The black wolf stared at the intimate couple in front of him with wide eyes, secretly complaining in his heart.

He carefully raised his front paws and tried to stand up slowly, then quietly slip away, trying not to attract their attention.

However, just as he took a step forward, he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his head - it turned out that Lu Weiyi had reached out and grabbed his scalp, and dragged him back.

"Bang!"A big trembling man

"Still want to run? I ask you, are you willing? If not, I will kill you, and you can also get a treasure chest and several hundred kilograms of wolf meat."

"Awooooooooooooooooo……"If it could cry, it would definitely cry like crazy. This is too much. No one bullies wolves like this. Big Gray Wolf is not that miserable.

"Master, let me do it, it may not understand what you are saying."

Xiaobai looked at the black wolf being beaten and smiled happily. The master would not beat her, but would only do some strange things to her.

Lu Wei looked at Xiaobai in surprise:"Can you communicate with it?"

"I'll try."

Xiaobai said, and walked up to Xiaohei and chirped at it twice.

The black wolf also followed suit and howled and barked.

Lu Wei stared at the two of them blankly, a little confused.

Fish and dogs can communicate?

After a while, Xiaobai smiled and said to Lu Wei:"Master, it's fine now. It will follow us from now on.""

"It's fine now? How did you tell it?" Lu Wei asked in surprise

"Secret." Xiaobai smiled strangely.

(Xiaobai: As long as you follow the master, you will not be beaten and you will also get good rewards.

Xiaohei: What kind of rewards?

Xiaobai: A comfortable and strange reward, and it can also turn you into a human.

If you disagree, you will be beaten to death and your flesh will be eaten.

Xiaohei: Okay, I agree.)

Lu Wei shrugged:"Okay, then ask it if there are any statues or buildings on this island."

"Choo Choo Choo……"

"Woof woof woof……"

"Master, it said yes, it is in the middle of the island"

"All right, let's go, let it lead the way."

Little White chirped a few times happily to the black wolf, as if conveying some mysterious instructions.

The black wolf immediately and obediently crouched at Lu Wei's feet, like a loyal hound waiting for the master's instructions.

Seeing this, Lu Wei raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a proud arc.

He took a step and sat steadily on the broad back of the black wolf, and then took Little White gently into his arms.

The man and the pet snuggled up to each other, with happy smiles on their faces, and walked towards the center of the island together.

This black wolf is huge and majestic.

It is about two meters tall and more than three meters long. Its limbs are strong and powerful, and every step is The black wolf looks steady and light.

His mighty appearance reveals an innate domineering aura, but in front of Lu Wei, he seems particularly docile and well-behaved.

It's not good to be docile, or you'll get beaten easily.

Sitting on the back of the black wolf, holding the sweet and soft Xiaobai in his arms, the feeling is simply wonderful!

Feeling the soft fur and solid muscles under his body, he felt as comfortable as if he was in the clouds.

Lu Wei squinted his eyes comfortably, enjoying the tranquility and beauty of this moment.

Xiaobai curled up quietly in his arms, and seemed to be infected by this warm atmosphere, purring softly.

Suddenly, Xiaobai grabbed Lu Wei's hand and placed it directly on Xiaobai's little white rabbit.

""Master, I performed so well today? Won't you reward me?"

Lu Wei was touched. Xiaobai was so thoughtful. This reward was not only for her, but also for herself.

Who wouldn't love such a sensible little pet?

"Reward, must be a good reward, when I return, I will give you a better reward"

"Really? Thank you, Master."

"Thank you Xiaobai too, Xiaobai is the best"

"Hahahaha……"Hearing Lu Wei's praise, Xiaobai smiled like a little fool. This was the happiest thing for her.

Xiaohei lowered his head and hurried on his way.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a little full. After a while, Xiaohei brought Lu Wei and Xiaobai to the middle of the island, where there was indeed a statue. It was about one meter high, exactly the same as the one he had seen in the goblin tribe before, and it still had that very weird feeling.

To be on the safe side, Lu Wei took out the jade seal and gold seal to take a look, and the weird feeling disappeared immediately.

However, this statue is made of stone and did not burn. It just looked as if it was weathered for a moment.

Lu Wei stepped forward and kicked the statue down, and immediately got a system prompt

"Ding, the island challenge is successfully passed and the ownership of the island is obtained. Do you want to use the lucky critical hit?"


"Ding, congratulations on triggering the lucky crit, the island area crit 8 times, gaining an island area of 41.03 square kilometers."

Hmm? 8 times? Not bad.

In other words, the island originally had 5 square kilometers? This area is really not small. If you use a level 3 lucky crit, there may be hundreds of square kilometers of land.

However, Lu Wei didn't care.

There are still so many members in the guild waiting for him to help collect the island. If he waits for a level 3 lucky crit, it will take a long time.

Even a level 2 lucky crit can't wait. Besides, after 3 days, the regions will be united, and then there will be more opportunities to collect the island.

"Well, mission accomplished, let’s go home."

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