Mo Li was the first to walk into the private room of the Ferris wheel, and found a nearby seat and sat down directly.

Su Qi and Mo Li sat on the left, while Bai Jiu and Xu Ling sat opposite them. None of the four spoke, and each enjoyed a moment of tranquility.

The private room slowly rose into the air under the control of the Ferris wheel, and the scenery outside the window changed from the original various buildings to a colorful sunset.

The trees, pedestrians, and buildings on the ground began to shrink slowly, and finally became an insignificant black dot.

Mo Li looked out through the glass window, and the birds returning to their nests were flying rapidly in the air, and the small wings made a vigorous and powerful sound. Occasionally, a few snow-white feathers fell from their bodies and floated left and right in the air.

In the urban community in the distance, every household lit up the warm yellow lights, which looked so harmonious and warm, and the aroma of food filled every corner of Mingzhu City.

The sounds of puppies and kittens also rose and fell at the same time. In such a big city, every place could arouse Mo Li's emotional resonance.

Mo Li looked in the direction of Lanhai City, his eyebrows were full of sorrow. He had never been far away since he was a child and missed home again.

Although Lanhai City was not as prosperous and luxurious as Shangmingzhu City, there were people he cared about the most and wanted to protect the most. When a talented person went to a foreign land, his parents secretly shed tears at home. This is what it means.

At this time, my parents should have eaten. I wonder what they are eating tonight, fried shredded potatoes, stir-fried meat with green peppers, or pork ribs and corn soup?

Mo Li's spirit was a little dazed, and his thoughts were like the millions of stars in the night sky, scattered in a mess, and each ray was extremely dazzling.

"Brother Li, what are you thinking about? I poked you for a long time but you didn't respond." Su Qi stretched out his right hand and shook it in front of Mo Li's eyes for a long time before calling him back to reality.

Mo Li rubbed his forehead, sorted out his thoughts, and said lightly: "Nothing, just a little homesick."

"Hearing you say that, I also miss my dad a little. He is probably still socializing at this time, but you must not ruin your health."

Su Qi's emotions were driven by Mo Li, and the two sighed repeatedly while sitting in their seats.

Su Yingtian is not an awakened person with superpowers. As an ordinary businessman, his physique is far weaker than Mo Li's parents.

Although the physique of humans is far superior to the past, if you don't rest on time, it will still cause some irreversible damage.

This scene of the two of them instantly made Bai Jiu and Xu Ling feel confused. Their heads were buzzing. They were not here to play, but why did these two people get emotional when they saw the scene.



Mo Li and Su Qi looked at each other and then sighed together.

Bai Jiu wanted to pry open their heads to see what was inside, but she noticed that the other party was indeed in a very low mood, so she simply threw away the idea.

Neither of the two women spoke, and they just looked at the two people with their heads down.

The single room where the four people were gradually raised to the highest altitude. At this height, they could clearly see most of Mingzhu City, and the places farther away were more or less difficult for them at the moment.


A stream of light shot up from the ground, and the light golden light reflected on everyone's face, even Mo Li, who was in a depressed mood, was attracted by it.


First there was a muffled sound, followed by a continuous crackling sound.

Mo Li looked in the direction he was directed to, and saw grains of golden sand spraying out, blooming proudly in the air, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, all in all, colorful and beautiful, decorating the coming night beautifully and illuminating the earth as bright as day.

Unconsciously, Mo Li actually stood up and admired this short and beautiful scene.

"What beautiful fireworks! I'm going to take my phone to record them." Su Qi shouted excitedly, and took out his phone to take pictures of this memorable scenery.

Seeing this, Xu Ling closed her eyes, clasped her hands to her chest, and muttered to herself, not knowing what she was saying.

"Ling'er, what are you doing?"

Bai Jiu noticed Xu Ling's strangeness and said in confusion.

"Sister Bai Jiu, I'm making a wish. The book says that making a wish to a shooting star can come true, so I want to try fireworks."

After hearing Xu Ling's explanation, Bai Jiu suddenly realized.

Xu Lingjing glanced at Mo Li and Bai Jiu quietly, and said with a wonderful expression: "Why don't you make a wish, Sister Bai Jiu."

"Me? Or forget it, I don't have any wishes to make."

"No, no, Sister Bai Jiu, just give it a try, it won't cost you a lot of money, if it succeeds, won't you make a fortune?"

Bai Jiu wanted to continue to refuse, butXi couldn't resist Xu Ling's pleading, and finally she agreed to the other party's request.

"Then I will make a wish."

Bai Jiu gently closed her eyes, and her long eyelashes added several charms to her at this moment.

I hope I can get rid of the shackles of my family, I don't have to marry that idiot named Ruoyan, my parents' health can always be healthy, and my family can be safe and happy.

I hope Ling'er can find true love as soon as possible, Mo Li and Su Qi can always walk together and move forward towards their goals.

I also hope...

When thinking of the last wish, Bai Jiu's eyelids opened a slit and looked deeply at the figure in front of her.

She worked on her thoughts for a long time in her heart, her face was very struggling, and finally, as if she had made up her mind, Bai Jiu closed her eyes again.

I hope he can no longer be inferior and be braver...

Bai Jiu didn't know whether her wish could be realized, but it was always a thought.

"Mo Li, Su Qi, you two should also make a wish. We can't just let the two girls make a wish. Moreover, we have agreed to act together today. Since we have already made a wish, you can't fall behind."

Mo Li's mouth corners could not help but rise slightly when he heard this. He made a wish immediately without saying anything to refuse.

I hope my parents can be safe in Lanhai City and don't treat themselves badly in daily life. I also hope that Su Qi can keep up with our pace and work hard on the road to becoming a strong man.

Finally, I hope that our hunter team can become bigger and bigger, famous in Daxia, and the relationship between the few people can be maintained for a long time, not forgetting the original intention, and work together.

As for other things... forget it, for me, this is enough.

"Mo Li, what wish did you make?"

Bai Jiu came over and asked stealthily.

"The wish will not work if it is spoken out. Your little head is so smart, just guess it carefully." Mo Li held back his smile and flicked the other's head with his index finger.

Bai Jiu slapped Mo Li's hand away and grumbled, "Tsk, if you don't want to tell me, I don't want to hear it."


Xu Ling watched the two people's little fight with a smile, and her mobile phone was pinched behind her without leaving a trace.

The only idle person, Su Qi, was still making a wish.

The Ferris wheel kept turning, and the sky was completely covered by a black curtain. The single room for four people gradually went down, and the scenery of the amusement park appeared again.

Returning to the ground, Mo Li looked around at the three people and concluded, "It's getting late, we should go back to the school to avoid unnecessary trouble. We had a lot of fun today. If there is a chance in the future, we will go somewhere else to play."



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