"Wow, President, I love you, you are awesome, I, I, I sign up"

"Wow, aren’t you a disgusting man?"

"An island that doesn't belong to you + a call to action, and you can get a skill in exchange? Is this a good thing?"

"Can the president still deceive us? Great, I will sign up"

"Woohoo, I don't have a call-up order, who can sell me one?"

"Only a fool would sell it, hahahaha"

"Brother President, I'm signing up. I not only have an island here, but also a sister waiting for you."

"Your sister, why do you look a little bit frivolous?"

Lu Wei closed the chat interface and directly left the registration to Zhang Tong and Gao Ren. He took Xiao Bai to the third island.

This island was larger than the previous two.

According to the rules of the previous two islands, it seemed that the larger the island, the stronger the guardian beast on the island.

So, the guardian beast on this island should be the strongest.

"Xiaobai, this island is a little dangerous. Why don't you wait here for me? I'll go and see for myself."

Xiaobai immediately hugged Lu Wei's arm when he heard it.

"No, I want to be with my master."

Lu Wei suddenly felt his arm sinking in. If he had known earlier, Xiao Bai would not have a bar. The contact point was too clear.

"Well, I can't take care of you when you are in danger."

"It's okay, I have defensive abilities."Xiao Bai said, waving her hand, and a water curtain appeared in front of her.

Lu Wei blinked, this girl knows a lot of tricks!

"All right, be careful."

With that, the two of them went to the island together.

As soon as they got to the island, Lu Wei found some footprints and feces on the ground.

Those footprints were the size of plates, but they looked like canine footprints.

Lu Wei was shocked when he saw them. Such large canine footprints, if they were wild dogs or wild wolves, how big would they be?

At this moment, Xiaobai sniffed his nose, suddenly pointed in a direction and said,"Master, over there."

Lu Wei looked at Xiaobai in surprise. He didn't expect this girl to have this ability.

However, it seems that sharks have a very sensitive sense of smell and can smell the smell of blood from several kilometers away.

""Let's go."

Lu Wei walked in front, and Xiaobai followed behind, and together they walked in the direction Xiaobai pointed.

The forest was full of weeds and branches, and they couldn't walk fast. After more than ten minutes, they only walked a few hundred meters.

At this time, Xiaobai suddenly said:"Master, it seems to have discovered us and is coming this way."

"You can even smell this?" Lu Wei looked at Xiao Bai in surprise.

"Because the smell is getting stronger... Master, be careful!"

Before Xiaobai finished speaking, his face suddenly changed, and he shot out a water arrow. At the same time, he waved his hand and a water curtain blocked the two of them.

Just as Xiaobai reminded Lu Wei, Lu Wei, who had a keen mental power, also found that something was flying towards them.

It was a green transparent blade, flying very fast, and branches and bushes were cut wherever it passed.

Lu Wei was about to take out his spear to deal with it, but he saw that Xiaobai had already taken action, so he stood there without moving to see how strong Xiaobai was.

Because he found that this girl was like a bottomless pit. Every time you thought you had an understanding of her, she could always come up with something new to surprise you.

""Bang!" With a slight sound, the water arrows accurately hit the wind blades, canceling each other out and disintegrating.

Xiaobai snorted:"Asshole, you dare to sneak attack my master, go to hell."

As the voice fell, dense water arrows suddenly appeared within a few meters around the two of them.

Lu Wei's scalp tingled, there must be hundreds of them.

Although it was only the lowest level of water arrow technique, but with this number, he would have to run away if he came.

With a wave of Xiaobai's hand, hundreds of water arrows were like an army of water arrows, turning into a tornado composed of water arrows, flying straight towards the dense forest in front.

Wherever the water arrow tornado passed, there was really no grass growing, and all the grass and trees were broken.

Seeing so many water arrows coming, the other side was not willing to be outdone. A wind tornado composed of countless wind blades collided with Xiaobai's water tornado.

"Boom boom boom……"Continuous explosions resounded throughout the entire island, water splashed, winds raged, and all the trees within dozens of meters around were destroyed.

After everything calmed down, Lu Wei finally saw what the enemy on the opposite side was.

It was a wolf, a black wolf that was much larger than a cow.

The black wolf's hair was shiny black, like fine silk, reflecting the light in the sun.

A pair of emotionless eyes looked at Lu Wei and Xiao Bai indifferently, as arrogant as if looking at two leeches.

Lu Wei had to admit that this black wolf was very handsome. It would be very majestic if he could keep it to guard the house.

Thinking of this, Lu Wei decided to try and see if he could subdue this black wolf.

Judging from the black wolf's methods just now, it has good attack capabilities, and it will also have a mount when it goes out in the future.

Lu Wei even thought of a name, let's call it Xiao Hei.

"You are very good at blocking, right? Let's see how much you can block."Xiao Bai waved her hand fiercely, and another water tornado flew over.

At the same time, the other hand was slowly raised and slowly pressed down.

As her hand moved, a transparent big hand suddenly appeared in the sky.

The big hand was several meters long, made entirely of water, and it whistled towards Black Wolf.

When Black Wolf saw this scene, he wanted to jump away directly, but he didn't expect that Xiao Bai's water tornado and big hand would actually turn and track with the movement of her hands.

Black Wolf saw that he couldn't avoid it, so he opened his mouth and shot out a huge wind blade several meters long, directly slashing at the water tornado.

At the same time, a green light shield rose up to protect himself. It seemed that he was ready to withstand the big hand falling from the sky.


The water tornado and the wind blade collided with each other, wreaking havoc again, destroying the surroundings beyond recognition.

At the same time, a large hand from the sky also fell down, slamming hard on the black wolf's light shield.

"Bang! Crash!……"

With a crisp sound, the light shield shattered, and at the same time, the water thugs also scattered, like a bucket of cold water, pouring cold water on Black Wolf.

This round seemed to be a draw, but in fact Xiaobai had a slight advantage.

However, this was obviously not Xiaobai's full strength.

"Come on, keep going. I want to see how many times you can block it."

Xiao Bai saw that his attack was blocked again, and he angrily launched two more attacks.

It was exactly the same as the last time, except that the big hand was replaced by a big fist, and the power was greatly increased.

When Heilang saw this, he turned around and ran away without saying a word.

""Stop, don't run!"

Xiao Bai was furious when he saw the black wolf running away, and he started to chase after it.

Lu Wei didn't expect that the black wolf would actually run away, and was worried that Xiao Bai would get into trouble, so he hurriedly followed behind.

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