If Mo Li knew what Bai Jiu was thinking about, he would definitely be amused and praise her for her unique way of thinking.

For a girl to think about these things all day long is beyond the expectation of ordinary people.


Mo Li's eyebrows tightened, and he was almost kicked to the paradise by Bai Jiu. Although the other party did not use the source energy, the physical strength was real, which was not something that he, the injured, could withstand.

"Are you trying to murder me?"

"Isn't it just touching your face? Is it necessary to use so much force?"

Mo Li curled his lips and said with fear.

Bai Jiu's violence index is higher than he thought. Just one sentence almost cost him half his life. He really stepped half a foot into the void.

"Girls' faces can't be touched casually, don't you know?"

Bai Jiu pouted angrily, looking very playful and cute, which made Mo Li upset.

If Bai Jiu's temper could be a little more kind, Mo Li believed that she would definitely be the most perfect woman in the world. However, her hot temper can be quite interesting at certain moments.

She would unconsciously bring excitement to the people around her, and make herself, who has been cold all year round, feel happy.

Although sometimes there would be inappropriate fights, for the rare happiness, what is the physical pain?

Just bear it and it will pass.

Besides, no one in the world is perfect. As long as you are a person, you will make mistakes and have shortcomings.

Even a proud girl like Bai Jiu is no exception.

In terms of appearance, Bai Jiu can indeed be called impeccable, but her personality is slightly lacking.

However, Mo Li was not disappointed by this, but even more delighted.

This made him feel that Bai Jiu was not so outstanding that she was untouchable, and was also a genuine normal person.

With a helpless smile, Mo Li remembered his experience some time ago.

The two sat under the tree, teasing each other.

That time was very short, but it was deeply buried in his heart, shining brightly.

"I don't know, hehe, thank you Miss Bai Jiu for telling me this truth, I will pay more attention next time."

Mo Li smiled sincerely, and pinched two fingers slightly, trying to grab the silver thread beside Bai Jiu's ear.

Just when he was about to touch the silver thread like snow, his eyes happened to meet Bai Jiu's pupils.

A dangerous light was constantly brewing in her eyes. Mo Li, who found something wrong, retreated again and again, and reluctantly took back his fingers.

"Tsk, you have the heart but not the courage!"

Bai Jiu murmured in a low voice, glancing at Mo Li with disdain.

"What, what did you say?"

Mo Li leaned his body, leaned towards Bai Jiu, and asked in surprise.

If you touch your hair, you may continue to be beaten, and if you don't touch your hair, Bai Jiu will still mutter. It's really hard to be a man.

Mo Li spread his hands and found a comfortable position to lie down, his brows full of fatigue.

After playing with Bai Jiu for a while, his spirit was already very weak, and he might faint if he didn't rest.

After tidying up his clothes, Bai Jiu stepped on the accelerator and controlled the suspended flying car to drive quickly towards the villa.

Mo Li's injuries were not a big problem, but he still needed to do the final finishing work himself.

If Mo Li could survive smoothly, his physique would soar to a higher level again in a short period of time.

In the full-department competition at the end of the month, the chances of winning would be higher.

The rewards of the competition were just something dispensable to her. She had no shortage of cultivation resources, and it would be best to give them to Mo Li.

As for Ren Qingxuan, if she was lucky enough to be in a group with him, Bai Jiu would not mind helping Mo Li solve the trouble.

Anyway, there was some estrangement between her and the other party, and Mo Li's arm was almost broken by Ren Qingxuan.

If she didn't take revenge, it would be like a thorn buried in her heart, making her unable to sleep.

At that time, she could pretend to help Mo Li take revenge and let him serve her well.

Thinking of this, Bai Jiu couldn't help but have a watermark at the corner of his mouth, and his infatuated look made people feel numb.

Mo Li was sitting next to her and felt very uneasy. He was very worried that Bai Jiu would eat him on the road. Just based on her current facial expression, the probability of this guess was as high as 50%.


Mo Li swallowed his saliva, and his heart beat rapidly. It was not that he doubted Bai Jiu's character, but based on the other person's character, it was really possible for him to do such a thing.

With a carefree personality and a little neurotic head, it was hard not to think about this.

After waiting for nearly five minutes, seeing that Bai Jiu had not moved, Mo Li realized that he was worrying too much.

After getting rid of the fear, he felt his whole body lighten, and sleepiness suddenly surged into his heart.

listenSeeing the orderly and melodious breathing of the person beside him, Bai Jiu turned his head, his eyebrows and eyes were happy, and his smile was like oil paint on the canvas, beautiful and bright, extremely charming.

"If you are tired, take a good rest. There are still important things to do when you go back. How can you not replenish your energy as soon as possible?"

Bai Jiu put his palm on Mo Li's face and gently stroked it. His movements were slow and delicate, and he couldn't bear to wake him up from his deep sleep.

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