He only had one comment on Mo Li - he was a hypocrite. He was a hypocrite. He was just pretending to be cold and indifferent.

She had already found out during the freshman meeting. He was a pure boy, but he had to pretend to be indifferent.

He had a stern face every day. It was boring. He couldn't play tricks on him.

Bai Jiu kept scraping the fish scales. She remembered that when she was a child, she accidentally entered the kitchen and was seen by her father. He scolded all the nannies in anger.

In her father's words, she only needed to be happy every day like a princess, and she didn't have to worry about those unimportant things.

The first time she tried cooking was to apologize to Mo Li. Now she wanted to grill the fish and make a delicious meal for herself.

Although the ingredients were not very good, or even bad, it did not hinder her determination.

Bai Jiu's hands were full of blue-black fish scales. The fishy smell was floating in the air. The stench was unbearable for anyone.

"This fishy smell is so bad."

Bai Jiu frowned slightly, her stomach was churning, and she felt like vomiting.

Fortunately, she only ate compressed biscuits today, and she didn't see any oily food, so it was not easy to vomit.

Bai Jiu walked to the river, put her hands wrapped in fish scales into the water, and kept swinging them a few times until they were completely clean before pulling them back.

After going back and forth for countless times, Bai Jiu finally completed the first step of the grilled fish plan.

The three people fishing in the distance secretly glanced at Bai Jiu and whispered: "We were all deceived by Bai Jiu's appearance. Such a beautiful girl actually likes violence."

"Who knows, she is beautiful, but her temper is more fierce than a tiger. Whoever marries her will be a henpecked husband for the rest of his life."

"How did Mo Li get together with Bai Jiu? Could it be because of their good looks and mutual attraction? I don't believe they are such superficial people."

The three people were fishing and whispering to each other. The one who kept looking back at Bai Jiu was like a student who secretly cheated in the exam and was afraid of being caught by the teacher.

And Bai Jiu was now serving as a so-called teacher.

Sitting on the shore, Bai Jiu looked at the three people gathered together, her mouth slightly hooked, and a touching smile bloomed on her cheek.

She had a firm grasp on the thoughts of several people. Bai Jiu knew that they were not willing to fish, but were not as strong as herself, so they were humble and submitted to her for a short time.

But it was no big deal. Anyway, she wanted to use them to find food. She didn't care whether they were willing or not.

Bai Jiu smiled and waved her hands. She clamped the blade of the long sword with two white jade fingers and put the sword tip against the belly of the fish.

The sword blade pushed up, the belly of the fish was cut open, and blood flowed down the sword. After a few breaths, the long sword in Bai Jiu's hand turned dark red.

The choking smell of blood filled the air in this place. Bai Jiu didn't even move her eyebrows, and was busy with the work in her hands.

She didn't even smell blood.

"This viscera... can it be eaten? Forget it, forget it, throw it away first, and ask Mo Li later to see what he says."

"What if it can't be eaten, wouldn't I be a big nemesis?"

Bai Jiu pursed her lips and muttered, her two beautiful lips opened and closed, very tempting, making people want to bite it.

Her tender little hand reached into the fish's belly, and the fish intestines, fish bladders, fish maw and other bloody viscera were taken out by her, and her bloody hand looked extremely hideous.

Bai Jiu's expression did not change, she pulled out all the viscera of the fish and threw them on the ground.


Bai Jiu hummed softly, and the flames ignited in front of her eyes, and the sound of puffing and puffing came into her ears.

The pile of fish viscera was burned to ashes by the flames, and there was no ashes left.

There are many monsters in the wild, and the smell of blood will attract monsters. She is tired and hungry now, and a good rest is her only wish at the moment.

"Make a fire! Grill the fish!"

Bai Jiu washed her hands excitedly, inserted some small branches into the fish meat, and placed them around the woodpile.

Her eyes blinked, sparks appeared on the woodpile, and then evolved into red flames.

Using a lighter is too slow, her ability is more than twice as fast as a lighter, why waste unnecessary time when you can enjoy the food quickly.



The fish meat was grilled by the flames, making a sizzling sound, and the greasy juice dripped into the fire from the fish belly. Bai Jiu swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, her eyes full of little stars of expectation.

Fish meat, it's the most fragrant, okay.

Bai Jiu's favorite meat is fish meat, soft and delicious, every bite seems to dance in her heart.

Fish meat is not as fat as porkIt is not greasy, nor as dry as chicken or duck, and fish is also nutritious. Eating more fish is good for the skin.

Bai Jiu is very beautiful, but she wants to be more beautiful. She is a girl and has a very similar mentality to most girls.

Girls will never think that they are beautiful enough. Once there is a secret to becoming beautiful, whether they are popular actresses or well-known Internet celebrities, they will try it.

Bai Jiu is not a saint. She has the same thoughts as most women and will not dislike skin care methods.

She was one of the school beauties in high school. In a private school full of beauties, she is still a dazzling star and is called the white goddess among black and white goddesses.


"I think of my parents again. I don't know how they are doing and whether they have been scolded by my grandfather."

Bai Jiu recalled the days when she went to school in the capital. That time was really happy and carefree. She had her own circle, friends, and favorite places to play.

Mingzhu is the second most important city in Daxia, second only to the imperial capital. Its technological development ranks first among the hundreds of cities in Daxia, and there are countless interesting attractions.

But she was not satisfied with the feeling here. Compared with living in Mingzhu, the imperial capital still suits her heart.

It was the place where she was nurtured for eighteen years, and her feelings were more or less cultivated.

She was still quite panicked when she left her hometown and came to Mingzhu City, where she was unfamiliar with the place.

Xu Ling was her best friend. After hearing the news that she was going to Mingzhu City, she packed her luggage without saying anything and followed her to Mingzhu Academy to study.

Her little willfulness caused Xu Ling to be scolded by her family. She once felt very guilty and sorry for her best friend.

Bai Jiu, who was in self-doubt, also felt a little fortunate that someone was with her and tolerated her little emotions, which made her very happy.

"Why do you have to arrange a marriage for me? How many years will it take to abolish this outdated tradition? It makes me so angry!"

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