The man's cold voice sounded, and it was impossible to tell whether he was happy or angry, but everyone knew that in the next month, what awaited them would be hellish training.

"Starting today, we will do physical training in the playground in the morning, take a one-hour break at noon, and go to the gravity room in the afternoon."

"Now, everyone listen to the order, and everyone will run around the playground forty laps."

After hearing this, the students showed painful expressions on their faces, but no one dared to wail out loud. The murderous eyes of the other party were frightening.

Under the leadership of the class monitor, Mo Li ran with the large group in front. At the beginning, everyone could keep up, but after twenty laps, the speed began to obviously decrease.

Everyone was panting with exhaustion. Those with strong willpower could still drag their bodies and run slowly forward, while those with weak willpower simply walked.

"Who allowed you to leave? Run! Whoever let me see you walking, run ten more laps."

"And what's going on over there? Didn't you eat breakfast? You're running like a turtle. Are you all useless?"

Instructor Zhao's voice echoed in the stands, loud and clear, and could be heard throughout the playground.

"You're still thinking about awakening to fight monsters. I think you're thinking about being their food."

Instructor Zhao mocked.

"If you're really at this level, don't awaken. Being an ordinary person is quite suitable for you. At least you won't die in vain."

Hearing the ironic words, everyone gritted their teeth and started running.

The people in front started to speed up, even if some fell to the ground.

The people behind stopped walking. Even if they ran very slowly, it could be seen that they really tried their best.

The students' unyielding hearts were beating violently at this moment. They couldn't stand up just because of a word from others. Can they still be called young people?

Mo Li has been staying in the middle of the team, neither moving forward nor backward. He needs to accumulate strength to face the subsequent training.

After running forty laps, many students ran to the side and vomited. The scene was spectacular.

When Instructor Zhao gave the order to rest, they lay on the ground like dead dogs, drinking mineral water that the school had prepared long ago, and gasping for breath.

Each bottle of mineral water is added with energy replenishment liquid, which can better help students recover their physical strength to cope with subsequent plans.

Mo Li staggered to his feet and prepared to solve it. The soreness of his leg muscles made him walk with a limp.

Su Qi saw this scene, climbed up from the ground, and rushed over to jump on Mo Li without thinking about it.

As a result, they were unstable and fell flat on their faces.

"Thank you so much, you are such a smart guy."

Mo Li felt pain, supported his forehead with his hand, was speechless to this best friend, and slapped him on the butt with one hand.

Su Qi laughed straight, without saying anything to defend himself. He put his hand on Mo Li's shoulder and went into the toilet together to solve physiological problems.

For the whole morning, everyone spent time in pain and suffering. Now they just wanted to lie on the table, as if moving a finger would drain their last bit of energy.

In order to supplement the students' nutrition, the school cafeteria specially prepared a sumptuous lunch for the training students, including braised pork, sweet and sour spare ribs, stir-fried kidneys... There was energy replenishment liquid in each food.

The purpose of Lanhai City No. 1 High School is to train to death if you can't die.

Anyway, with the development of technology nowadays, as long as you are not dismembered into countless pieces or crushed to ashes, even if your heart stops beating, you may be saved.

The students ate happily and felt alive.

But when they thought of the gravity room training in the afternoon, the joy that just rose up disappeared in an instant, as if it had never happened.


"Three times the gravity, everyone, be alert and hold on, no one is allowed to beg for mercy."

"You may feel pain now, but it is better than losing your life on the battlefield."

"As your instructor, I am naturally responsible for your safety, so don't think about being lazy, because there is no such thing as laziness with me!"

Instructor Zhao shouted sternly.

Under the change of the source energy, the physique of the people has been more or less enhanced. And those who have superpowers are much stronger than ordinary people.

They can absorb the source energy between heaven and earth, strengthen themselves, and improve their strength.

They have unimaginable power for ordinary people. They are the first echelon against monsters and the forerunners of mankind. They use their bodies to build a line of defense against monsters.

The physical fitness of ordinary people has also been baptized by the source energy.And become stronger, after professional training, can withstand about eight times the gravity.

Boom, boom, boom——

When the triple gravity was turned on, under the strong pressure, most people instantly knelt on the ground, but no one shouted, they all gritted their teeth and persisted.

Anyway, it’s useless to speak out, and the instructor will laugh at it, so it’s better to hold it in and keep a little dignity for yourself.

A small number of people can barely stand up, but the protruding blue veins on the neck and the fine beads of sweat on the forehead can clearly show that they are not very relaxed.

Of course, our classmate Mo Li did not feel any discomfort. After all, he was a person who had endured five times the gravity. For him, triple gravity was just a drop in the bucket, and there was no challenge.

On the other side, Su Qi, although he didn’t look very good, he barely supported his body, looked into Mo Li’s eyes, and gave him a thumbs up.

It seemed to say that it was okay, just so-so.

But when he saw the face that was twisted like a chrysanthemum, Mo Li knew that he was not feeling well at all, but was just trying to hold on.

The painful time always passed very long. When the training was over and everyone left, Su Qi hung on Mo Li like a koala.

"Brother Li, I tell you, I feel like there is no part of my body that belongs to me. This training is too torturous. I feel my muscles are sore, numb and swollen when I move my body a little. It hurts a lot."

The weak tone was like a nightclub battle, half dead.

"I usually told you to do more training, but you didn't care. Now you are sighing here. I really don't know what to say to you."

Mo Li sighed. He was not surprised by this. He was too lazy to talk to him anymore and helped him sit on the bench on the campus.

Su Qi was one of the few friends of Mo Li in the class. He was indifferent and only smiled in front of his parents and Su Qi.

Su Qi's personality is the type that tends to be carefree. He treats his friends very sincerely, especially Mo Li. This is why he became his good friend and best friend.

Su Qi did not answer. The two of them just lay on the bench to rest for more than ten minutes, and then went back to their own homes.

As soon as he got home, Mo Li went into the gravity training room and exercised day after day.

Under five times gravity, Mo Li could barely support for twenty minutes. He was very satisfied with this result.

He secretly decided in his heart that he must break through to six times gravity before the awakening day.

After washing his body, Mo Li came to the dining table. The family of three sat together and had dinner happily.

"Xiao Li, have you decided to choose Mingzhu Academy?"

The father suddenly spoke, and the chopsticks for eating were put aside, with a tone of concern for the child.

"Well, it's confirmed. The Imperial Capital Academy is too far from Lanhai City. The Pearl Academy is in a city near Lanhai City."

"Okay, it's good to be confident. You are worthy of being my son, Mo Zhongguo."

Looking at his son's confident words, Mo Zhongguo felt that his son had grown up and was very pleased with it.

"Your father and I have ice-type abilities and your mother has water-type abilities. You are most likely to awaken these two."

There is a certain probability that the elemental types of abilities will be passed on to the next generation. Although there may be a few that are different from them, they are only a small part after all.

"Xiao Li, you must find a daughter-in-law for your father and mother as soon as possible after entering the academy."

Hearing his mother's words, Mo Li almost spit out a mouthful of rice. Fortunately, he blocked his mouth in time to prevent the embarrassment from happening.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and his tone was a little embarrassed.

"Mom, I'm only eighteen, why should I find a girlfriend so early? My ambition now should be to enter Mingzhu Academy and become an excellent hunter."

Hearing this, Zhao Yunrong frowned slightly, staring at Mo Li with dissatisfied eyes, as if saying, I'm not discussing with you, I'm just notifying you unilaterally.

Mo Li felt the terrifying gaze and hurriedly changed his words.

"Love requires both parties to be willing. What if I like the other person, but the other person is not interested in me? I can't force others, and the same is true in reverse."

"Don't worry, Mom, if I meet someone I like, I will definitely pester you to bring him home."

"That's about right."

With her son's assurance, Zhao Yunrong's expression eased, and Mo Zhongguo just smiled and said nothing.

In fact, he wanted to wait for his son to come back from the academy so that he could hold his grandson immediately.

But when he saw his son's relieved look, he didn't say it in the end.

I'm afraid that if this sentence is said to others, his son will immediately collapse and lie down.

He is also helpless. His son is good at everything. He is hardworking and eats a lot.The most important thing is that his son is handsome.

But he knows nothing about love. From childhood to adulthood, he has never been close to any girl.

Mo Li saw his mother relax and gobbled the food. His cheeks were swollen from choking. He drank a few mouthfuls of soup and swallowed the food forcefully.

After saying hello to his parents, he quickly fled from this place of trouble.

Zhao Yunrong and Mo Zhongguo had no choice but to hope that their son would wake up sooner and bring the girl he liked home.

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