The next day, Xia Qiu returned to school. He had no excuse to skip classes, so he could only go to class.

"Hey, come with me during lunch break."

Eriri whispered as she passed by Xia Qiu.

Huh? What's going on? A spy meeting? Or are you looking for a fight?

Maybe because he played games too late last night and didn't sleep enough, Xia Qiu didn't realize it was Eriri until class.

It looks like her illustration is finished, and it's pretty fast.

Don't think that Xia Qiu is dissatisfied. In fact, Xia Qiu just asked Eriri to draw a rough character picture for him, and didn't add scenes and other factors. So if you only draw characters, this speed is normal.

But... is it necessary to be so quiet? It makes you feel like you and I are having an underground relationship.

It seems that Eriri has really taken great pains to maintain her personality in school.

Soon it was time for lunch break. After Eriri sent away a few good friends, she gave Xia Qiu behind her a hidden look. She immediately left her seat and walked out of the classroom.

After Eriri left for a while, Xia Qiu calculated the time and followed her out of the classroom.

"So where are we going?"

After hearing Xia Qiu's words, Ying Lili tilted her head and thought about it. The rooftop is not okay because the students will be there. The long tables and chairs outside are not okay either. We will be seen by acquaintances. There are also students in the art club at this time, so... let's skip class!

Haha~ Of course I won't skip class, but Ying Lili is a little distressed. Isn't there a more secluded place in the school?

"Oh, come with me."

Seeing this, Xia Qiu knew that Ying Lili didn't know where to go, so he asked Ying Lili to follow him to his light music club.

"It’s such a mess... Don’t you clean this place?"

"Let's make do with it. We don't have time, so where's your sketch?"

Xia Qiu moved a set of tables and chairs over, wiped them, put his lunch on them, and then reached out for Ying Lili's sketch.


Eri took out her own sketch from her bag. This was her painstaking work! For this job! In order to draw illustrations for Si Lie, she stayed up until three or four o'clock to finish it.

Xia Qiu observed it carefully.

Not bad, I can only say that Eriri's painting style is indeed very good. She has met her own requirements. The image of Miyazono Kaoru is also similar to Eriri's, just modify the details. But...……


"What's wrong?"

Ying Lili saw Xia Qiu staring at her illustrations without saying anything, and she felt a little nervous. She held the corners of her clothes tightly with her two hands, fearing that Xia Qiu would banish her to the cold palace if he was not satisfied.

"The painting is indeed good. I can only say that it is worthy of being teacher Eri Hakumu"

"Me! I don't know a guy with that name!"

Although she said so, Ying Lili felt a little happy in her heart. Doesn't this mean that Xia Qiu still recognizes her ability and it is not as difficult as she imagined?

""Stupid, I'm not praising you. Please, Sawamura-kun, I'm writing a serious light novel. Do you want me to be killed by the editor by drawing so H?"

Xia Qiu rubbed his temples with a headache. It seems that this guy brought the habit of drawing books to illustrations, which is not a good habit. Maybe some characters need to be a little H, but the main theme of his Four Lies is depression, bah, healing. What is needed is the kind of painting style that makes people feel warm and moved at a glance, not a restricted style.


Being pointed out so bluntly by Xia Qiu, Ying Lili, who had always been smooth sailing, suddenly had tears in her eyes. She had tried her best to change her style of drawing, but this habit could not be changed so easily in a short time. No wonder her mother had such a strange expression when she saw her illustrations last night.

"Okay, don't cry. I didn't say you can't do it. I just think you can change the style. I still recognize your ability."

"Who is crying? I am… there is too much dust here and it got into my eyes. I rubbed it and shed a few tears."

This is really a tough mouth.

However, Ying Lili still breathed a sigh of relief. At least it means that Xia Qiu still recognizes her.

"I can make some changes when I go back, and try to make it look more immature. Okay, it’s time to eat… I’m hungry after talking so much."

Eri put away her sketch and nodded.

After all, Eriri is a young lady, and her lunch box is quite exquisite.

But ~ compared with Xia Qiu across the street...

Open the insulated lunch box, this is the lunch box that Xia Qiu bought at a high price! The dishes made in the morning are still hot now, and Xia Qiu really can't get used to cold lunch boxes.

Damn! It smells so good! This guy is poisonous!

Eriri swallowed her saliva, and felt that his lunch box smelled so good, is it true! This guy's cooking skills are so good.

Eriri also knows a little about Xia Qiu's situation. After all, he is the only international student in the school, and he lives alone now, so if nothing unexpected happens, this lunch box must be made by him.

It feels like it is no worse than the chef at the Totsuki Resort when she and her mother went there, this aroma.

But it's not strange to think that the other party is from China, the distant East, the country of delicious food.

In an instant - Eriri felt that her exquisite lunch box was not so delicious.

"Come and taste my cooking skills."

Seeing that Erili was staring at her lunch box, Xia Qiu could not guess what this guy was thinking. He pushed his lunch box over and took out a pair of serving chopsticks and handed them to Erili.

Erili wanted to be reserved, but the food in front of her was too delicious. People only want to satisfy their taste buds and fill their stomachs. Face is not as important as their taste buds.

Delicious! Delicious! It's really delicious!(˵¯͒〰¯͒˵)

At this time, in the service club classroom next to the Light Music Club, a girl who was as cold as a snow elf sniffed the aroma coming from next door, touched her stomach, looked at the decent lunch box in front of her and fell into deep thought.

It's over! There's a dog!

Eriri was immersed in the joy of enjoying the food and didn't pay attention to stopping. Two-thirds of the food in the lunch box was gone in an instant. When Eriri reacted, she realized that she seemed to have almost eaten up Xia Qiu's lunch.

Eriri's cheeks immediately turned red. Um... I actually ate up everyone else's lunch box! This is too embarrassing!!!

"Um... I'm sorry, I didn't have any... If you don't mind, you can have my portion."

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