Two hours later.

Tiannan City.

Blood Clan Cave Void Road.

“Kill! Kill all these humans! The blood of human warriors is not only sweet, but also a real supplement for our blood clan! Just suck these humans dry! We will definitely be able to increase our strength! ”

A figure burst out from inside the Blood Clan Cave Void Road, his body exuded an extremely powerful aura, and a pair of black bat wings gently flapped and appeared in mid-air, shouting murderously.


One after another figures stepped out from the Blood Clan’s Cave Void Road, and tens of thousands of Blood Clan walked out from the Cave Void Road, making the entire heaven and earth full of slaughtering aura!

“Great Martial Master Realm Peak Blood Clan?”

Lin Donghua looked at the tens of thousands of blood clans with a solemn face, and his heart became extremely nervous.

Now, in the entire Dongchuan Province, more than half of the ordinary warriors have gathered here, but in the face of such a huge number of blood tribes, he still feels irresistible!

No way, the main thing is that there are too many blood tribes!

The entire Blood Clan Cave Void Road Station, that is, three thousand warriors gathered!

Together with him, there are only eight Great Martial Master Realm level martial artists in the entire station, but on the Blood Clan side, there are thirteen Great Martial Master Realm level Blood Clan Viscounts!

No matter how you look at it, you feel a huge difference in strength!

In terms of high-end combat power, there are five less martial artists at the level of the Great Martial Master Realm than the Blood Clan!

Not to mention the five Great Martial Master Realm level martial artists, even one, it may be the last straw!

“Brother Lin, you are the Blood Clan Cave Void Road Guard, moreover, you are the peak level of the Great Martial Master Realm, you come to give orders!”

A martial artist of the Great Martial Master Realm Dacheng level looked at Lin Donghua and asked him.

“Behind us is the people of the entire Tiannan City, our families! Everyone, prepare, attack! Slay the Bloods! No Blood Clan must be allowed to leave from here! ”

Lin Donghua glanced at the more than three thousand warriors and shouted loudly.

“Slay the Blood Clan! Slay the Bloods! Kill the Blood Clan————”

One by one, the warriors shouted loudly.


As soon as Lin Donghua’s right hand moved, a pitch-black big knife appeared in his hand, and his figure moved, like a bolt of lightning towards the blood tribe, he slashed out, and a knife qi that was dozens of feet long was cut out from the black big knife and slashed towards countless blood tribes.


One by one, the martial artists of the Great Martial Master Realm level are all shot, striving to kill some of the Blood Tribe warriors as much as possible, they know very well in their hearts that the viscounts of the Blood Tribe Great Martial Master Realm level will definitely find them, if they are entangled by the viscounts of the Blood Clan Great Martial Master Realm level, when the time comes, they want to help kill some ordinary blood tribes and reduce the pressure on the Terran warriors, there will be no chance.

A personal race warrior all attacked towards the blood tribe one after another, no one was greedy and afraid of death at this time, and no one flinched at this time!

Even if the number of blood clans is several times theirs!

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

One after another earth-shattering loud noises spread throughout the heavens and earth, and with Lin Donghua, these great martial artist realm level masters struck, in just an instant, more than hundreds, if not thousands, of blood tribe warriors died at their hands.

However, when Lin Donghua made a move, the viscount of the peak level of the Blood Clan Great Martial Master Realm had already waved his right hand, and a master of the Blood Clan Great Martial Master Realm level greeted them.

Faced with such a huge number of blood tribes, while killing some blood tribe warriors, they were also killed by the blood tribe, and in just a moment, more than dozens of Terran warriors died in battle!

This is the war between the Terrans and the aliens!


Right now!

A figure rushed over from afar, as fast as thunder!

This figure is Su Lie!

After Su Lie got off the high-speed train, he rushed towards the Blood Clan Cave Void Road at full speed, he saw the battle between the Blood Clan and the Terran warriors at a glance, saw such a tragic battle, and saw a Terran warrior who was seriously injured and still fighting, he was shocked by such a scene.


A murderous intent flashed in Su Lie’s eyes, and he attacked the Blood Clan warrior with a punch.

A black bull demon that was several feet in size flew out from Su Lie’s fist and crushed towards a group of blood tribe warriors.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after another, the blood tribe warriors died under Su Lie’s fist power, whether it was the Martial Artist Realm or the Martial Master Realm, there were no exceptions!

With Su Lie’s joining, the pressure of the Terran warriors suddenly weakened a lot, after all, the blood clans at the level of the Great Martial Master Realm did not attack the Terrans of the ordinary Martial Master Realm and the Martial Master Realm level, and these blood clans at the level of the Martial Master Realm and the Martial Master Realm could not resist Su Lie, so, just for a while, more than hundreds of blood tribes died at the hands of Su Lie.

“Kind of interesting! This Terran is definitely a true Terran genius! ”

The Viscount of the Blood Clan Great Martial Master Realm peak level outlined a playful look at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes looked at Su Lie playfully.

There were also four Blood Clan Viscounts of the Great Martial Master Realm Dacheng level behind him, and he obviously only sent eight Blood Clan Viscounts to deal with Lin Donghua and the others.

Hearing the words of the Viscount of the peak level of the Blood Clan Great Martial Master Realm, a tall middle-aged Blood Clan behind him showed a ray of murderous intent in his eyes, and said murderously: “Lord Hebrew, do you want me to take action to capture this human race to the adult alive, and let the adult suck the blood of this human race genius?” ”

“No need, a small martial artist realm can’t turn the sky!”

Hebrew waved his hand and said disapprovingly.

“That’s what the adults said.”

Hearing Hebrew’s words, the middle-aged blood tribe said respectfully.

Among the blood clan, don’t look at this middle-aged blood clan and Hebrew are both viscounts, but he is the Viscount of the Great Martial Master Realm Dacheng, while Hebrew is the peak viscount of the Great Martial Master Realm, and the status of the two is completely different!

The hierarchy of the Blood Clan is countless times stricter than that of the Terrans!


Su Lie slashed the blood tribe warriors with punch after punch, sending countless blood tribe warriors to hell.

After half a ring.

Su Lie felt that the number of blood tribes had been greatly reduced, leaving less than a thousand blood tribes, most of the blood tribes had been killed by themselves, and only a small part had been killed by other race warriors.

The eyes of a Terran warrior looking at him had already become extremely awe-inspiring!

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