"Oh my god, look what I found? A wild junior."

With her arms folded and a frivolous tone, Kasumigaoka Utaha, holding a piece of bread and coffee milk in her hands, looked at Xia Qiu and Eriri with a smile on her face.

"Why are you here, woman?"

"What does my presence here have to do with you? Dear Eriri, I seem to remember that there is no ownership of the rooftop."

Eriri snorted coldly, and childishly refused to look at Kasumigaoka Utaha.

This woman is as annoying as ever!

"It's fate, junior. You were so cruel last time, leaving me alone on the rooftop."

Hey, don't be so ambiguous, okay? As if I'm a scumbag who eats and wipes his mouth.

Xia Qiu thought silently in her heart.

Kasumigaoka Utaha no longer paid attention to Eriri. Anyway, she was just a golden retriever with a little childishness. She paid more attention to Xia Qiu. It was fate that she could meet her junior again on the rooftop.

"Xia Qiu! You actually know this guy? ?"

"How did my junior and I know each other? Does it have anything to do with you?"

These two people are really like a needle against a wheat spike, incompatible with each other.

Speaking of which, the conflict between Eriri and Kasumigaoka Utaha is that some time ago, Kasumigaoka Utaha accidentally learned of Eriri's identity as Hakuki Eri, and she often teased Eriri about this. Eriri

, on the other hand, is a loyal reader of"Love Metronome", so she naturally went to participate in the first book signing event held by Kasumigaoka Utaha.

When she learned that the woman she hated was actually the author of her favorite light novel.

Happiness, snapped and disappeared.

From then on, the ill-fated relationship between the two began.

Compared with the sharp-tongued Kasumigaoka Utaha, Eriri really can't get any advantage in terms of language, and is often"blushing and heartbeating" by Kasumigaoka Utaha.

From Xia Qiu's perspective.

These two people are really like a barking golden retriever and a cunning black fox.

It's a sense of déjà vu.

Xia Qiu couldn't help but think in his heart.

Sitting next to Xia Qiu very familiarly, Cricket is just a golden retriever puppy, Kasumigaoka Utaha didn't take it to heart, she paid more attention to Xia Qiu

"Junior, you really made me so hard to find you."

Since the last time we parted, I didn't leave my contact information, and Kasumigaoka Utaha has been very concerned about it. In addition, I have been a little stuck recently, so I want to ask this junior for advice again.

I went to the rooftop to try my luck, but I didn't expect to meet Xia Qiu.

This fate really made Kasumigaoka Utaha feel a little happy.

Although there are other light bulbs here, it doesn't matter.���, Cricket Golden Retriever Puppy

"Senior sister really likes to joke around."

Xia Qiu's mouth twitched slightly

"I'm not kidding~"

Xia Feifei is really good at it~ She is playful and a little seductive, making people fall in love with her rhythm

"Okay, I won't joke with my junior anymore. I've got some ideas recently, and I want you to help me look at them."

Kasumigaoka Utaha was very tactful and stopped at the right time. If she continued talking about it, people would feel disgusted. Even if it was a teasing, she had to be tactful.

Xia Qiu was happy to help Kasumigaoka Utaha read novels. It was a good thing to be able to communicate and learn from each other, and learn until old age.

What's the matter with Fatty? What's the matter with Fatty? When did the relationship between these two people become so good?

Eriri thought in her heart with some indignation, how come you guys get along well, but I'm the only one eating alone, and how come I'm the only one who can't do it.

Eriri could probably guess that it was probably Kasumigaoka Utaha who found out about the light novel that Xia Qiu was writing, and then pestered him for guidance.

Humph... What a shameless black-haired fox!

I was obviously here first...

Eriri was quite frustrated, and poked the chopsticks in the lunch box, and the delicious food didn't smell anymore.

"I didn't expect that my junior brother actually knew Eriri. You two are classmates."

After the conversation between the two ended, Kasumigaoka Utaha glanced at Eriri who was in a bad mood.

It felt that the relationship between the two...could it be what she thought?

"Not only that, Sawamura-san is also the illustrator for my novel."

"Oh? Illustrator? Her?"

"Hey, what do you mean!"

"It's nothing, I just feel that such a good work of my junior brother, how can it be... well ~ you know."


Ying Lili was so angry that her teeth itched, this woman's words were really nasty!!

I can't help but go up and punch her!

What do you mean you know? Did the book artist eat your rice?

Hey... these two people are like enemies.

From the verbal dispute at the beginning to the personal attack later.

It can be said that Xia Qiu has seen

""Okay, okay, there's nothing to quarrel about."

In the end, it was Xia Qiu who calmed the situation down, otherwise the two of them might have fought.

"Junior, come on, we haven't exchanged lines yet, right?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly remembered that she hadn't gotten the junior's contact information yet, and immediately took out her phone and waved it in front of Xia Qiu's eyes.

"Tsk, after all this time, someone doesn't even have the other person's contact information, yet he can still come so close to me. I think this person is no better than this."


Kasumigaoka Shiyu did not refute. After adding Xia Qiu's line, she immediately grabbed Xia Qiu's phone and changed her note name to"Dear Senior Sister". Then, before she stood up and prepared to leave, she gave Xia Qiu a wink.

"See you tonight, junior. Oh, by the way, you can call me Shiyu Senior from now on. This is a special case for junior."

Hiss! This woman is so good.

Staring at the leaving Kasumigaoka Shiyu in a daze, Xia Qiu touched his chin.

"This woman!

How despicable! She has no shame at all!

"There's no need to be so angry, Sawamura-kun."

Being interrupted by Kasumigaoka Utaha, he hadn't even eaten yet. He was chewing milk and watching Eriri's chopsticks fighting in the lunch box. Could this guy really be irritated by Kasumigaoka Utaha?

But... our relationship is just that of friends, or more specifically, the relationship between a writer and an artist.

I guess Xia Qiu thought that Eriri and Kasumigaoka Utaha had been arguing for a long time, so she was so angry about it.

"I'm not angry because of her."

Tsundere's energy came up, and Eriri's face suddenly turned ugly.

Okay~Okay~It's best to listen to the opposite of what a tsundere says.

Xia Qiu didn't pay attention to the angry Eriri, anyway, she would calm down soon.

Eriri looked at Xia Qiu who was eating quietly, and wanted to say something but stopped...

In fact... She also wanted Xia Qiu to call her Eriri, not Sawamura-san.

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