Lu Wei squinted his eyes due to the air wave, and retreated quickly to prevent sneak attacks.

When the dust and smoke cleared, Lu Wei finally saw what the monster in the tenth level was.

A two-headed monster that was seven or eight meters long and looked like a crocodile or a lizard.

The monster was covered with scales, dark and shiny, giving people an extremely solid feeling.

The two heads, one dark red and the other light blue, were hideous and weird.

Lu Wei stared at the monster in front of him with a serious expression, and his heart was full of vigilance. This guy didn't look simple.

Before Lu Wei could make a move, the light blue head of the crocodile lizard opened its mouth and a huge water arrow more than two meters long shot at him at a rapid speed.

Lu Wei's heart trembled, and he was fully focused. Although the speed of the water arrow was very fast, Lu Wei's reaction was even faster.

He dodged when the water arrow was a few meters away.

While dodging the water arrow, Lu Wei also shot a water arrow. It went straight to the crocodile lizard's forehead.

The crocodile lizard's reaction was also not slow. The red head opened its mouth and spit out a fireball, which collided with the water arrow.

Boom! With a bang, the whole space was filled with white mist.

Taking this opportunity, Lu Wei condensed another water arrow.

However, this time he did not shoot the water arrow in a hurry, but continued to condense. If

Lu Wei did not take action, the crocodile lizard would not just watch and rushed towards him quickly.

Although the thick limbs were short, the speed was not slow.

In the blink of an eye, it came in front of Lu Wei.

Lu Wei did not rush to hide, because this time he mainly wanted to understand the various abilities of the monsters in the tenth level.

Seeing the crocodile lizard rushing in front of him, he turned around, and the huge tail swept across with a whistling sound.

Lu Wei instantly activated the extreme speed skill of his shoes and turned around to avoid it.

At this time, the water arrow in his hand had been condensed.

The dark water arrow has been condensed for so long, and he has done his best.

Turning around, Lu Wei shot the water arrow in his hand at the huge tail of the crocodile lizard.

Bang! With a loud bang, a big hole was blown out of the crocodile lizard's tail, which was more than half a meter thick. Only some tendons and skin were connected, and it was basically blown off.


The crocodile lizard screamed, turned around and shot a water arrow at him.

Lu Wei dodged again.

With a shake of his hand, the Wind-Breaking Spear appeared in his hand, and then the shadows of the gun fell all over the sky.

Puff puff puff...

A series of sounds of breaking skin and leather rang out, blood flowers bloomed, and a blood hole instantly appeared on the crocodile lizard's body.

It's a pity that the Wind-Breaking Spear is only an extraordinary weapon after all. Although it hurt the crocodile lizard, it was not fatal.

However, this is enough for Lu Wei. Although there was only a few minutes of fighting, he has completely understood the strength of the crocodile lizard.

With his current strength, he is fully capable of killing it. He can get it done after tonight is over.

"I admit defeat and request to withdraw."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Wei saw the crocodile lizard was fixed in place with anger and irritability, and then slowly disappeared.

He himself was sent out of the temple. As soon as he left the temple, Lu Wei saw two people waiting for him outside.

In the distance, there was a group of legion members who were watching the excitement, looking at this side with an expression of watching a good show.

When Lu Wei saw the two people, he was stunned and subconsciously asked:"Why are you here?"

Jian Jia smiled and stepped forward and said:"She has something to do with you, so I brought her here. How are you? Is it going well?"

Lu Wei nodded:"It's going well."

Then he turned to Rose beside him and asked:"What do you want to talk to me about?" The one who came with Jian Jia was Rose from the Sword and Rose Guild.

Rose looked around and whispered:"Can we find a place with fewer people to talk?"

Lu Wei raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, looked at Rose's long legs, and thought to himself: A place with fewer people? What you said makes me very embarrassed

"OK, let's go." Lu Wei said as he led the way, and Jian Jia and Meigui followed behind him down the mountain.

After the three of them left, everyone on the top of the mountain immediately started to discuss the matter with gossip on their faces.

"Do you think the president can handle two people alone?"

"Are you looking for death? How dare you doubt the president's ability?"

"That is, you didn't see the president's earth-shattering shot yesterday. Since the president is good with that gun, the other one must be no worse."

"What do you think would happen if Minister Zhang Ruoruo knew about this?"

"Then you're dead."

"What does it have to do with me?"

"Because it's written on your face that I want to tell on you"

"I...I didn't, don't talk nonsense, it's not me"

"Alas, powerful men will never lack women at any time."

"You are not bad, even without women, there are still men, brother, what do you think of me? In some things, gender is not that important"

"That's right, there are so few women, why bother to fight for them? You can't win anyway."

On the other side, Lu Wei took the two to the house where he and Jian Jia stayed on the first night.

This place is quite remote and no one has discovered it yet.

Although there is a house on the top of the mountain, it would be bad if Zhang Ruoruo came and saw some scenes.

So for the sake of safety, it is better to choose this place.

"" Tell me what you want to talk to me about." After entering the room and sitting down, Lu Wei asked directly without beating around the bush.

Rose thought about it, as if she had made some major decision, and said with a look of determination:"I want to lead the entire guild to join your Jiuzhou, and I hope you can take me in."

Lu Wei looked at Rose in surprise. He didn't expect that this woman was quite courageous.

He naturally knew that once his Jiuzhou opened up recruitment.

In the entire 01438 area, there would be basically no soil for other guilds to survive.

Because his capital was strong enough, as long as he made a little effort to improve the welfare and benefits, other guilds would not be able to catch up even if they flattered him.

But he didn't expect that Rose would come to join him before he made any effort.

It must be said that this woman was a bit courageous and visionary.

So, Lu Wei smiled and said,"Welcome, welcome, don't worry, you will definitely not suffer any loss when you come to our guild.

With your ability, it is still no problem to lead a department alone.

When I go back, I will discuss with several people in the team to see what position to arrange for you.

You also know that the system was suddenly updated, and many things in Jiuzhou have not been sorted out. When the job structure is set up after a while, you will definitely be given a satisfactory position."

In fact, the positions are not difficult, but who will be the leader.

This must be frozen until the jade seal and gold seal are activated.

Fortunately, there are no enemies and no team activities now, otherwise Jiuzhou will be a mess.

More than 300,000 people, it is impossible to command them.

Rose got Lu Wei's promise and felt relieved.

She didn't expect that Lu Wei would agree so readily. She originally thought that even if she didn't pay anything, she would be troubled.

After all, she was once the leader of a guild. If she joined Jiuzhou, it would be easy to establish her own mountain and become an unstable factor.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something and looked up at Lu Wei.

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