"Yes, yes, I made money. Let's not talk about this for now. You have to tell me what your parents like, so that I can choose the right gift."

"What if the gift doesn't meet your parents' wishes? That would be a disaster."

Mo Li opened the drawer, took out a small notebook, looked at Bai Jiu and said sincerely.

It doesn't matter to him whether it's a waste of money or not. He is mainly afraid of damaging his first impression in the eyes of the other party.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

"As for the gift... my father likes to collect some precious wines and likes to drink. To deal with my dad, you can start with the wine."

Bai Jiu remembered that his father once had a huge underground winery, so he didn't hide anything and told it all directly.

"As for my mother's preferences, you just pick more dishes for me when the time comes, so that she knows that we are very loving."

"Compared to those mundane things, she prefers to see me live happily, do you understand?"

Mo Li said nothing and recorded Bai Jiu's suggestions in the small notebook.

With these so-called "strategy secrets", he believed that he could win over Bai Jiu's parents, and his success rate soared from less than 10% at the beginning to 25%.

A full one-fourth probability!

This is too good.

"Well, thank you for your help."

Mo Li blurted out unconsciously. This is an excellent traditional virtue engraved in his bones. Even if he wants to change, it will not be changed in a short time.

"Hey, hey, hey, what is our relationship now? Do you need to thank me? If you really want to express your gratitude, go and cook me a meal."

Because it suddenly rained, Bai Jiu couldn't wear wet clothes to go to a restaurant where there were many people.

He could only make a simple meal in the villa.

"No problem, tell me what you want to eat, I'll make it now."

"A bowl of plain egg noodles, a plate of beef slices, and finally a portion of shredded pork with green pepper as a side dish."

When Bai Jiu heard that his request had been approved by Mo Li, he quickly spoke and reported what he wanted to eat the most at the moment.

"I'll take a shower and change clothes first. I'll be able to eat in about half an hour. You should keep an eye on the time and don't play too much."

Mo Li couldn't do anything about Bai Jiu, so he carried the clothes and walked to the bathroom.

After a while, a movement came from the steaming bathroom.


An invisible fragrance began to drift along the layout of the villa. Bai Jiu sat at the table, looking expectantly at the kitchen with white light.

"The noodles are here!"

Mo Li came to Bai Jiu's side with two bowls of plain noodles sprinkled with chopped green onions, and carefully placed them on the table.

On the top of the plain noodles, there were two perfectly shaped poached eggs without any flaws.

The tempting aroma went into the stomach through the nose, causing a gurgling sound.

The sudden change made her face rosy, and she looked delicate and beautiful, like a blooming red rose.

"Okay, I didn't hear anything just now, you eat quickly."

Mo Li was very considerate and pretended to be deaf.


Bai Jiu spoke very quietly, and her feet kept shaking under the table, as if she was venting the embarrassment in her heart.

It was not until she took a mouthful of noodles that Bai Jiu's demeanor returned to normal, and she picked up the noodles and put them into her mouth one by one.

"Fresh and fragrant, so good!"

For Bai Jiu, who had just experienced a heavy rain baptism, noodles were undoubtedly the best food to warm her stomach.

The warm feeling burst out in the stomach and spread to the limbs, instantly washing away the remaining discomfort.

"If you like it, eat more. By the way, are two poached eggs enough? If not, I'll give you mine too."

Mo Li's mouth curled up slightly, and the tenderness in his pupils seemed to turn into water and flow out.

Compared with lovers, his attitude towards Bai Jiu now is more like a father's pampering towards his daughter, and his words and deeds reveal selfless love.

"Two eggs are enough, why are you nagging like my dad."

Bai Jiu glared at Mo Li with a little emotion, and then focused on eating the noodles and never spoke again.

Mo Li was not angry when he heard this, but fell into an inexplicable contemplation.


Bai Jiu ate very quickly. In less than three minutes, the full bowl of noodles was finished, and even the soup was almost finished.

I have to admire it. Girls' appetite is a great unsolved mystery in the world.

As if she was still not satisfied, Bai Jiu blinked her beautiful wet eyes, pouted her little mouth, and looked at the noodles in Mo Li's bowl eagerly.

"You might as well just be a pig. I was just thinking about one thing, and I didn't have time to get the rest of the dishes, and you actually took such a big bowl of noodles.Finished."

Mo Li was stunned, and immediately reacted, admiring Bai Jiu's appetite.

"Oh, isn't it too hot, plus your cooking skills are so good, if you're not careful... hehehe."

Bai Jiu felt more and more embarrassed, and the redness on his ears was more intense than blood.

Fearing that Bai Jiu would continue to talk nonsense, Mo Li held his forehead and sighed: "Forget it, you take my bowl and eat it, I'll go serve the dishes first and then serve another bowl later."

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