What he feared most was that he might upset Bai Jiu if he came late, and there was a high probability that the other party would get angry and attack him.

Most of the fire-type awakened people have very bad tempers. They say whatever they want and never keep things in their hearts.

Being open and frank is one of their characteristics, but also a shortcoming.

He heard excitement, freedom, and a little nervousness in Bai Jiu's singing. Mo Li could understand the first two emotions, but as for the nervousness in the latter, even he was a little confused.

However, Mo Li didn't care so much. He was so tired that he almost fainted on the spot. How could he have the leisure time to guess Bai Jiu's inner thoughts.

He just wanted to take a cold shower with all his heart, and then make a fire and sleep well beside it to relieve physical fatigue and mental fatigue.

"I love taking a bath, my skin is so good, hehe~"

"Mo Li, that idiot, made me wait for a long time. While no one is around, I will take a bath secretly and clean my skin, hehe."

"My skin is so good, white, pink and tender, even I admire it. I don't know who will get such a beautiful girl like me in the future."

"No, no, who said that girls must get married? I can't be bound by feudal ideas. I, Bai Jiu, want to break the vision of secular people and be a real myself."

Bai Jiu's indignant voice sounded from the waterfall. Mo Li, who was only a few steps away from the waterfall, naturally heard these majestic words.

"Oh, I didn't expect that Bai Jiu, who seems to be a mischievous and energetic person, actually has the same views on marriage as me. It's incredible."

"Sure enough, I said that I am not the only one who doesn't want to get married on the entire Blue Star. There must be people who share the same ideas as me. There is a living example right next to me."

Mo Li half-squatted and murmured quietly, with a different kind of pleasure in his heart.

Whenever his parents heard him say that he would not get married when he grew up, they would be so angry that they would beat him with a feather duster.

The mother was the one who implemented the punishment, and the father's job was to hold him down and prevent him from escaping.

While teaching him a lesson, there were a few words that his mother often said.

"What do you want to do if you don't get married? We can still take care of you while we are alive. When we die and are buried in the ground, you will live alone in this world and die alone. It is better to find a partner to spend the rest of your life with you."

"Although Su Qi has a good relationship with you, he will get married one day. When he forms his own family, his focus will also shift accordingly."

"You should also learn from him. Su Qi has such a good personality. He can chat with anyone. He is optimistic and cheerful, and very honest. Most girls like boys who are good at talking."

"For someone as quiet as you, besides a good appearance inherited from your mother and me, what else is outstanding? I am worried that you will get depression after your father and I are gone."

Mo Li recalled the scene at that time, and the corners of his mouth began to tilt upwards inadvertently. His mother's original intention and starting point were good, but the expression was not very pleasant.

"Hey, I have an idea!"

Mo Li slapped his hand hard. He thought of a good way, an idea that would make his mother agree with him not to get married.

Bai Jiu and his mother are both women, so they can have something in common.

As long as he bribes Bai Jiu and asks her to call his mother, and then he stands by to add fuel to the fire, it will only be a matter of time before his mother's idea of ​​forcing him to get married is dispelled.

"Hey, Bai Jiu, my happiness for the rest of my life depends on you, so you have to give me some strength."

Mo Li's face showed a sly smile, his upper body trembled slightly, and he kept rubbing the bushes, making a slight rustling sound.

On the other side, Bai Jiu, who was bathing, moved her ears, her delicate body suddenly stiffened, her head twisted like a machine, and she stared at a bush somewhere.

Her expression changed from fear to anger, the fire element in her body erupted like a volcano, and the water droplets on her skin were quickly dried by her.

Bai Jiu flashed and hid behind a huge rock. She quickly put on her combat uniform and pointed her finger to the sky. A large amount of fire elements gathered in the air.

She did not hold back on this attack. Facing the thief who was peeping at her bathing, she would not hold back and was determined to capture him.


"No! What song was Bai Jiu singing just now? She seemed to say that I love bathing and my skin is good."

"That is to say, Bai Jiu is naked a few meters in front of me at this moment. It happens that I am the only one here. If I am seen, I will be..."

Mo Li did not dare to continueHe was stunned. Bai Jiu was bathing under the waterfall, but he walked behind the bushes beside the waterfall without knowing it.

If Bai Jiu noticed it, he would not be able to clear his suspicion and get away even if he talked until his lips were worn out.

Just when he was about to escape from here, a "Li" fire seal had already fallen from the sky, and the terrifying fire element gathered above, as if it could burn the air to ashes.

"It's over..."

Mo Li wailed, his pupils shrank into a black dot, and a layer of ice shield as thick as a rock condensed on his head.

Facing the angry Bai Jiu, even Mo Li was not sure that he could defeat the opponent head-on.

Using all his strength to block the opponent's attack was the only thing he could do, and he had to try his best to explain to Bai Jiu the cause, process, and result of the incident.

Whether Bai Jiu believed it or not, he had to explain it clearly first. Getting beaten was a small matter, and he was thick-skinned and could bear it.

Being misunderstood by the other party is a big deal. He doesn't want to have a falling out with his roommate.


The fire seal hit the ice shield with endless power, and the terrifying aftermath swept to the nearby area. A large number of trees were "bald" in an instant.

Bai Jiu jumped into the air, and his speed was a few points faster than that of a first-level monster. In an instant, he stood in front of Mo Li.

When he saw that the person coming was Mo Li, Bai Jiu's angry eyes were replaced by shyness, and the murderous intent in his body was reduced a lot.

Bai Jiu originally thought that other students who broke in here were peeping at her bathing, but Mo Li was temporarily ignored by her.

After all, the other party's character was there. Mo Li would never do such a thing, and she didn't believe that Mo Li would peek at her naked body.

"Well...well, the weather is pretty good tonight. Look at the stars, so many and bright, hahahaha, aren't they beautiful?"

Mo Li was the first to speak, breaking the dead silence. His ten toes were tightly clasped together, wishing he could build a palace.

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