, I have a game in the afternoon."

Bai Jiu's little bird-like appearance made Mo Li's pupils suddenly dilate, and his black eyeballs were extremely round.

It seemed that he really scared her. Mo Li sighed in his heart and gently comforted Bai Jiu: "Don't be afraid, I won't tease you again, sit here and absorb the source energy together."

As Mo Li said, he took out the B-level source energy crystal that had not been absorbed from the space ring.

The strength of both of them was only the first-level advanced level, and the energy inside this source energy crystal was more than enough for them.

If nothing unexpected happened, there might be a lot of energy left.

"Come closer to me. If you are too far away, you will absorb much less than me. Try to restore your strength to its peak as soon as possible."

"No need. You should get closer to me and absorb my piece. Your piece is too useless."

Mo Li frowned, a little puzzled. Why did Bai Jiu use the word useless to describe the source energy crystal? Shouldn't it mean too little energy?

Bai Jiu saw that Mo Li did not move for a long time. She glanced at the expression on his face and understood why.

She opened her cherry lips slightly, exhaled like orchid, and explained slowly: "In the impression of most people, source energy crystals of different grades are only different in energy. In fact, this is totally wrong."

"Oh, tell me in detail?"

Mo Li was aroused by Bai Jiu's words and asked the other party.

"Want me to explain clearly? Call me Sister Bai Jiu. It sounds nice. I am not unable to explain." Bai Jiu saw that there was an opportunity to take advantage of Mo Li and stated her conditions without hesitation.

"Hmm? You're overthinking it. Since you won't tell me, I'll go look for it on the forum."

As long as what Bai Jiu said is true, there must be information on the forum.

This method is simple and convenient, and you don't have to be taken advantage of. Anyone with a brain knows which one to choose.

Besides, with Bai Jiu's personality, she will take the bait within five seconds after seeing his action.

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