However, he also gained some information. These materials mixed in the stone door can greatly improve the solidity of the stone door.

Mo Li rubbed his red back of his hand and pondered methodically. He could search the Internet for the specific materials after he returned. These were not important matters, so he didn't care too much.

The current urgent matter should be to open this stone door. The cave filled with strange atmosphere, a deep and long road, and the hard stone door, all these signs reveal conspiracy.

Mo Li's curiosity is not serious, but it is not simple. Since this matter has aroused his interest, he must explore it to the end.

See what important secrets are buried in this inconspicuous shadow.

"Is there any mechanism? I watch novels and animations like this. When the protagonist is at a loss, he will find a place to lean on, and then touch the so-called switch."

Mo Li remembered that the protagonists of the novels he had read would have this opportunity. For such good luck, he could only admire it.

Mo Li still remembers it clearly. He recalled that when he was a child, there was a convenience store under the community where he lived. There was a promotion for buying another bottle of drinks.

When he heard the news at that time, he wanted to make a profit by selling drinks, or even expand and become stronger, create glory again, and make a small profit from the business.

That day, the wind was light and the sky was clear. He went to the convenience store to "start a business" with a good mood. He bought five drinks and opened them one by one in front of the store owner.

As a result, all the people thanked him for the review, which made him angry to death. He almost died young and entered the reincarnation team.

Little Mo Li felt very aggrieved and burst into tears under the boss's gaze, as if he had been abused.

Most of the passers-by regarded the boss as a domestic violence man and threatened to call the police to arrest him and put him in jail.

Thinking of this, Mo Li couldn't help but laugh. He was carefree and free, which really made him yearn for it.

It's a pity that he can't go back. People always have to grow up. The happiness and unhappiness of those experiences, whether willing or unwilling, will make oneself transform and become no longer like oneself.

They are like invisible and intangible shackles, imprisoning the soul that longs to fly to the blue sky.

The castle-in-the-air restraints are like needles, nailing his unrestrained heart to the infinite abyss of darkness.

"I never care about luck. I am a person who is extremely unlucky. The occasional good luck may be God's charity."

Mo Li mocked himself, his expression was very helpless, and he chuckled hypocritically.

There is a sequel to that story. After little Mo Li finished crying, other children came to buy drinks. Those children only bought one bottle, and the probability of winning the prize was even lower than him.

But a dramatic thing happened. After the other party bought a drink and opened the bottle cap, the words on it were all another bottle, and one boy won the prize three times in a row.

Little Mo Li didn't cry or complain when he saw this scene, but after that, he no longer paid attention to his luck. He stayed away from any lottery event and didn't even touch it.

It's better to rely on yourself than on luck.

"Haha, you are so childish, envying others, this is me."

Mo Li's tone was a little low, and the indifferent color on his cheeks could not show his joy, anger, sorrow or happiness, giving people the illusion of wearing a human skin mask.

Everyone in this world will have unsatisfactory things, and when they are more uncomfortable, the mask will naturally be put on.

Mo Li lifted his bangs, half-crouched and carefully felt on the stone door. The brightness of the lighter was limited, so he could only see roughly.

There were many grooves on the stone door. Mo Li's palm was covered with frost, and then he pressed it on the groove.

He didn't know what would happen after pressing it. Adhering to the mentality of preventing it before it happens, Mo Li decided to be more careful and wrap his hands with ice. Even if there was an accident, he would not be injured.


Mo Li held his restless heart, without any action, his palm still pressed in the groove.


"I have confirmed with my eyes that this groove is useless, it is just a decoration, built for fun."

Mo Li pulled back his hand, his face full of embarrassment, thinking of his behavior just now, he himself felt ridiculous, too funny.

He predicted that the mechanism of the stone door was in the groove, but reality played a joke on him, gave him a big slap in the nose, and slapped him so hard that he was lost.

"No, I thought wrongly, who said that the switch must be on the door, it is also possible to be on the wall."

Mo Li held the lighter and stared at the wall, squinting his eyes, in a state of extreme concentration.

His fingertips were just wandering between the walls, the cold touchIt was the only thing he could sense.


Mo Li's eyes condensed, and a smug smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. So that's it. It was just as he thought. The switch was in the wall.

He put the lighter close to the area with his fingers, and a square button appeared in his eyes.

Mo Li adjusted his breathing a few times. The energy vortex in his body was running at a high speed at this moment, and his whole body exuded endless coldness.

This button was very different from the wall on the other side. It was undoubtedly the stone door switch.

He had to prepare for unknown dangers in advance.

Mo Li clenched the long knife, and the free hand quickly pressed the switch without any hesitation.

Click, click, click——

The stone door trembled violently, and fine stone dust fell from the air above the passage.

"Ice shield."

Mo Li shouted in a low voice, and the ice shield condensed in front of him. The long knife in his hand was clenched, and the momentum suddenly rose, like an invincible general.

The stone door slowly opened, and the interior was pitch black. A fishy smell drifted into his nose from inside.

Swish, swish, swish——

A strange sound sounded inside the stone door. Mo Li took a few steps back and threw a few ice cones on the stone bricks.

Looking forward, a pair of scarlet eyeballs lit up in the darkness. Mo Li was not afraid. These pupils were not possessed by large creatures. It was a compliment to describe them as small.

"I guess it's a mouse. Bats can fly. There's no reason for them to run on the ground."

Mo Li looked at the red animal eyes that were getting closer and closer, pressed down with his index finger, and said in a cold voice.

"Ice explosion."

The ice cone exploded in response, and blood splashed on the ice shield in front of Mo Li, leaving a trace of dirt on the flawless ice shield.

He took a big step, and the weak little flame flickered in the air, with a faint tendency to go out.

Seeing this, Mo Li hurriedly put his hand in front of the flame and protected the flame with his palm.

"There are too many rats. This place has been abandoned for at least ten years."

Mo Li looked around and saw a pile of dead rats, just as he thought. The unpleasant smell spread throughout the space.

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