Finally, Xiao Bai was impulsive and couldn't hold back. He asked for too much and finally fell asleep from exhaustion.

Lu Wei covered Xiao Bai with a blanket, got up from the bed and went outside.

As soon as he went out, the system notification sounded in Lu Wei's ears.

"Ding, the guild ranking competition is over, and now the rewards are calculated.

The first place in this competition, Jiuzhou Corps Guild, is rewarded with 1,000 gold coins of guild funds and 1,000 guild free attribute points (distributed by the president, up to 10 points per person).

The second place, Goddess of Nature Guild, is rewarded with 500 gold coins of guild funds and 500 guild free attribute points.……"

After seeing the rewards, Lu Wei sighed in disappointment. Neither the guild funds nor the guild free attribute points were awarded to him personally.

So there was no way to trigger a lucky crit, otherwise, he would have made a fortune.

He didn't care about 1,000 gold coins. No one could get more than 10 points out of 1,000 attribute points, which meant that with full effort, only 100 people could be upgraded.

For a guild with more than 300,000 people, it was really too little.

If everyone got a little less, it would be basically useless, so Lu Wei would rather upgrade 100 people than divide it equally among 1,000 people.

"Ding, the guild ranking competition is over, and the regional merger is now starting. In the Kyushu region, 01438, 01434, 01432, 01431, and 04130, five regions with 1.08 million people are merged into one region. Since 01438 has the largest number of people, it will be called 01438 after the merger."

The moment the regions were merged, the chat channel was instantly filled with all kinds of information.

With more than 1 million people, you can imagine how fast the chat was, and it was impossible to read all the information.

"Wow, I'm so happy that I merged with the richest man's guild. I've never joined a guild before. I've been waiting for this day."

"You're in trouble. What if they don't want to hire you?"

"It doesn't matter if you join a guild, you can just quit later."

"Damn! You idiot, they haven't recruited anyone yet, and you're in a hurry to leave. Don't let me see you"

"It doesn't matter if you didn't join the guild. I kept my virginity just to join Kyushu."

"666, you are really ruthless. You are a grown man, but you still have that thing."

"Hahaha, it’s very easy to join our Kyushu, just sign up directly, everyone is welcome."

Lu Wei didn't mind recruiting people. The guild now has 1,052 square kilometers of land.

Minus 750 square kilometers of land used for planting, there are 300 square kilometers left. With so much land, it is no problem to arrange 1 million people.

However, it is not easy to manage so many people. It is still necessary to determine the management from top to bottom before recruiting people.

Lu Wei had a rough plan in his mind. The whole island was close to an oval.

In addition to a large part of the north used for planting, the remaining three directions were used for living.

The residential area was divided into 10 areas, and ten district heads were assigned. Each area was divided into 10 small areas, and the small areas were divided into 10 brigades, and the brigades were divided into small teams.

In this way, a small team has 100 people, which is convenient for management. When the time comes, it can be divided into 10 small groups.

Lu Wei divided the areas on the map of the guild's headquarters. Next, he waited for dawn and the guild members to come in.

People with high enough loyalty and certain abilities were selected to arrange positions.

At the same time, there were two people who had been abandoned by Lu Wei a long time ago. The little Karami behind the scenes was planning to attack the Jiuzhou Guild.

It was Feilong from the Feilong Gang, who had not been seen for a long time, and Lone Wolf from the Lone Wolf Mercenary Group.

At this time, the two were basically alone. If Lu Wei had not refused to accept people from their guild, there might not be anyone left around them.

Feilong was better off. There were no good people in his guild, and Lu Wei resolutely refused to accept them. This left a few hundred people in the Feilong Guild.

Lone Wolf was in a more miserable situation. Except for a dozen or so confidants, there was no one left in the guild.

Only this one was left. There were more than 10 of them, and they were kept because they had done many evil things in the past, so Lu Wei refused to accept them. Otherwise, they would have been gone. With the regional merger, the two realized that the opportunity to overthrow Lu Wei had come.

So they gathered together to discuss and decided to unite the guilds in various regions to deal with Lu Wei's Jiuzhou Guild.

Needless to say, these two guys were quite capable and quickly contacted the presidents of several guilds.

They had just arrived and had not dealt with the world's richest man. When they heard someone say that they could provide information about Lu Zhenghai, they naturally became interested.

"President Qingshan, you may not realize how powerful Lu Wei is. If we don't take this opportunity to eliminate him, our current fate will be a reflection of your future."

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