Zhong Wan'er pretended to be calm, her eyes wide open, glaring at Mo Li.

This man is too bad, and his mind is more scheming than that of an average woman. If she gets too close to such a man, Zhong Wan'er is afraid that she will be sold out by him one day.

She still has brains, but compared with Mo Li, it seems a bit different.

She couldn't help but wonder if her brain was castrated, so it shrunk.

"Repent? I never thought of agreeing, how can I regret it? You are deceiving yourself."

At this moment, Mo Li uttered a fatal sentence, and Zhong Wan'er wanted to punch him to death after hearing it. Can't this man say nice things? He has no emotional intelligence.

After all, she is a girl, can't she be partial to him?

Zhong Wan'er conceived a 1,000-word essay, all of which was complaining about the evil deeds Mo Li had done to her.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you still talking? Time is money. Don't waste my time here. I'll give you five minutes. Can you do it?"

Mo Li looked at the bracelet and said anxiously, tapping the ground with his toes.

If he wasn't seriously short of money, he wouldn't take this kind of money-for-hire job. It's too embarrassing.

Seeing this, several people watching the show not far away stood up suddenly and said in panic: "Fuck! This Zhong Wan'er wants to kill us with money."

"Damn, this woman is so cheap. It's too illegal to hire thugs. I want to report her by real name."

"What are you talking about? Do you have any money? Collect it and send this evil god away. We have no chance of winning against Mo Li. No matter how many people there are, we will still die."


Several people checked the accounts of their private money and got a very safe amount, close to six figures. With this money, they didn't even breathe and walked leisurely to Mo Li's side.

With legs straight and head slightly tilted, her unhurried look gives people a sense of stability.

"It's just them. Classmate Mo Li, teach them a lesson and I'll give you 50,000 Daxia coins. Is this enough? If not, I'll add more."

Zhong Wan'er gnashed her teeth and stared at the few people who had just arrived angrily. Her white and tender hands were red and she was very annoyed.

When enemies meet, they are particularly jealous. This is what they mean.

"Yo yo yo, Zhong Wan'er, what are you barking about? You are allowed to buy thugs with money? But we can't buy them? Why are you so hypocritical!"

A beautiful girl with wavy hair didn't care about her image and cursed back directly.

With shoulder-length black hair and a well-proportioned figure, she is fat where she should be fat and thin where she should be thin. She is definitely a high-quality queen.

A pair of almond eyes are flowing, and every move reveals a pure and charming breath.

Everyone who sees is blushing, her body is curved, her legs are tightly pinching their crotchs, and they use their best to hold their noodles. They are like monkeys. The sweet type gives people a natural desire to protect. In terms of charm, it is still a bit inferior to the other party. The trouble of this face, eh? No? Bai Yan and Xu Ling eat too little when they were young. Mo Li looked at Zhong Wan'er and the others for a few times, and made a few comments from an objective perspective.

He was thinking about whether to bring some papaya to Bai Jiu and the others after returning. As roommates and friends, it was reasonable to do so.

The video said that papaya was useful. After returning, he would make a pot of papaya milk for them every morning. He wanted Bai Jiu and Xu Ling to win at the starting line.

Girls care about their figures very much. He did this so that they can be confident girls, and at the same time he wanted to help Su Qi.

He handed the prepared papaya milk to Su Qi, and then to Xu Ling through him. Wouldn't they fall in love after a few more times?

This is what is written in the books. Mo Li occasionally reads books and novels in his spare time, and he also understands some ways to seduce girls.

Forget about falling in love yourself, it is still OK to guide others. He has unparalleled confidence in his ability to command behind the scenes.

Haven't you seen pigs run before you have eaten pork?

"Qi Qing, you slut, you still dare to say that to me, who gave you the face to do that?"

Zhong Wan'er called out the other person's name and angrily cursed.

She and Qi Qing were in the same class. The two girls regarded each other as rivals from the first sight they met. They wanted to fight for everything. Every day they were either cursing each other or on the way to cursing each other.

The level of their awakened abilities wasA-level, with similar looks.

So the two agreed to decide the winner in a hunting game, but Qi Qing changed his mind halfway and invited a lot of people with stronger comprehensive strength than his side.

Zhong Wan'er couldn't stand this bird's anger, she had to fight back, even if she had to empty her wallet.

"Hello, classmate Mo Li, I am Zhong Wan'er's classmate. We will handle this matter by ourselves, so don't bother you. I will compensate you for your losses later."

Qi Qing knew the limits and didn't take the initiative to reach out. He said softly, his voice was light and beautiful, like the cry of a kingfisher.

"No! Classmate Mo Li, I will give you money, you tell me the amount, if the money is not enough, I will raise it for you, just help me teach Qi Qing and the others a lesson."

Zhong Wan'er was anxious and spoke quickly.

"Student Mo Li, don't listen to Zhong Wan'er, I'll give you 100,000!"

"Qi Qing, will you die if you don't go against me for one day?"

Mo Li scratched his ears, a little impatient. The two women only cared about themselves and didn't ask him if he was willing or not. They completely ignored him.

Are tools easy to bully?

"Can you two be quiet for a while?"

Mo Li took a step forward, and the ice element gushed out of his body, covering everyone in the field. With a wave of his hand, several ice cones condensed behind his head.

"Don't blame me for being cruel if you say one more word of nonsense."

The ice cones were aimed at everyone. He left this matter to Zhong Wan'er and Qi Qing. It was possible that the senior would come to find him. He wanted to use his own method to quickly solve it.

Everyone's heart trembled violently. Mo Li was angry.

Zhong Wan'er regretted it so much. Why did she get involved with Qi Qing, the crazy woman? Now both of them would be beaten by Mo Li.

"Finally it's quiet. Next, you just answer whatever I ask. If you say one more word, I'll give you a hole. Don't question the truth of my words."

"Do you understand?"

"I understand, Mo Li, just say it. I promise to tell you everything I know."

"Me too."

The two girls said tit-for-tat, afraid to be a step slower than the other.

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