Based on how much his wife loves his son, the consequences are disastrous.

Mo Li is also his hope. As an S-level ice power owner, his son's future achievements are definitely incomparable to his own.

What he can do now is to do his best to protect his son from wind and rain and keep all dangers out.

He can touch the darkness and face the darkness, even if he is swallowed up. The child only needs to grow up safely under his protection.

Thinking of this, Mo Zhongguo's speed became faster and he rushed to the edge of the sensor in a few seconds.

At this time, the place was full of people. Mo Zhongguo saw the bodyguards arranged by Su Yingtian, the officers and soldiers guarding here, and some unfamiliar faces.

Everyone present was a little uneasy. The officer who had distributed the sensor before took a look at the device in his hand and instructed everyone.

"It was the sensors of Miss Xu and Miss Wang that sent out the distress signal."

As soon as the voice fell, the group of unfamiliar faces became anxious. The leader slapped the table with both hands, feeling indescribably nervous.

If something happened to the ladies, how would he explain it to his superiors?

Although the ladies were wearing armor and were strictly ordered to stay here, his superiors didn't care about that.

He looked at the officer and shouted in a trembling voice: "Where is the direction from the sensor? We must go to rescue immediately!"

"The direction of the request for help from the sensor is right in front of the entrance. Judging from the location of the signal, it should be between the outer circle and the middle circle of the Monster Mountain Range."

"Please rest assured, we will also arrange a team to go with you." The officer in charge of the guard said solemnly.

Hearing that the sensor was not his son's request for help, Mo Zhongguo suddenly felt relieved.

But the anxiety in his heart has not eased, but has become more and more intense. It's like there is a huge rock in his heart, pressing him to breathe.

It is said that there is an inexplicable tacit understanding between fathers and sons. Could it be that he is like this?

What if his son really encountered some danger, but some kind of accident happened, causing the sensor to fail to send a distress signal in the first time, what should he do?

Although this possibility is very small, since he thought of it, he can't just sit back and watch. He must see his son with his own eyes to see if he is safe or not, so that he can feel at ease.

Mo Zhongguo walked over, looked at the group of people and said: "Friends, I will go with you. One more person means one more effort, don't you think so?"

"It's just right for me to see how my son is in there and whether he is in any danger."

The person walking in the front nodded after thinking for a while. It's always good to have one more person. If there is anything, everyone can help each other.

The bodyguards sent by Su Yingtian looked at each other, walked forward, and motioned to go with them. As for what they said, it was almost the same as what Mo Zhongguo said.

Everyone contributed their efforts, and their main purpose was to find their own people and see how they were doing in there.

Adhering to the principle of Han Xin selecting soldiers, the more the better, and the greater the strength of the people, a group of people set off towards the same target point.


Mo Li put on his armor, picked up his backpack, carried Su Qi on his back, looked at the person in front of him, and said coldly: "When will it start?"

He didn't want to say anything more. For this kind of mental illness, it would be a waste of words to say more. It's better to save some energy and run away.

"Okay, run."

"Remember to use all your strength, don't let me catch you, little mouse,"

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Li strode forward. He jumped about 30 meters and quickly passed through the forest.

His original full-strength step was only about 10 meters at most. With the blessing of the armor, the value increased by nearly three times. It is worthy of being a C-level armor, so terrifying.

Mo Li kept changing his position in the woods, trying to disrupt the opponent's search.

"Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!"

"Little mouse, are you hiding? I'm coming!"

After saying this, a huge vine rose from the ground. The hard soil in front of it was like paper, and it broke into pieces at the touch.

He stepped on the vine, looked around, narrowed his eyes, and then locked the direction, and flew in that direction.

Mo Li quickly shuttled through the forest, and didn't notice anyone approaching for a long time. Just when his violently beating heart calmed down a little.


A thick vine emerged from the ground. Unlike ordinary vines, it had thorns on its body, like a dagger, extremely sharp.

The vine slapped forward violently, and the surrounding trees broke directly with a click as soon as they touched it.


The ground cracked layer by layer, and the scattered cracks symbolized thisExtremely terrifying destructive power.

Mo Li avoided the blow, exerted force with his legs again, and ran forward before the opponent could buffer.

He ran as far as possible towards the place with many trees. With the trees blocking the view, the opponent's vision would become very limited, and the possibility of their escape would become greater.

Mo Li walked silently in the woods, his eyes became firm, and his heart became as calm as water, without a ripple.

At the edge of a bush that looked very hidden, Mo Li slowly put Su Qi down from his back, and put the backpack on the side. Looking at the sleeping Su Qi, Mo Li said reluctantly.

"You may really be killed here this time. It was me who proposed this experience, and I should protect you. Don't worry, I won't let you get hurt. I will let you come here and go back intact."

"You have to carry on with my unfulfilled dream. If you have the chance, remember to help me get revenge and kill a few more people from the Blood Evil Society."

"My parents are also in your hands. Remember to take good care of them for me."


Mo Li settled Su Qi down, his eyes were already red, turned around, and ran in the direction he came from.

Not long after running, Mo Li saw a figure rushing towards him. He was very fast, and he would be caught up by the other party in less than ten breaths.

At the same time, another huge thorn stabbed from behind. Mo Li reacted quickly, dodged sideways, stepped on it with both feet, and suddenly exerted force, flying behind him.

During the backward flight, he did not forget to condense an ice thorn and stab the other party.

"Looking for death!"

Seeing that the monkey he was playing with actually dared to turn around and attack him, his blood pressure soared and he was furious.

He stomped heavily on the vines under his feet, flew out in the air, and stepped on the tree trunk next to him.

The big tree couldn't withstand this force and was directly broken by him. He leaped between the trees at a speed as fast as lightning, getting closer and closer to Mo Li.

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