After the waves passed, before Lu Wei and Xiao Bai had time to land on the island, a reminder sounded in their ears.

"Ding, your pet Xiaobai killed the goblin, gaining experience 1. Do you want to use lucky crit? Level 3 lucky crit 0/1, level 2 lucky crit 1/2, level 1 lucky crit 10/10"

"Ding, your pet Xiaobai killed the goblin and gained experience 1. Do you want to use lucky critical hit?……"


"Congratulations on your successful completion of the challenge and obtaining the ownership of the island (0.74 square kilometers). Do you want to use Lucky Crit? Level 3 Lucky Crit 0/1, Level 2 Lucky Crit 0/2, Level 1 Lucky Crit 10/10."

Lu Wei thought about it and chose to use it. At this rate, at most 10 islands can be conquered in a day.

So let's set it at 10 for the time being, just use 10 times of Level 1 Lucky Crit.

"Ding, congratulations on triggering a lucky critical hit, the island area has been critically hit 4 times, and the island area has been increased to 2.96 square kilometers."

Lu Wei frowned, this is too little, not even as big as the area of a larger island.

Forget it, a mosquito is still meat, and nearly 3 square kilometers of land is more than enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

""Let's go to the island."

After the two of them got to the island, they began to look for treasure chests.

The island was full of seawater, which made it easier for Xiaobai to find the chests.

Soon, all the chests were collected, and Lu Wei took Xiaobai straight to the next island.

The area of this island was larger, and Lu Wei and Xiaobai did the same thing. A huge tsunami directly submerged the entire island, and then went up to pick up things.

Back and forth, it took less than half an hour to finish an island.

The area of this island is not small, it is 4 square kilometers, and the critical hit was 7 times, gaining 28 square kilometers.

The summoning order cannot be lifted before the time is up, 12 hours at a time.

In other words, Lu Wei has to stay here for 12 hours.

But Lu Wei certainly won't stay stupidly for 12 hours. At this time, as long as someone summons him again, he can leave and go to the next place.

Of course, after 12 hours, his first summoning will be lifted, so he can return to his own island.

12 hours later, Lu Wei returned to his island and breathed a sigh of relief.

After rushing, he finally completed 10 islands within 12 hours.

He opened the system interface and took a look. Not only did the island area increase by more than 200 square kilometers, but even the experience points increased by several thousand. If this continues, he should be able to upgrade in 3 days.

Although the upgrade speed is a bit slow, Lu Wei is not in a hurry. With his current strength, even if he upgrades to level 10 or 8, it will not affect him much. Once the

Dharma Realm is opened, he will be invincible.

Of course, upgrading is not useless. At least after the upgrade, the lucky critical hit can be upgraded to increase the number of critical hits. However

, the most important thing at present is to store enough land and food for the future so that everyone can survive and continue the fire of Kyushu.

After returning home, Lu Wei walked to take a look at the corn. It was already in bloom and heading. It will be harvested tomorrow night. No problem at all.

I guess we can eat fresh corn tomorrow morning. After checking the corn, the peppers and tomatoes that were originally planted are also ripe.

After picking them, Lu Wei began to dry them and save the seeds, waiting for the next sowing.

After processing the crops, he collected the spiritual spring water, bottled it, gave some to Zhang Ruoruo and Jian Jia, and kept the rest for himself and Xiaobai.

The last is the forging machine. There are enough spears and fish hooks. Next, Lu Wei’s main production is steel essence.

All steel is deeply processed to produce steel essence, the top material of ordinary products.

The spear made of this kind of steel essence, after Lu Wei’s 10 times critical hit, the resulting extraordinary weapon is much more powerful than his wind-breaking spear.

After all the trivial matters were dealt with, Lu Wei remembered to make dinner.

At this time, Zhang Ruoruo called.

When she received Lu Wei’s spiritual spring water, she knew that Lu Wei was back.

"Are you back? How is it going? Is everything going well?"

"Everything went smoothly. I just got home not long ago."

Hearing this, Zhang Ruoruo snorted:"Well, how can you go back on your word? You promised me that you would call me when I got home, but you didn't call me. I'm angry."

Lu Wei said helplessly:"Okay, don't be angry. I just have too many things to do and I'm so busy that I'm dizzy."

Zhang Ruoruo is not an unreasonable girl. She knows that Lu Wei is busy. She just wanted to act coquettishly with her lover.

"Fine then, I forgive you. By the way, you said you would treat me to a delicious meal in the evening, but I can’t have it today, right?"

It’s already very late, and Lu Wei just came back. By the time he finishes cooking, it might be too late.

Lu Wei smiled bitterly and said,"It’s really bad. We can only talk about it tomorrow morning or evening."

"I know I can't count on you. You haven't eaten yet, right? I just cooked some instant noodles here. I can't finish them, so I'll give you some."

"Where are you? It's been hard for my baby Ruoruo."

"Disgusting, corny, and slick." Zhang Ruoruo blushed as she scolded Lu Wei, but her voice was so sweet that it was sickening.

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