The arrogant and high-profile history of the richest pirate

Chapter 214 Sakaski: Who...who...who did it~

Chapter 214 Sakaski: Who did it. Who did it~

The golden light condensed in mid-air, Polusalino looked at the barren mountains and canyons that changed the landscape below, his brows frowned and turned into light spots that dissipated, and when he reappeared, he was already on the ground.

"Major General Polusalino!"

The two pale-faced colonels were relieved to see Polusalino appear.

"The Golden Emperor is gone?"

Polusalino looked around, but didn't feel the aura of that arrogant guy.

Looks like it's too late again.

"The Golden Emperor rescued the Sun King half an hour ago."

One of the chiefs, with a bandage on his body, coughed.

"Where is Sakalski?"

Polusalino was a little surprised. After all, that guy was still very cruel. He thought that all these sailors had been killed, and it seemed that there was not much loss now.

It is estimated that Sakaski withstood the Golden Emperor's offensive.


Facing Polusalino's inquiry, the expressions of the two captains and the rest of the sailors changed back and forth uncertainly, as if they were struggling to speak, and a little awkward.


Polusalino's heart skipped a beat, did Sakaski die?

However, as all the sailors parted ways, Polusalino looked along the aisle, and the wretched face gradually became startled, and then his eyes widened, with a hellish expression.

At the end of the aisle lay a very distressed woman.

Her long black hair was disheveled, and she had a slightly resolute and delicate face, even if there was dirt, it couldn't conceal the unyielding heroic spirit of a woman, and her skin was white and delicate.

Even in a coma, there is a heroic temperament.

Right now, he was covered with a coat of justice. Even so, his chest was tall and straight, at least it was the murder weapon of 36E. His exposed legs were also slender and round. Following the gaps in the coat of justice, there was a sense of temptation to find out.

Polusalino approached, his face constantly changing.

He raised his head and looked at a group of sailors, and he saw certainty from the inside.

Could it be that this woman who is 80% similar to Sakaski is

"Don't tell me it's Sakalski!"

Polusalino still opened his mouth to make sure.

The surprise came too fast, and he was not ready yet.

"Yes, we saw with our own eyes that the Human Demon King, a subordinate of the Golden Emperor, injected something into Major General Sakaski's body, and then"

Colonel couldn't go on.

He couldn't imagine what would happen to Sakalski when he woke up.

And they have already confirmed that Major General Sakaski has really become a woman. Whether it is the appearance, the murder weapon, or the creek in the black forest, it is only owned by women.

As for the one with the handle, it has been


Polusalino couldn't help but gasped.

What a proud and strong person Sakaski is, if he wakes up and finds himself a woman, then...

Polusalino couldn't imagine that if he suddenly became like this.

He shuddered suddenly.

He didn't dare to think about it any further.

"Major General Polusalino, what should we do now?"

The two chiefs were completely undecided.

Fortunately Polusalino is here.

Otherwise, when Major General Sakalski wakes up, he still has to clean them up?

In unison, all the sailors looked at Polusalino.

That meaning is already obvious.

What should I do, you keep saying that you are the biggest here!

Polusalino's eyelids twitched, this was the first time he had encountered such a thing!



Sakalski, who has turned into a woman, is so charming.

Look at this face, this figure.

"Let's leave this kind of thing to Marshal Kong!"

Polusalino chose to leave the problem to Sora, and the first person Sakaski saw when he woke up must not be him.

"Then I will trouble Major General Polusalino."

All the sailors breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll send Sakaski back before he wakes up."

Polusalino coughed, hugged the unconscious Sakalski, and disappeared as soon as he flew into the sky.

Ten minutes later, the clouds at an altitude of one thousand meters retreated rapidly.

Polusalino looked down at the Sleeping Beauty-like Sakalski, as if about to wake up.

This is worth it!

Without the slightest hesitation, Polusalino flipped over and struck with a knife, very forcefully.

Sakaski, who hadn't woken up yet, forcibly passed out again.

Time passed slowly, and when he saw Marin Fando, Polusalino flew directly to the headquarters building.

At the moment in the marshal's office, Sora was discussing some things with Crane, when he saw the door being opened, he cast his gaze over.

"Porusalino, what is this?"

Sora's expression was startled, and he looked at the things Polusalino was holding, which were tied up with the Colonel's justice coat, with only his long black hair hanging outside.

From this, it was clear that Polusalino was tied up with a woman.

Polusalino did not speak, but turned Sakaski's face to Sora and Tsuru.

The whole office smells like a needle drop.

Both Sora and Crane frowned. This woman seemed familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her before.

The two didn't think about Sakalski at all.

Until Polusalino spoke.

"This is Sakalski."

A bomb like a thunderbolt from the blue made Sora and Tsuru stiffen their faces.

"What did you say?"

Sora suspected that he had heard wrong.

But what Polusalino said, it seems that he is really similar to Sakalski!


I can't accept it for a while!

Even the crane was dumbfounded.

"It's the King of Human Beasts under the Golden Emperor"

Polusalino diverted what he heard from the Colonel, and then sat on the sofa and poured himself a cup of tea.

Sora's face has been cloudy and uncertain!

Thinking about what effect Sakaski's becoming a woman would have on the Navy.

After all, whether it is the outside world or the navy, everyone knows that whether it is Sakalski, Polusalino, or Kuzan, they are all training in the direction of generals.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman, as long as you are strong, have enough prestige, and have enough political awareness in a certain aspect, you can take up the position of general.

It's just that a person as upright as Sakaski wakes up and finds that he has turned into a woman. This blow is not something ordinary people can bear.

Maybe Sakaski's mentality will collapse directly, and he will never recover from it!

Just over easy to fold!

So Sora was a little worried.

Looking at Crane, both of them began to think of a way.

Suddenly, the comatose Sakaski sat up from the sofa, his whole body became hot and began to flow magma, which burned the justice coat all at once, and stood up full of defense.

He actually lost.

How could he lose.

At the beginning in Magic Valley Town, the other party was not even qualified to carry his shoes, but this time... unexpectedly

Things don't seem right.

here it is.

Sakaski calmed down when he saw Sora, Tsuru, and Polusalino.

"How did I get back?"

As the magma backflow disappeared, Sakaski stood naked in the office, Sora and Crane glanced up and down, with weird expressions.

Those two groups of murder weapons are at least 36E.

No sagging!

Really become a woman.

Seeing that Sora and Crane's expressions were not right, Sakaski also noticed the problem, and his chest seemed a little heavy.

Look down!

At that moment, Sakaski's expressionless expression began to change from astonishment to suspicion, to

"Who, who did it!"

Touching the two soft things and the absolute domain, Sakaski's hands trembled and his whole face twisted. .

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