I took a day off, never mind how Xia Qiu got it.

"Hello, Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka... Um, cough cough cough, I feel really bad today, I feel like I'm dying, so I applied for a day off today to go out and see a doctor."


"It’s really sad, Jing. You don’t want anything to happen to your students, right?"


"Xia Qiu, I give you the deadline to get to school before nine o'clock, otherwise... Hehe……"

"Okay, Teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka, I'm going to the hospital. I'll talk to you after I recover. Without saying anything, Xia Qiu hung up the phone and took off the wet towel covering his head.

"Hey, why can't I trick this woman?"

If she's sick, then she's not sick. If she's in trouble, then she's in trouble.

I need to take Qiong to the Metropolitan Police Department and send this little guy back."

"Has Qiong packed up yet?"

There wasn't much to pack, just a few sets of clothes that Xia Qiu helped buy, and some snacks. Did

Qiong want to leave? Of course not. Compared to that so-called home, she felt more at ease staying here with Xia Qiu.

Qiong had tried to stare at Xia Qiu with cold eyes, as if to say that she didn't want to go back.

But it was meaningless.

A sixteen-year-old high school student taking in a primary school student seemed to have bad intentions. Besides, Xia Qiu's age and identity meant that he couldn't keep Qiong at home.

Sending her to the Metropolitan Police Department was the best choice.

Holding her rabbit doll, Qiong didn't say anything. This child's personality seemed to have always been so cold.

It was probably the influence of the foster family.

Xia Qiu greeted the Metropolitan Police Department in advance when she went out.

When Xia Qiu and Qiong arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department, the parents and police who adopted Qiong were already waiting.

The policewoman was pretty, and Xia Qiu followed her to take a statement.

It was called a statement, but it was just a chat.

"The relationship between that child and her adoptive parents is quite bad. Even if she is taken back, she will still run away from home. When her parents got into trouble, it was me who handled the matter."

The policewoman sighed slightly. She understood the psychology of such children. Even if they ran away from home and were found, they would not be able to stay in that home. The worst case scenario was that they would be sent back to the orphanage.

"And the little guy was a little sick, so it was no wonder that he was not welcomed.……"

After the record was completed, Xia Qiu went out, and then he saw that the parents' expressions were actually very ugly.

The woman was pregnant, and she and her husband looked at Xiao Qiong without saying a word.

In fact, they probably hoped that Xiao Qiong would not come back after running away from home, but they were still notified by the police station. The parents' family was not very wealthy, and they had reached the limit of being able to adopt Xiao Qiong. Unfortunately, the woman was pregnant again, causing Xiao Qiong to become the redundant child.

Somehow, Xia Qiu's heart was rippled.

The silent little girl and the adoptive parents who didn't treat her very well.

Tsk... What kind of punishment game is this?

Xiao Qiong knew that even if she was found, she would not receive good treatment. She had mild albinism.

Even if it was just treatment, it would cost a lot of money. No one was willing to bear the subsequent treatment costs for her, so she was the redundant person.

When her parents were alive, relatives at home had praised her, saying that she was cute and beautiful, and hoped to raise a daughter as cute as Xiao Qiong.

But after her parents passed away, all the praises from those people turned into sarcasm, and she was kicked around like a ball.

When the girl was about to be taken away, she turned back and gave Xia Qiu a look that was as lifeless as if she had fallen from heaven to hell.

Rubbing her head, Xia Qiu cursed inwardly and then stepped forward.

Maybe you have to make many choices in this world, but as long as you don't regret it, it doesn't matter what the result of your choice is?


"I need to buy toiletries and quilts. By the way, do you have anything you like to eat?"

In the supermarket, two figures, one big and one small, were walking hand in hand.

Xiao Qiong shook her head and looked closely at the two people holding hands.

"So, let's have a simple meal tonight."

When it was time to pay the bill, Xia Qiu handed over the card with a pained look on his face.

Sure enough, the result of his impulse was that he would have to work a little harder recently before the manuscript fee was paid.

Xia Qiu used a sum of money that was hard to refuse to silence the two couples and asked them to give Xia Qiu the custody of Xiao Qiong. Although Xia Qiu could not adopt Xiao Qiong directly, it did not mean that there were no other ways.

So it was natural that Xia Qiu would have a younger sister in his family.

Xiao Qiong couldn't tell what her mood was.

Happy? Joyful? Or...

I'm afraid she was a little bit of both. After being... When Xia Qiu was sent back to the Metropolitan Police Department, Xiao Qiong thought about running away.

But that was not possible, as she would cause trouble for Xia Qiu...

So she planned to sneak out and run away from home after returning to that so-called home, and this time go to a place farther away...

Just a little... a little, she wanted to stay with this big brother, but even Xiao Qiong knew that this was not possible.

So after being taken away by the parents, Xiao Qiong thought of taking one last look at the big brother...

But in the end, she didn't expect that Xia Qiu would choose to take her in...

This made Xiao Qiong quite surprised and at a loss.

""Won't it be troublesome?"

Xiao Qiong said softly.

Xia Qiu knew what Xiao Qiong was talking about. He held the bag in one hand and touched Xiao Qiong's head with the other hand.

"of course not"

"Oh, by the way, I haven't formally introduced myself yet, right? Hello, my name is Xia Qiu, you can call me Brother Xia Qiu"

"Kasugano Sora... You can call me Sora."

Xiao Sora pursed her lips and introduced herself in the way Xia Qiu introduced herself.

Just like that, Xia Qiu was alone in a foreign country - Neon, and there was a younger sister who needed his careful care. However, with this, problems also emerged: his own house seemed a little small and cramped, especially the bedroom, which could not accommodate two beds at all! What should I do? After thinking about it, Xia Qiu felt that he would have to sleep on the floor for some time. Tsk tsk ~

I'm afraid that before the manuscript fee is paid, I can only wrong myself for a while.

Thinking of this, Xia Qiu held Xiao Sora's hand tightly.

This made Xiao Sora, who was holding the rabbit doll, stunned, and looked at Xia Qiu in confusion.

"Let’s go home."

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