An order for the construction of a garrison has been issued?! Lu Wei's eyes widened immediately.

If there is something he desires most now, then the order for the construction of a garrison is definitely in the top three.

As long as he has this, all plans can begin.

Lu Wei looked at the token carefully.

Garrison Construction Token: After selecting a location, the guild garrison can be built. The location cannot be modified after confirmation.

Functional buildings can be built in the garrison, such as: blacksmith shop, pharmacy, restaurant...

After the garrison is confirmed, guild members can enter the garrison to rest, practice, and carry out a series of activities once a day, and each stay shall not exceed 12 hours. The initial level of the garrison is 0, and the upgrade conditions are 100 low-level magic crystals and winning the garrison upgrade siege battle.

Warm reminder: After 3 days of garrison construction, monsters will attack the city. If the garrison is successfully guarded, the construction is completed. If the guarding fails, the garrison construction token disappears.

After reading the introduction of the garrison token, Lu Wei frowned immediately. He didn't care about anything else.

But this guild member can only rest in the garrison for 12 hours a day, which is a bit tasteless.

Originally, he thought���The settlement was successfully built, and everyone moved to the island to live.

This way everyone's safety is guaranteed. Now it seems that this idea has failed.

Fortunately, he had a level 2 lucky critical hit that was not used.

Let's see what kind of optimization will be after the critical hit.

"System, use level 2 lucky crit"

"Ding, congratulations on triggering the level 2 lucky crit, the garrison construction order has a 50-fold crit, and is upgraded to the imperial city construction order."

Imperial City Construction Order: Choose a location to build an imperial city, with 3 opportunities to modify.

It comes with an imperial city with 999 rooms. There are

10 blocks outside the imperial city, with various living facilities, a total of 10,000 houses, 30 functional buildings, and an imperial city teleportation array. The

30-meter-high imperial city wall is 3 kilometers long, the moat is 3 kilometers long, and there is a freshwater lake in the city...

The rest time of guild members in the garrison is unlimited, the training speed is ×2, and the injury recovery speed is ×2.

The imperial city level is 1, and for each level up, the area and buildings increase by 1 times. The upgrade consumes 10,000 low-level magic crystals, and the guard upgrade battle is successful.

Warm reminder: 3 days after the construction of the imperial city garrison, there will be monsters attacking the city. If you successfully guard the imperial city garrison, the construction is completed. If you fail to guard, the imperial city garrison construction token disappears.

Lu Wei looked at the one or two strings of additional Reward, immediately smiled crookedly.

That's right, this reward is worthy of my status. However

, the houses and city walls are still a bit too few. 10,000 houses, one room for each person, can only accommodate 10,000 people.

Even if they squeeze together, there are more than 300,000 people. It can't be 30 people in one room, right?

The city wall is 3,000 meters long and forms a circle, which is only a few square kilometers. It's not enough to do anything.

It seems that I still have to build it myself.

Moreover, the inner city of the imperial city is a bit big for me. I am alone, and at most I can With three girls, how can they live in such a big place?

Even if there are more women in the future, it is impossible to have so many more. I am not that kind of person.

The most important thing is that building so many houses will definitely waste a lot of land. Land is tight now.

Especially those lands that can accelerate planting are even more precious. It would be a waste to use them to build houses.

Lu Wei thought about it and decided to build the imperial city by the sea. Although it is a bit crowded, at least it will not harm the land that can accelerate plant growth.

However, in this way, it may be more troublesome to defend the city when monsters attack the city in three days.

But Lu Wei is not afraid. With him and Xiaobai, no monster can break through his city.

The only thing that makes Lu Wei very satisfied is that these buildings can be built in batches, not that these things have to be built all at once after using the construction order.

Lu Wei decided to build ordinary residential houses and those functional buildings first.

Then there is the freshwater lake. Don't worry about other things. Build them when the island is larger in the future.

After confirming, Lu Wei directly used the construction token

"Ding, the Imperial City Construction Order was used successfully. Please confirm the location of the Imperial City Core Crystal. Note: When the monster attacks the city, if the core crystal is broken, the defense will fail."

Lu Wei thought about it and directly placed the core crystal on the second floor of his house on the island.

As soon as the core crystal was placed, a prompt sound rang in the ears of all players.

"Ding, congratulations to the Jiuzhou Corps Guild for being the first to successfully build a garrison. All members will be rewarded with 100 copper coins and 1 free attribute point."

When Lu Wei heard the news, he curled his lips. This game is too stingy. It only rewards 1 attribute point. It's useless.

However, Lu Wei thinks that 1 attribute point is useless, but others don't think so.

After hearing the news, the outside world was boiling.

Others were naturally envious and jealous.

And inside Jiuzhou, there was cheering and ecstasy.

(A little less, will be added later)

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