"Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka, please don't show a nympho expression to my sister. If you want a child, you can go and have one yourself."

After ordering the dishes, looking at Xiao Qiong who was held in Shizuka Hiratsuka's arms with a bit of disgust on her face, it seems that Xiao Qiong is still not used to being with strangers.

Because of her previous family, she always feels a little uncomfortable getting along with strangers.

"What can I do? I watch my old classmates send me wedding invitations one by one, and I can only drink alone at the wedding, and then run into obstacles in the blind date market."

The more she talked, the more decadent Shizuka Hiratsuka seemed.

She was almost thirty and she had never had a young love affair.

As a woman, Shizuka Hiratsuka was undoubtedly miserable and a failure.

Stop, stop. If this old woman goes on, she will talk a lot of nonsense.

Xia Qiu changed the subject to something else to save Shizuka Hiratsuka from complaining about herself.

The barbecue was served soon. Shizuka Hiratsuka wanted to order a few beers to whet her appetite, but then she thought about the fact that she had driven here, and it was really meaningless to drink alone without drinking buddies. Besides, Xia Qiu was still young, otherwise it would have been fun to drink with him.

Yes, when getting along with people of the same age, Shizuka Hiratsuka felt that Xia Qiu was more interesting and more comfortable to get along with.

Alas, he was just too young to make a move. Otherwise, someone like Xia Qiu, who could be considered a high-quality boy, happened to be within Shizuka Hiratsuka's strike zone.

"After dinner, remember to take Xiao Qiong home early and don’t stay outside for too long."

After eating the barbecue, everyone naturally went home.

Xia Qiu did the same. They had almost finished shopping all day and had prepared the mobile phone and phone card they needed to buy for Xiao Qiong.

There was really nothing to do outside.

After returning home, Xiao Qiong started to fiddle with the mobile phone she received from Oni. The first step was of course to add Oni's line!

Xiao Qiong glanced at Xia Qiu who was doing her own thing, then changed the note to Oni-chan, then thought about it and added the prefix in front - Dear Oni-chan. The pretty little face couldn't stop smiling. As for Xia Qiu, she was chatting with Kasumigaoka Utaha, and it happened that Kagurazaka Ayame told Xia Qiu that the release of Four Lies was advanced.

Thanks to the efficiency of Dengeki Bunko and Eriri's efforts, Four Lies can be released in advance.

This decision was made because the editor-in-chief of Dengeki Bunko thought that if it was released in April, wouldn't it just correspond to the name of the light novel Four Lies?

Besides, Four Lies has been so popular recently, it is the best policy to realize it in advance.

Naturally, Kasumigaoka Utaha knew that Four Lies would be released tomorrow, and then she asked Xia Qiu on LINE.

【Kasumigaoka Shiko: Are you nervous, junior? This is your first show.

Kasumigaoka Shiko's online name is her author name, so she is not afraid of being discovered by other classmates.

But then Xia Qiu thought about it, and the rumors about Kasumigaoka Shiko in school seemed to indicate that this woman really had no friends she could talk to in school.

Hmm... too arrogant, just like Yukinoshita Yukino.

But compared to Yukino, Shiko's"reputation" is worse.

If Yukino was cold and ruthless when rejecting other people's confessions, then Shiko was sarcastic and belittled, making people have no courage to confess at all.

【The first attacker of the Flip Garden: You’re not that nervous, right?】

【Kasumi Shiko: Junior, you are really confident. Before my first work was released, I was so nervous that I couldn’t sleep all night. I couldn’t feel at ease until I heard the sales figures from the editor.】

【The first attacker of the dump garden: I am confident in my work. If it fails, I will just go and move bricks.】

【Kasumi Shiko: Phew, junior is really interesting. If you fail, I will support you (wink)]

This woman... is really as tempting as a fox.

Not only Kasumigaoka Shiko sent me a message, but Eriri also sent me a message.

【Eriri:Are you there? Are you asleep?】

【Ying Lili: Hello? Hello? ?】

【Ying Lili: Don't play dead, Xia Qiu! You must not be asleep, you are not playing games, right? Or are you chatting with that woman!! 】

Tsk, it's worthy of a woman's third sense, how can it be so sensitive

【The first attacker of the dump garden:?】

【Ying Lili: Why are you replying to my message like that? Tell me! Are you chatting with that fat woman?】

【The First Assaulter of Flip Garden: Please, Miss, I must have just been on the phone with the editor to confirm something.】

【Eriri: Okay, I'll trust you this time, but Xiaqiu will be released tomorrow... I'm a little nervous】

【The First Assaulter of Flip Garden: Why should I be nervous? Besides, isn’t this my work?】

【Eriri: I also contributed, okay! 】

Indeed, as the first work she was responsible for illustrating, Eriri seemed more excited and nervous than Xia Qiu, and seemed to be particularly concerned.

After chatting with the two for a while, Xia Qiu prepared to go to bed.

What surprised Xia Qiu was that the teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka also sent him a message, just three simple words - wish a big sale.

Tsk tsk... This woman is pretty good

【Iron Fist Invincible: Don't forget to mail me a copy】


Okay, just pretend I didn't say anything.

This house is too small. If I change to another one, this matter has to be put on the agenda. Otherwise, I can't play games at night, otherwise I will disturb Xiao Qiong.

The next day arrived. It was a rare Sunday, and the weather was exceptionally good.

It was a good day for lying down.

However, such a good day for sleeping in was not so in the eyes of others.

Outside various bookstores in Neon, there were long queues. They were all light novel lovers who stayed up late waiting for the release of Four Lies.

Since the release date announced by Dengeki Bunko was brought forward, these people were quite miserable. They had planned to buy it one or two days in advance, but the early release caught them off guard. They could only stay up late to queue.

Outside the bookstore were various posters of Four Lies.

There were Kaoru Miyazono playing the violin, and Kousei Arima playing the piano. The beautiful posters made people feel itchy. Various slogans aroused people's curiosity.

【April's best work!——《Your Lie in April! See you this April】

【Warm and healing, the helpless genius boy, and the healing girl who breaks into people's hearts, what kind of story will they perform?】

【There is still love and hope in this world!】

【This book will sweep away your gloomy mood and heal your soul. 】

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