"Yes, yes, that's right. It turns out that it has to be painted a little bit mean to tell that this is Mo Li."

Bai Jiu laughed. She was very confident in her portrayal skills. When she was a child, her father hired a famous painting teacher in the capital. As a child of a noble family, she mastered the four great hobbies of music, chess, calligraphy and painting at a very young age.

She also made great achievements in music, but she rarely showed them. After all, there were only a handful of people in this world who could be treated sincerely by her.

Everyone has many masks. When facing different people, she will show different sides of herself to cover up the real her.

"The next step is to vent the anger in my heart!"

Bai Jiu showed her little tiger teeth and a sinister smile. Her toes kept twisting on the ground, rolling up waves of rustling sounds.

After finding the right angle, Bai Jiu gathered all her strength on her right leg, and kicked it fiercely. The speed was so fast that it made a sound like the wailing of a ghost in the air, bringing up a series of phantoms.


The fallen leaves were flying all over the sky, swaying and dancing in the air, confusing Bai Jiu's vision, and then slowly fell to the ground.

The outermost layer of armor on the trunk was shattered, and the bark fell piece by piece on Bai Jiu's toes. Even the inside was kicked inward.

The power can be seen!

If an ordinary person was hit by this, he would probably die on the spot, and his internal organs might be shattered because he couldn't bear the pressure.


"Awesome! So cool, I will vent my anger like this in the future, which is much more comfortable than hiding it in my heart."

Bai Jiu let out a long sigh, the corners of his mouth raised unscrupulously, and his whole mood was very comfortable. The previous depression disappeared completely like clouds and smoke.

If you keep your worries buried deep in your heart for too long, something will happen one day. Appropriate venting has countless benefits, such as clearing your mind, making your body happy, etc.....

Before, Bai Jiu only had the method of complaining, but now she has found a new method, which is so effective that it is not an exaggeration to say that it works immediately.

"The delivery speed of the doll shop in the capital is quite fast. I will order a life-size doll of Mo Li when I go back and ask them to deliver it to me urgently."

"After all, I have patronized them so many times. I don't believe I can't enjoy the VIP treatment."

A mature and perverted idea came into Bai Jiu's mind. She wanted to take a full-body photo of Mo Li and ask someone to make a doll for her. In the future, when she is angry, she will find this doll to vent her anger.

"Hehehe, I'm really too smart. Only someone as smart and insightful as me can come up with this unconventional idea. I am worthy of it!"


Bai Jiu no longer restrained her nature and laughed loudly. The smile on her cheek looked a bit scary.

It's hard to imagine that this is something a peerless beauty would do. It can only be said that you can know a person's face but not his heart.

Those stars on the screen and the million-level Internet celebrities on the Internet may make you feel that you can't reach them, but in fact, they are as funny as they can be behind the scenes.

Often, those aloof people have a humorous heart. You can't just look at the appearance of people, but pay attention to the depth of others.

"I won't wipe this off. Leave it for passers-by to appreciate. Let people passing by take a good look at my masterpiece, Master Bai Jiu."

Bai Jiu scratched her nose and praised proudly. She raised her little head and looked very happy.

"I have to hurry again. I am so exhausted. When I meet up with Mo Li, I will ask him to make me something delicious to reward myself for my hard work."

Bai Jiu pouted and muttered sadly. She put the long sword into the scabbard, hung it on her back, sorted out her things, and quickly moved forward along the route given by the bracelet.

The big head portrait of Mo Li on the tree trunk exudes a different color under the sunlight. This portrait will be passed down for a long time with this big tree.

Looking back on the past, perhaps this is also a wonderful episode in life.


Under a dangerous cliff, Mo Li ran cautiously at the bottom of the cliff. Occasionally, seniors would fly over in the sky, and their flying methods were very strange.

It is said to be flying, but in fact it is to control objects to drag themselves.

The physical body of a third-level superpower does not have the ability to fly. Without any auxiliary props, the skill of flying must have at least the strength of the seventh level or above to control it.

Superpowers change the physique of human beings and give humans the possibility of breaking through the limits of the physical body.

The future of every superpower is unknown. As long as you want, you have a chance to reach the stars.

This is a glorious era, with countless geniuses rising up, creating legends one after another, and gaining countless glory.

But this is also a sad era, with tens of thousands of people living in deep water every day.In the heat of the moment, they were afraid of the beast tide coming and their homes being destroyed.

The monsters were indeed controlled by humans, but who could say for sure whether they would gather to launch a beast tide?

The superpowered people had the ability to protect themselves in the beast tide, and they had the capital to fight against the monsters, but ordinary people did not. They were unarmed and could not compete with the monsters.

Mo Li walked between the cliffs, and the corpses of monsters could be seen everywhere. The white bones, the blood that had not yet dried, and the crows on the rotting corpses were all filled with the breath of death.

The bird calls that came unintentionally from the sky made this cliff look weird and lonely.

This was the new route set by Mo Li, which could effectively avoid the pursuit of the seniors. Although the terrain was dangerous, the rewards were proportional to the efforts.

"Huh, there are so many monsters in this canyon, I encounter them every few steps."

"The key is that if I don't kill it, it will chase me and make noise. It's really troublesome."

Mo Li wiped the blood splashed on his combat uniform, and a trace of fatigue flashed in his eyes. His face was dusty and there was a lot of dust on the tip of his nose.

At this moment, Mo Li looked like a refugee in the slums, giving people a cheap feeling.

He didn't want to make himself look dirty, but the monsters didn't understand human words. Seeing him like a student waiting for the school bell, the throbbing from the depths of his soul could not be suppressed.

"After crossing this canyon, the road will be more stable. Just bear with it. It's no big deal."

"Come on, this little difficulty can't defeat me."

Mo Li's palms were frozen, and he slapped himself a few times. The bone-chilling cold and pain alternately stimulated his spirit.

Mo Li used external force to force himself to stay awake. This was not a place to rest. He didn't want to wake up and become the excrement of monsters.

After walking for a long time, the vegetation in the gorge increased visibly, and dark green vines covered the cliffs.

"Let's find a place to lie down. My thighs are numb and I'm about to have a cramp."

Mo Li rubbed his leg muscles carefully. Today's journey was more than ten times more difficult than yesterday. He had to maintain a good condition to facilitate subsequent plans.

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