No one knows what Mo Li said, only Wu Qian, the person involved, knows.

But everyone can clearly see that Wu Qian's expression slowly changed from dull to happy, until he patted Mo Li's back with his big hand and said with a smile.

"I see, thank you for your advice, Mo Li. When I get back, I will add you as my bracelet friend. You must teach me well then."

"Of course, but you know this." Mo Li chuckled, and rubbed his fingers again, with a smile of success in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, if I continue to fight you in the future, I will charge you 10,000 yuan per game. What do you think?"

"Of course, as long as I am free, I will come at your call."

"Hahahaha, I like people like you who are straightforward, Mo Li. Remember to contact me later." Wu Qian shook his hand, then laughed and turned back to his class.

The confusion in his eyes had long disappeared, replaced by a hint of confidence.

Everyone was confused. What did Mo Li say to Wu Qian that made him so confident all of a sudden, as if he was covered in gold?

That incomparably straightforward smile made people dare not look at it, as if something was fishy.

Gu Yuan and Wang Feng on the stage looked at each other, staring at each other with wide eyes, with a sense of déjà vu of comedians.

They also didn't understand why Wu Qian's mood was like a roller coaster, fluctuating in just a few seconds.

Gu Yuan couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he thought about it, so he simply gave up. Anyway, it was better than thinking hard and still not getting an answer.

Wang Feng was afraid that the monitor of the class he led was deceived by Mo Li. After all, the change in Wu Qian's expression just now was really incredible.

With the idea of ​​believing it is better than not believing it, Wang Feng felt that he needed to go to Wu Qian for a good talk, so as not to be sold out and foolishly help count money.

If it was really the same as he thought, he would definitely go to Gu Yuan to fight. As for why he didn't go to Mo Li, Wang Feng believed that there must be a student like a teacher.

It must be that Gu Yuan, this guy, instilled some bad ideas in Mo Li.

The two of them were thinking about their own thoughts, and for a moment they forgot to announce the results of the game.

Mo Li waved at the two of them. Seeing that Gu Yuan and Wang Feng didn't respond, he shouted crisply: "Teacher Gu Yuan, Teacher Wang Feng, the game is over, it's time for the next game."

The two were thinking happily, but this sudden shout made them come back to their senses in an instant, looking at the thin figure on the stage.

"In this game, Mo Li from the third class of the first grade of the ice department won."

Wang Feng spoke first, and at the same time called the name of another person, asking him to go on stage to fight with Mo Li.

The strongest fighting force of the third class of the first grade of the fire department was defeated by Mo Li, so the new student naturally couldn't beat Mo Li.

As expected, before the fight lasted more than 30 seconds, Mo Li placed the blade across the opponent's neck. If he had inserted it a few centimeters deeper, he could have easily cut the opponent's carotid artery.

"You lost, get off."

Mo Li glanced at the other person indifferently, put down the long knife on the other person's neck, and turned to walk back to his original position.

When the man heard Mo Li's words, he felt that the coldness on his neck had disappeared, and he immediately ran off the stage, his speed seemed to be a few points faster than a rabbit.

Wang Feng shook his head regretfully, not because he was disappointed with the student, but because he recognized Mo Li's strength, and regretted that there was no one else in his class who could stand alone except Wu Qian.

He glanced at Gu Yuan beside him and sighed, "Old Gu, you got a good student this year, I'm really envious."

"It would be great if that girl named Bai Jiu was assigned to our class, or if Mo Li awakened the fire ability."

Gu Yuan just smiled, closed his mouth lightly, and said nothing.

Every lecturer in Mingzhu Academy hopes that there will be an excellent student in his class. Once the student gets any honor, the corresponding lecturer will also be rewarded.

So this is the fundamental reason why Wang Feng said this.

But since it has been assigned to me, no matter how bad it is, I have to teach it well, otherwise how can I live up to the word lecturer.

Every year, the teachers in Mingzhu Academy will complain about their own classes, but they are more serious than each other when teaching.

They are a group of cunning foxes who say one thing and do another.

After Wang Feng finished complaining, he sent the next person to fight Mo Li, but he still lost in less than half a minute.

One, two, three...

It was noon, and all the students in the third class of the first grade were beaten by Mo Li. Among the twenty people, only Wu Qian could make Mo Li slightly motivated.

For the rest of the people, Mo Li was too lazy to use weapons, and fought with his bare hands, but he still won the victory easily.

At the end of the fight, Mo Li felt that his fists were a little red and swollen, and his body felt a little tired, and he just wanted to find a place to rest.

Beating twenty people, no one can bear it, beating people is also very strenuous, but the game is not over yet, he still has to fight with people in his class.

"I'm so tired, my hands are numb, how can there be eighteen people to fight." Mo Li said to himself in distress.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, and a good idea suddenly appeared in his mind, which saved time and effort, but it was a bit sorry for his classmates.

But he was their class monitor, so it was reasonable to do so, and there was no problem.

Mo Li's eyes gradually became firm, and he smiled and turned his head to look at his classmates meaningfully.

He pretended to be weak and shaky, and his body suddenly collapsed and sat on the ground, his tone was a little weak.

"Ahem, I'm so tired all over. I have to fight with people from other classes later. I have to rest well and can't waste my energy."


Mo Li coughed several times, and his expression was listless, not pretending at all.

After seeing Mo Li's miserable condition, the other students of Class 3 of the first grade of the Ice Department said to each other with concern.

"Mo Li, class leader, don't worry, you should rest well in the next period of time. We won't challenge you. The competition with other classes still depends on you."

"That's right, class leader Mo Li, you can rest at ease. If anyone doesn't give up and takes the opportunity to attack you, I will freeze his pants."

"Add one second."


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